Friday, May 14, 2010

There's a rogue spammer at Blog Catalog!

Here's what an innocent glance at my inbox netted me just now...

You are evil, ReyJr! :twisted: Everyone who has a Blog Catalog account has received the very same message at one time or another for real.

ReyJr, the rogue Blog Catalog singing spammer (tongue firmly in cheek) with the good sense of humor may be found at and on twitter @ryjr.

If you should cross his path, be sure to click his ads! :lol:


P.S. I didn't delete my header. I just upgraded to Thesis 1.7 and I can't figure out how to add it back! :oops:


  1. Hahaha! I was just doing my usual round and remember you mentioning this Blog Catalouge spammers in one of our old group email threads. :p I thought you might get a kick out of it! Hehe! :twisted:

    Thank you Lady Heather for the link love. (Do you still watch CSI? I kinda miss Grissom and Lady Heather.) :wink:
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Philippine Elections 2010 Results (update) =-.

  2. I've always thought there could be something more behind the gleam in this person's eyes, but I couldn't quite place it. Now I know! Thanks, Heather. ReyJr, your slutty kissing frenzy is so over.

  3. Oh, we all know what happened. You were doing your blog thing and were swept up in the lure of a joke on an old P50 member. I love that! Seriously, you made me laugh out loud and made my day at just the right time. You're SO funny. Always have been. Thanks!

  4. Oops, and no I haven't watched CSI in a while! It's on at the same time as another show I like to watch, can't even remember what. I decided to wait for Summer to watch it when there would be nothing else on tv. Lady Heather always cracked me up. Shouldn't it be Lady Griselda or something? Lady Holly is totally fitting. Or Monsieur Jan? Master DiTesco? Mistress Jen? Sheesh.

  5. Oh, you are a cruel one Monsier Jan! lol! :o Whatever will Jr do with his time?

  6. I have been outed as the devil on a slutty kissing frenzy? That's new, I've never been the evil one before. The horns and the pointy ears kinda suit me don't you think? Wahaha!
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Philippine Elections 2010 Results (update) =-.

  7. ugh. please forgive the typos and spelling errors. I need a vacation. wah!
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Philippine Elections 2010 Results (update) =-.

  8. I'm afraid I can't do that, ReyJr. Organizing an intervention even as I type.

  9. Slutty kissing frenzy? Wow, I HAVE been out of it.

    Hmmph. How could you leave me so OUT of it?
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Mother, Touchstone, Friend =-.

  10. I'd invite you to join right in but I think I have to ask Lady Heather's permission. Lady?

    Hi Holly! It's been ages! How the heck are you?! :D
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Charice's album, single crack Billboard charts! =-.


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