Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Morning Laundry Happymaking!

Monday morning is laundry morning at the compound. Hence, I initiated my usual death march towards the laundry basket (ode to death of joy)...

...then stopped myself. I'm supposed to be re-working my thinking, right? Making boring things like this fun and zippy and exciting? Or at least not so painfully repetitive and Godawful that I want to huddle in the corner of my shower under a steady flow of cold water whilst banging my head against the wall just to break up the monotony of it all?

I turn the clothing items inside out as I do laundry to get it over with, so I don't need to do it as I'm folding and putting the laundry away. So I started thinking. Hmm... How about "Monday Affirmation Laundry"? I decided that every time I turned a clothing item right side out, I would speak an affirmation - something good about myself.

Okay, here we go. *ahem* Dirty t-shirt inside out...

"I am witty." Oh, it hurt to say it and I wasn't entirely certain of the truthfulness of this affirmation, but I decided that this exercise would be good for me and so I went ahead with it. Turned a sock inside out, "I used to be pretty. Oops, I am pretty.". Then, after a while, as the wrongside-out items kept coming and coming and COMING, just to speed things up, I decided that I could intersperse affirmations with declarations that, "Elvis lives!". Turned some dirty boxer briefs inside out, "Elvis lives!". Another t-shirt, "My kids think I'm funny!". And on and on it went.

There you have it, folks, Affirmation/Elvis Lives Laundry Happymaking!

Here are some Joe and Lily pictures for the day:

Joe showing off his San Francisco 49ers t-shirt from Grampy

Lily being silly with her Daddy last night

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I need to do that with my laundry day!

  2. i love what u wrote.. i've been trying to improve my english.. i think ur articel can halp me...


  3. Made ME laugh.

    As did the comment before mine, for some reason, until I realized that my Bahasa Indonesia ain't so hot, and maybe we should start a language exchange program among bloggers.

    I don't know what made me giggle more: the adept txting or the notion that someone out there is learning English from YOUR BLOG, Heather...

  4. Hi Tess!

    Hi Idot, glad you found me here. I wish I could follow you too - do you have a translator on your site that I missed?

  5. Holly, you slay me!

    Idot is a Facebook friend. I like the idea of teaching generations of international readers my version of "English". Run-on sentences, misplaced pronunciation. YES!!!!

  6. Heather, why is it that I can read your blog entries, but not if I go to the main page for your site?

  7. Cool! Hi, Idot! I'm a Twitter-Blogger-Facebook friend (and taunter) of Heather's, too. Nice to "meet" you.

    Please forgive me for the chuckles - I have a strange sense of humor. And I'm a writer. Never met a typo I couldn't exploit for fun and giggles. (Including quite a few of my own!)

  8. I don't know, Holly. I'll ask around and see if anyone else is having trouble with the main page. Thanks for letting me know.

    That SOCKS!

    P.S. I should start calling you chuckles.

  9. Wow, I needed to read this today. You are brave and creative and set a good example for how to kick the glums out the door. Here's what my FIL used to sing:

    "Whistle while you work,
    Hitler was a jerk,
    Mussolini bit his weenie,
    Now it doesn't work."


  10. ROFL, Phoebe!! So much better than "Heigh ho, heigh ho, my brother bit my toe..."

  11. P.S. re: "That SOCKS!"

    Heather, I can't tell if that's a spelling error, incorrect article (maybe it should be "Them socks," which for some reason makes me think of Piggy and "them fruit" on Lord of the Flies) or if it's merely an incomplete sentence (lacking an object) or you're just shouting incoherently (I'll have the attendant in the white coat bring you your Jell-O shortly, dear).

  12. I'm trying to curse creatively.

    All of this reminds me of when my Dad used to work in a shoe store as a young man. A Mexican man came in and asked, "Eso, si, que es?", and my Dad kept trying to show him socks.

  13. That was your dad, huh? Wow, I didn't realize your dad was so famous, Heather!

  14. I just looked it up on Google. You mean my Dad was embellishing the story? He really did work in a shoe store & always told me that story growing up.

  15. Dramatizing it, dear. He was...dramatizing it. Casting himself in the role to make it more appealing to you, Grasshopper. It's funnier that way. Until you're all grown up and realize every sock and shoe salesman on the planet tells the same tale...

    That, or everyone else just copied off your dad. It was a good story!

  16. These Lily photos make me want to pop out another one!!! Help!

  17. So your going to come over to my house & use your new laundry skills?? I thank you!

  18. Phoebe, you are hilarious!

    Marie, don't do it! Wait until your kids have kids. Hopefully they won't be like me and wait until they're ancient.

    Rachel, only if Elvis lives in your house.

  19. No Elvis doesn't live here but I could always print a picture & hang it up near the laundry room :)

  20. I can't get myself to utter any affirmations while doing laundry.

    Does "I only smell half as bad as these socks" count?

  21. You ARE pretty!!! (Think how I feel at almost 45!)

    OMG - Joe is a little man.


    I did some laundry
    made things clean
    then drank some beer
    and saw the queen.

    Sorry, on the fly with that one.

  22. Andy, YES it counts! It's a start! lol

    Jannie, I really like that song. I'm going to incorporate it into my happymaking routine. (Singing, not drinking...).

  23. Oops and Jannie, (sorry, I rushed to hit send on that last response because Joe was running towards me sayng "twu! twu! twu! and I didn't know what that meant and I freaked out), you are beautiful! And you always will be. Age is one thing. Right now I'm mainly struggling with the fatness. You know how you get used to maxing out at a certain level of fatness, and that's just "you"? Well, after I had my kids and got hypothyroid, I maxed out at a level of fatness that I have not associated with "me", and don't want to. I think some women can be very pretty when fat, but not me. But I will tackle it! I'm confident of that.

  24. How have I been missing out on this comment party? Lordy! Heather, I have some catching up to do. My head is still spinning (and I'm still giggling) over High Desert Hooker. Were you finding that name didn't attract the, ahem, clientele you desired? Hyuk, hyuk.

    Looks to me like you're replacing the bragging club with your laundry affirmations... love it! ;)


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