Friday, February 12, 2010

Justin Germino Introduction: My World of Poetry

This is my introductory post here on Happymaking and instead of talking about blogging tips and technology, I decided to make this my guest spot for creative writing and poetry.  My name is Justin Germino and I have been writing amateur poetry since I was eleven years old.  My first poems I read that I can recall were Tiger by William Blake and The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe and ever since reading these works and many others poetry was something that called out to me.

For me it is just merely a hobby, I write when I am inspired or as a way to vent my emotions whether they be joy, anger, pain or sorrow.  I often will put emotion and feeling into my work, but because I am also extremely analytical and technical minded I also write poems that some would consider very analytical.  I construct poems mostly to try and fit as much meaning into as few words as possible.

Seventeen months ago I developed something called the Random Twitter Poetry game on twitter where fans send me a random word and I take all random words submitted and craft a unique and random poem including all random words played.  I find a common theme with all the words and then start writing my sentences around the words until I get something that "Fits".  I am rapidly approaching my 300th random twitter poem, and you can see all of my works on Wanderer Thoughts Poetry if you are interested.

Here I will share one of my earliest posts I wrote in my teenage years called Serentacity, it is a word with no meaning, and yet has many meanings.


When hope glistens like dew on the leaves at dawn,
When the future seems bright and warm with decision,
You are at your peak when you have too many choices,
Each one more fulfilling than the last.

When you have dozens of roads that have never been paved,
When you have so many colors in so many shades,
You are at your peak when there is so much to think about,
Each thought more enjoyable than the last.

In all of these options and in all of these thoughts,
There is but one word that sums it all up, but has no meaning,

-Justin Germino

Feel free to follow me on twitter, my handle is "DragonBlogger" I do my random twitter poetry game almost every weekday and I look forward to the new unique words and challenges presented.

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