Thursday, November 6, 2008

Women often encourage feedback

Wh-A-t? Feedback? Why would anyone in their right mind want to encourage feedback??? What good could possibly come of it?

Calming down here—yes, I can see why feedback might be a good thing. It can help you to become better at everything you do. You can become a better wife, a better Mother, a better friend, better at your career, even a better blogger. In fact, feedback is probably integral to growing as a human being. Intellectually, I realize this.

Yet, I don't possess the emotional maturity to handle feedback. To me it always feels like criticism. "Do it my way. You are doing that wrong." I can't quell the voice inside me that whispers doubt. If one procures and takes too much feedback to heart, does one run the risk of becoming homogenized? Do we become a better, sharper version of ourselves, or just stronger, faster, slimmer bionic women who look, sound, and expresses ourselves just like everybody else? Should we make mistakes in our own time at our own pace in order to morph into our true higher selves? Or if we eschew feedback are we doomed to become the snake who eats her own tail?

People are meant to be different. I don't trust people who look, sound and smell too "normal". I can't help but think that they must be tucking their true selves and intentions deep down inside in order to present the desired projection of themselves onto my retinas. I've always enjoyed watching a good makeover. It's amazing how little it takes to "fix" somebody. But in the end I always feel a little sorry for the makeoveree who is left looking like good little soldier for my imagined homogenization movement.

I've begun to question givens. I am always asking myself if buying a product or service is really needed, or if I'm just lining the pocket of group of people who have a vested interest in making us feel like we're not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, don't have the right hair, the right butt, the right house, and even the right kids. Nobody makes a dollar off of us if we decide to be okay with who we are. If we decide that we already have everything we need.

I won't be asking for feedback any time soon. But when I eventually do, I hope it leads to something good.

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