Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm a PiBoIdMo 2010 Winner!

PiBoIdMo 2010 WinnerI did it! I am an official PiBoIdMo 2010 SINNER! Oops, I mean WINNER!

Inner Critic: Yeah, you and hundreds of others. Nice Freudian slip there, by the way.

Hundreds of other kindred souls!

Inner Critic: Hundreds of others who are either (a) already published or (b) will certainly be published before the likes of you.

Stop that! Firsly, people don't actually use the phrase "the likes of you" in conversation. Only in pulp fiction. Secondly, suuure, technically we may be in competition, but to be honest I don't think of it that way. Picture Book Authors, be they published or aspiring like myself are a rare, sweet, and nutty breed. We go ga-ga over wordplay. Silly over alliteration. We share a love of children, a fascination with human emotions and we live together in the land of imagination. We care. We're also at least 50% off our rockers, and we like it that way!

Inner Critic: No forced rhyme!

Agh! What does rhyme have to do with anything? Was I talking about rhyme? Don't you have someplace to be?!

Thanks to PiBoIdMo hostess Tara Lazar, her amazing guest posters (Wow!), the fantastic line-up of rock star agents (Ammi-Joan Paquette of Erin Murphy Literary Agency, Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary Agency, Inc., and Joanna Volpe of Nancy Coffey Literary and Media Representation) who will be offering their thoughts in the form of three grand prizes to be announced in a few days - fingers crossed.

To my fellow Picture Book peeps, specifically fellow PiBoIdMo 2010 winners, CONGRATULATIONS! Let's continue to support, encourage and elevate each other with our successes, be they minor or earth-shakingly major, well into 2011 and beyond! :D


  1. You are too funny! Yay, PiBoIdMo Winners! : )

  2. Hilarious! Many congratulations. I'm glad we took the plunge together.

  3. Hi, Julie, and congratulations to you as well! It was so much fun, wasn't it? I wish PiBoIdMo was year-round! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Very funny Heather. Do you accidentally use the adjective 'nutty' after looking at your header, that's cool!

  5. Hi Catherine! Okay, now THAT is funny! I said nutty bread - I should have said peanutty bread!

  6. I'll have to call by more often and catch you out :)

  7. Oh, I hope you do! I've been stalking your blog for some time now.

  8. yes you slipped off my radar for while (too many feeds) sorry about that, will have to make up for it :)

  9. Congratulations Heather. Don't you hate that inner critic. Honestly if I could get a hold of mine I'd slap her silly. Yes it's a female, everyone knows men are perfect :twisted:

  10. Oh puh-lease. And if your inner critic ever goes on vacation please let me know. I'd be happy to step in for a while. Heh.

  11. Ain't your fault, Catherine! I've been all over the place.

  12. Are you sure you can handle it, there's an awful lot going on in here :lol:


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