Sunday, November 16, 2008

Women fight back against offensive Motrin ads

Bonding with Lily
Me looking like a "real Mom".

If you've been around the web today you couldn't help but notice that some new Motrin ads have Moms in an uproar. At best, the ad folks over at Motrin are misinformed. At worst, they are belittling and downright destructive. It's as though Motrin went out of their way to infuriate their target audience. They want you to buy Motrin because babywearing is hurting your back. Then they insult you for doing it in the first place. I've heard that no publicity is bad publicity. Nonetheless, things don't look good for Motrin, Infant Motrin and Children's Motrin going forward unless they take action to mend the wounds and to prove that they aren't as out of touch as they appear. It's simply not smart to anger Moms, let alone Moms with keyboards.

Taken from News Anchor Mom, here is the verbatum:
Wearing your baby seems to be in fashion. I mean, in theory it’s a great idea. There’s the front baby carrier, sling, schwing, wrap, pouch. And who knows what else they’ve come up with. Wear your baby on your side, your front, go hands free.
Supposedly, it’s a real bonding experience. They say that babies carried close to the body tend to cry less than others. But what about me? Do moms that wear their babies cry more than those who don’t. I sure do! These things put a ton of strain on your back, your neck, your shoulders. Did I mention your back?! I mean, I’ll put up with the pain because it’s a good kind of pain; it’s for my kid.

Plus, it totally makes me look like an official mom. And so if I look tired and crazy, people will understand why.

Here's a You Tube video that sums up the sentiment on Twitter #motrinmoms:

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