Friday, October 17, 2008

My inexcusably late Blog Action Day post

It's not that I don't care about people per se. I'm just not much of a joiner. I"m also not good at being a people person. Yes I know what I said on my job application and I lied. I believe that mankind is basically good. I know that good will triumph over evil. I know that light flushes out the dark.

But, well, people are unpredictible. They can lash out or disappoint you at the most inconvenient of times. And so, with all things involving peoplehood, I usually hang back in the nest with the other baby birds and watch them venture out one at a time. Usually they fall to the ground, but every now and then one of those little suckers flies up towards the Heavens and makes my heart sing.

That said, one way to help eliminate poverty is to invest in women. According to this article,

When a woman prospers, a family prospers. When families prosper, communities prosper.

The article also mentions a petition we can sign at, but I could not locate it.

I also want to make everybody aware of a charity that is near and dear to my heart. Dress for Success collects professional clothing and distributes it to low-income women. The idea is that if you can't afford an interview suit, odds are you won't be able to get a decent-paying office job to allow you to be able to afford said interview suit. Sometimes just having the right clothing to interview for a better job can make all the difference in the world. So please either get fat or get skinny and donate your new or gently used business frocks to Dress for Success. You can also make a cash donation here.

One of the mottos that has stuck with me through the years is "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.". This applies to all things, both literally and figuatively. If you give, you will be giving. If you help, you will be helpful. If you love, you will be love. All it takes is one step in the right direction. Let's help each other take that first step.

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