Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Would a Tuesday by any other name smell as sweet?

I'm starting to really love my life. (Finally pulled my head out of a very dark place to appreciate the majesty of it!). I have given up the reins of control to the God of Constant Random Aggrivations and Pleasures. That is, if you can give something that never belonged to you in the first place. Oh mighty God of C.R.A.P., here are today's offerings:

1) Another day, another chance to let down Holly Jahangiri
Sorry, Holly!My Holly Alarm

I don't even remember how it got started. I think it happened when Holly got some feature on her Facebook that alerts her cell phone to new posts on her page. She made a comment one day along the lines of "Thanks a lot! Your post woke me up in the middle of the night, HAG!", or something like that, sans commas and whiny undertones. And she didn't call me a hag, I've just always thought that word was funny. Anyway, so we figure out that she's two hours ahead of me, and that no alerts are sent to her after 11pm. So I tell her that she can expect to hear from me at 10:59. You know, lol & that kind of thing. But Holly isn't your average bear. She's going to hold me to my word. I didn't send her a message at 10:59 and the next day she let me have it. Every day since that day I've been trying to make good on my promise, to help restore her faith in humanity. And every day since that day I have failed miserably. Keep the faith, Holly!

2. I have yet to face The Cabinet of Shame
Yipes!I know. I KNOW.

With the help of my Mother, who came over early yesterday to help me out with the kids and their flu shots, (that I didn't end up doing because Lily was acting a little funny and I didn't want to risk it), I managed to get my fridge, outdoor freezer, pots and pans, and spices organized and sorted through. I also finished three loads of laundry, and made a fresh batch of potato soup. And some other stuff. But did I wake up today feeling good about the accomplishments? No. I woke up feeling happy, but the first thought that popped into my head was The Cabinet of Shame. I need to go through there and toss out about 99% of the carb-laden fat-butt food in there. Most of it is still hanging out from the holidays. And I can feel it. When I walk around the house I feel a big red alarm hitting the side of back of my head as it were. Pulsating, nudging, guiltifying and irritating the C.R.A.P. out of me. I wonder if I will slay the beast today?

3. Some cuteness I walked in on last weekend
Denny and JoeAww

I poked my head into our playroom/office last weekend to find my stepson Denny, who was visiting for the weekend, hanging out with Joe Joe on the stowaway bed, sharing some music. I so rarely get to see them "play" together, and Joe so rarely gets to "play" with anybody other than us old folks, so it just warmed the cockles of my heart. I can't wait to show them this photo when Joe is Denny's age.

4. The first hat I ever knit (does that sound right to you? Knitted? Knut?)
Will she hate me for this later?My Sweet Baby Lily

Here it is. The first hat I ever knocked out. Like a couple of weeks ago. Soon to be found on Etsy. Yes, I knit that bad sucker myself and although it may look silly, that's just the tip of the iceberg of hat silliness that I've got planned. And what a LUCKY girl Lily Rose is that she's got a boatload of hat modeling ahead of her. So does my friend Michelle, with her perfect little head and her big eyes, but she doesn't know it yet. I'm going to ease her into the idea. Maybe I'll even do it in such a way that she thinks it IS her idea.

Anyhoo, that's a bit of what I've got going on here. Lots of stuff to get done today. But it's sunny and my kids are silly and hey - life is beautiful. Have a good day!

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