Saturday, May 22, 2010

The fart that shook the earth

Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the...
Image via Wikipedia

Originally  posted 10/16/2009

Every morning my husband Dennis emerges from the bathroom at 5:30 am and blasts me with a shock of light.

I roll over and take my Levothyroid (I do this as soon as humanly possible since I am then required to wait for an hour before having food and *gasp* coffee) and then, as was the way of the past, fall back to sleep until 7:00 am.

The good old days came to a hasty halt last week when our two year old son Joseph realized that he can open the door of his room at his temporal discretion, scamper into the hallway and proclaim, "Mommy! Mommy! I want light on! I want my vitamin! It will make me strong!"

This usually happens at seven minutes of 6:00 am.

But not this morning. This morning at the callow hour of 5:31 am I tooted a squall so high in pitch and extensive in duration that folks buried at the local cemetery were prompted to tear at the earth above them and re-birth, zombified, on a beeline for the Tastee Freeze and long overdue coffee and jelly donuts.

Since I sleep in earplugs as defense against my husband's garbage truckian snores, it was not until I rolled over to check Joseph's baby monitor (yes I realize he's no longer a baby, if it were up to me I'd have that monitor on him well into high school) that I detected the fuss and caught Dennis gaping at me in wide-eyed sanctimonious husband-fury.

"You woke him up! That fart woke him up!" He pointed towards the monitor. "When I came out of the bathroom he was lying right there."

"I woke him up?"

Dennis corrected, "Your fart woke him up!"

Time to pay the piper. I slithered out of bed in search of Joseph's gummy Flintstones.


  1. I have a saying - 'I make no apologies to any noises I make in my sleep, as I have no control over them'. Which is great when I am in half-sleep mode and my kids happen to sit next to me on the couch and say "geez, mom!" :D
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Am I the only one who is slightly disturbed by this? =-.

  2. LOL @ "geez, mom"! I'll bet they roll their eyes, too.

    I was half-asleep all of yesterday. So I'm not responsible for any of yesterday's noises. (I'm loving this!)

  3. I love that you tagged this post "fart", as if we have not heard the last on this topic :)
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..I'll Be Your Mirror =-.

  4. I love that you love that I did that!

    And I also love that you know there will be more on that subject lol

  5. You're half-asleep. Can the world just take a sigh of relief and put it's guard down? Finally? Apparently not.

    You're one dangerous woman to be with.

    Love this: " was not until I rolled over to check Joseph’s baby monitor (yes I realize he’s no longer a baby, if it were up to me I’d have that monitor on him well into high school)..."
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..New Twitter Social Proof: Are You on Everyone’s List Yet? =-.

  6. See? Not put off at all by fart posts...

    But I gotta say, the frozen undies I predicted are just that closer to being reality, if only to put those killer farts on ICE. (Keeps 'em fresh for later.)

    You farted fit to wake the dead, and woke your child, and I'm still trying to figure out what's so appetizing about this that it caused a line of Zombies at the Tastee Freeze... Oh, wait, they're always there at that hour. An hour later, they're just called "coworkers."
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Wordy Wednesday (on a Thursday, Again!) =-.

  7. Yes!

    Plus, my subconscious wants a donut.

  8. That's really funny, Jan! I hadn't considered it from that angle. Hee hee

  9. “Mommy! Mommy! I want light on! I want my vitamin! It will make me strong!”

    That little guy is so earnest and cute; how can you bear it? xoxo to Joseph, and maybe a nose plug, too.

    Happy tooting!

  10. "the fart.."

    I smiled when I saw the title, and LOLed after reading the post! Hahaha, great post!
    .-= Kelvin Servigon´s last blog ..The Enormous Flood that Ruined the Calumpiteños =-.

  11. He always comes up with an "excuse" for waking me up. Sometimes he hides something under a chair and comes to get me, saying, "I can't find my... "

    I can't bear it! It's too much! xo

  12. I've been farting like a bastard lately. Kelly says she wished she'd had her recorder on this morning. Jim is glad she didn't.

    And since we're all here and jolly and speaking of gas passing and such...

    When Kelly and I had tired Jim out in Disneyland 4 years ago (God, has it really been 4 years??) he took his repose on a park bench as she and I went on "It's A Small World," for the 4th time. He told me later that when he woke he forgot where he was and let a massive one fly, scaring the lady off the other end of the bench.

    .-= Jannie the Funster´s last blog ..10 Great Mysteries of the Universe, 2 =-.

  13. I am just reminded of this "fart" joke:

    Man drinking heavily in bar gets up and farts loudly.

    Man next 2 him: Excuse me, but u just farted before my wife.

    Drunk man said: Sorry, I didn't know it was her turn.

  14. I just about fell out of my chair laughing, joji! I'm going to email this to my husband. Thanks!

  15. LOL @ "farting like a bastard". And oh, that poor lady lol. It's a great way to wake up. What did you think I meant when I said I planned to "trumpet in my 40's"? ;-)

  16. Hahaha! So I thought - would shake your funny bones! Thanks for dropping by at my page. ",)
    .-= joji´s last blog ..Get To Know Me Award =-.

  17. I remember the Youtube video that has been corculating for quite some time now, the video of friends in a jacuzzi and then one girl "farted" and then there's a loose bowel that accompanies her fart. geez! LOL!

    I don't know if you have watched that?
    .-= Millionaire Acts´s last blog ..Two Types of Business Financing =-.

  18. [...] Her posts draw you in and make you feel good. Tell me, when was the last time you wrote about The Fart That Shook The Earth and were talking about yourself? Be sure to read the comments, [...]

  19. Man, that must have been the killer of all farts. I suppose you could count yourself lucky that your hubby didn't pull the sheets over your head so that you could breathe in the aroma from your nightly ghastly gassy emission.

    Thanks Anne, for linking to this post.
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Will Commenting Harm Your Blogging Success? =-.

  20. Uhm... remember our conversation a while back being half asleep, well one could say half awake so there is just no excuse for this LOL.

    Just kidding, any bodily function is excusable. BTW, I hope someone finds a way to make use of that bio-gas.

    .-= Zorlone´s last blog ..The Guardian of the Forest (Part 5) =-.

  21. LoL!! omg i have no words. :p

  22. I believe they call that one a "shart".



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