Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Daily Irritation

Jean and Brigitte Soubeyran in "In the Ci...

Image via Wikipedia

Mimes doing a quirky little dance.

Don't send me your hate letters. I didn't make them do that.


The purpose of "The Daily Irritation" is to distract you from more pressing and unavoidable daily irritants.


  1. I have no real life experience with mimes. Yet, I find them quite fascinating. They make it look so easy and say so much without uttering a single word. Of course the clown make-up is a bit irritating if I must say so [and I did]. :?
    .-= Anne Bender´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Whak! =-.

  2. Miss your writing, your stories. Pardon me, but mime as a new form of blog post takes lots of getting used to. :)

  3. You do not! There's no way that's true. You'd say anything to keep me from posting mimes. Noted. Heh.

  4. Ok! I'm distracted, how come mimes always get blown by the wind into a glass box that they can't get out of! :lol:
    .-= Karen @ Blazing Minds´s last blog ..A Costly Trip To The Vets! =-.

  5. Heather,
    I know that your purpose was to distract me from more pressing and unavoidable daily irritants... But you didn't succeed in your task because I need those irritants. We all need those small irritants that give us clues about our weaknesses... That irritating friend whom we can not tolerate is giving us clues about what we don't accept from ourselves...
    To get distracted from those irritants would mean to ignore those opportunities of improvement...
    OK, I know that this was posted as FUN, but I love to explore the other side of the Life, so probably, when you are posting something totally serious I will send you a silly comment.. ;)
    All the best,


  6. Mimes don't distract nor irritate... in fact, they amuse me.

    I find them entertaining, honestly :)

    (except the ones who won't move unless you drop a dollar in their can/box lol)
    .-= Roy´s last blog ..In his mind… =-.

  7. Didn't get it, that's irritating, haha
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..iBlogZone Moving To WordPress =-.

  8. What the heck is WRONG with you people? Am I hanging with a group of people who actually LIKE mimes? I definitely took a wrong turn somewhere. Y'all probably like Chuckie too, and evil clowns. Oh, and possessed ventriloquist dummies.

    It just ain't right. *shaking head*

  9. I hate mimes, actually, that's not totally true. I have a deep appreciation for their craft and just how well they can perform their imagination through body language. I love the one when they get stuck in the box, but when they get in my face, I just want to slap them. Anyways, I like Chuckie too. That series of movies made me a very happy adolescent growing up.
    .-= Jason Zuckerman´s last blog ..Jay’s SPaceShip: Interstellar Through the Bleed =-.

  10. You're right. I'm sorry. I give up. Mimes are freaking awesome. Especially French mimes with hairy necks. I now see the error of my ways.

  11. Oh, clowns freak me out ever since Poltergeist, and eerie little women with high-pitched voices, too! And cockroaches/palmetto bugs. Ewww! Those things fly and they are carnivores. I once considered being a medical examiner and had the privilege of seeing these things in pictures [twice!]. Not advised for the weak of stomach. 8O
    .-= Anne Bender´s last blog ..SEO Experiment =-.

  12. Are you kidding? I WISH I was that skinny.

    Good Ana, thanks! Hope all is well with you.

  13. OMG. ICK!!!

    We watched Zombieland last night & the protagonist was afraid of clowns. Zombie clowns - even worse. Yikes!

  14. Poltergeist had clowns? What about IT?
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Spring Break and Birthday Weekend (Part IV) =-.

  15. They just think they can't get out. It's an imaginary box - all a question of mime over matter.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Spring Break and Birthday Weekend (Part IV) =-.

  16. Don't you remember that creepy clown puppet in Robbie's room?

  17. Apparently, Anne, I dozed off while watching that movie. I'd completely forgotten most of that.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Spring Break and Birthday Weekend (Part IV) =-.

  18. Heather I'll go with you on this from one happymaker to happy making. It's cool with me as long as everyone is happy!!!!
    .-= Debbie@happymaker´s last blog ..Embracing Change to Choose Happiness =-.

  19. I tried watching that scene yesterday and just could not do it. Hard to believe it was made that long ago.

  20. Well THANK YOU Debbie. Heh. If you're happy I'm happy.


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