Friday, December 12, 2008

Women just shake their heads

I'm not professing to be a brain child, nor am I any good at politickin'. But come on folks. What is up lately?

  1. We've got the Governor of Illinois acting like he's suffering from Mad Cow disease. To his credit, at least he actually overtly looks and acts like a sociopath so we can pluck him out of our system, strap him to a raft, and point him in the direction of a waterfall. Unfortunately, since our political system is set up to reward shady back-door dealings, (as opposed to back-door dealings that are on the up and up), and since public policy is bought and sold, he's just a bleeding ulcer on a spetic system. What kind of nut wants to hold public office anyway? Why would anybody want such a thing for themselves and their family? What kind of person has the kind of spotless background it takes to get elected? The kind of person who isn't human. If you haven't made a lot of mistakes and learned from them, how can you be a wise leader? Our system is broken. Why do we allow lobbyists? Why is that even legal? What, it's okay for people to buy legislation? I don't remember voting on that one. Oh, and do you mean to tell us that nobody was aware of this nutcase and his dirty dealings before the 2008 Presidential Election? I don't appreciate having this type of information hidden from me in order to help shuffle a particular candidate into public office. That stinks worse than government cheese. We should have been informed so that we could make a better informed decision. Boo! Hiss!

  2. What is up with ball players? First Plaxico's shooting himself in the thigh in a night club and now TO's at it again. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth the way these ball players are groomed from childhood to throw and catch and run, the way they have sweet smoke blown up their bottoms by everyone they encounter. The way they're bought and paid for and sold and re-sold like human chattel. The way we put up with all manner of crap from them because if you can catch a ball and run with it you can get away with rape and murder. I've had enough of bling bling and gun-toting and self-aggrandizing tough talk. I'd like to see a little more passion for the game, fair play, respect for players, coaches and fans. What about the little kids who look up to these guys and emulate their every move? We know this, but yet we turn the other way. Why? Is it so crazy to make these athletes sign morality clauses and make them stick to them? You mess up, then buh-bye!

  3. Why is my shower never the correct temperature? It's always either too hot or too cold. Here's my showoral procedure. I turn on the hot knob and allow the water to go from cold to hot. Then I turn on the cold knob and try to net myself a stream of warmth. It's always still too hot, so I do the right thing to save water. Instead of turning up the cold knob, I turn down the hot. Does this work? No. It never works. Why not? I have no clue. It's always too hot or too cold. I can never ever find the sweet spot. Who cares, you say? I like hot showers you say. I turn them on my lower back and groan with pleasure. I'm with you on that. The rub is that I'm still nursing Lily and if water that hot gets within six inches of one of my boobs then letdown starts and I dribble milk all over myself and my towels when trying unsuccessfully to dry myself into a clean and unsticky state.

There's more, but I don't want to bitch too much all at once. God lets me do it in bits and pieces. If I go too far he starts to think of me as unappreciative of the blessings set before me, and a fool for focusing on things that don't really matter. Time to hug the babies, visit my Mom, and then come home and wait for my husband to arrive home safely. Ain't it cool? Have a good weekend!

P.S. Please pray for my friend Nicole. She and Eric will be married soon, and then he is off to Afghanistan for a year or so. Also, please pray for Nicole's best friend and his family. Her best friend was recently paralyzed in an accident right before his wedding. Light a candle for his recovery and remember that every day your family is around to irritate you is another blessing-filled day. Not that my family irritates me. More likely, it's the other way around. But I digress. Off to the races! Be well!

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