Thursday, October 28, 2010

Anastasia Suen at Frisco Reads 2010

While Facebooking on Monday when I should have been writing, I caught a little blurb from Anastasia Suen about Frisco Reads 2010, where she would be in attendance signing books and emanating greatness. My words, not hers, although that would have been pretty funny. I quickly concluded that I simply had to be there. Broken toe or non, how many chances does one get to meet Anastasia Suen frente a frente? I recently completed Part 1 of her Intensive Picture Book Writing Workshop, and will be starting Part 2 on the third of November. I wanted to meet my teacher in person.

Granted, I was a bit nervous. I wasn't sure if I should be subjecting my poor little toe to so much walking, and harbored a fear that my three year old son Joe would spot something shiny and irresistible, take off across the parking lot to fetch it, and that I wouldn't be able to chase him. History has also taught me that I'd probably babble to Anastasia about hairless monkeys and toddler poop, and that she'd be justified in barring me from future workshops.

Thankfully, everything turned out fine. Anastasia recalled that I'd mentioned my gimpy toe once or twice or thrice, and I rewarded her attentiveness to detail by wriggling a stinky foot in her face. Then, my usually ebullient Joe got down on all fours and scurried under her table. Even that didn't phase her. I probably should have allowed him a minute to adjust to the crowded, noisy cafeteria before approaching Anastasia, but I didn't want to chance missing her book signing. Joe recovered in time to wave her a proper bye-bye, and was back his normal cheerful self within minutes, thanks to the golden belly of Rosie the Therapy Dog.

Anastasia was great. She didn't even whack me over the head for hovering when she spoke to a fan and her two adorable near-tween sons, who obviously hold Anastasia in Rock Star status (as they should). Seems in my intentness to coaxing Joe from under her table, I neglected to ask Anastasia to sign HAMSTER CHASE for Lily as well. When I finally did, she was kind enough to comply.

Below is a picture of the lot of us. Anastasia is the normal one standing on her own two feet. For some reason, I thought it would be a better idea to kneel and keep my hands on Joe in case he got any notions about scooting under the table again.

That night at bedtime, I was sifting through Joe's library books, asking him which he wanted to read, when he announced: "RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT!" I attempted to explain that it was a very special book, written and signed by Ms. Anastasia Suen herself, and that it was resting in a place of honor on my bookshelf and therefore not touchable by live people without kidskin gloves. But he made the puppy face, so I unshelved the object of his desire and we enjoyed it together. Joe's favorite part was the robot towards the end. "He's telling the cars where to go!" And then, "How did he get there?"

Ahh, good times. :D Thanks, Anastasia!


  1. Love the new pb&j look of your blog/website. Did you design it yourself? How did you get the blog to be a direct link on your website? Mine takes an extra click. You can totally tell they're not connected.

  2. What a great story! How are you finding her PB writing workshop? I've toyed with the idea of doing it myself...

  3. Hi Christie, thanks! The other day my friend Holly referred to me as "PB&J, Picture Books & Jolliness". I got a kick out of it, and then realized that that would be a perfect name for my blog!
    I made the header in Paint Shop Pro. I love it because PB&J is my life, in both senses of the word. I use the Thesis theme for Wordpress, and it allows for an entry page, with the blog as a sub-header (not sure if that's the right term). But you can get a similar effect by purchasing your own domain, installing Wordpress in the main directory (with a "landing page" type theme), and installing Wordpress in any number of sub-directories (/blog or /christiesblog). I've tried many different approaches, but I like having everything under one umbrella because it's better for SEO.
    However, it seems that most people have a blogspot blog and a separate website. (You can use Weebly or some other service & you just have to pay for web hosting.)
    I hope this makes sense. If you have any more questions or if there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know!

  4. Hi, Julie! Thanks so much. I enjoyed the first part of the workshop, and learned a great deal. There were participants of all experience levels--some were even published--and they all seemed to enjoy it as well. I'm looking forward to the second part of the intensive picture book workshop, which will begin 11/3.

    Have a great day and a happy Halloween!

  5. Hey Heather! I like this new blog/site you've got going. Nice work. I've been trying to get back into some consistent blogging myself and figured I should see what other people are doing, so here we are, loving what you're doing here.

    I also wanted to pass along a link to an interview with a children's book agent I know. His name is Steve Malk and I was one of his first clients about 15 years ago. (He claims my 100 days of barhopping in America memoir was the first book he ever sold.) He's a great guy and it's been great to watch him become a hotshot in the children's book world. Let me know what you think. Here's the link:

  6. WOW, Bob. Firstly, thanks for checking in - I appreciate that. And thanks for thinking of me and passing along your Steve Malk story, and the link to the Steven Withrow interview. Steve Malk is a dream, of course, and I found this interview to be an incredibly exciting and informative read, inspiring on several levels.

    Grandma, The White Rabbit, Eric Hill hanging out, Clementine and Marla Frazee (my favorite illustrator) - that just made me drool internally, and introduced me to the idea of young-middle-grade, which may be just right for an idea I'm particularly excited about right now that probably won't work for a picture book.

    Wow, just wow. Thanks, Bob! Glad to see you're back into blogging full-swing. I do hope you're working on some poetry as well, because you're quite talented and you've so much to report. Take care.


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