Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Riverside County Fair!

Yesterday we got out of the house. There, that's good enough for me.

But there's more! We went to the Riverside County Fair/Indio Date Festival and had a heckuva time. Rousing family fun. Oodles of it! Seriously! Back in my twenties I used to go to things like this and enjoy myself, but secretly suspect that there were "cooler" places I should be. Not that I was cool mind you, but anything and everything embarrassed me, especially anyone related to me, but I won't go there. Aaaanyway, I was not prepared for the rush of electricity that ran through my veins at the sight of a giant nacho booth. The smell of cow and goat poop was just a bonus.

Look closely at the sign on the top left, the white one with the red letters. Then observe my husband Dennis' hand moving dangerously close to what appears to be a mad cow.

Lily was an absolute angel the entire day. She sat there in the front of the double stroller just sleeping and kicking her feet and cooing and observing. She even held her poop until we got home. Then she unleashed a shitstorm of grand proportions. Thrice in a row.

More of my demure princess.

Joe got to shake the hand of a monkey. For one measly dollar. You can't buy that kind of life-changing experience! Oops, wait... you can. For a dollar.

Joe went on his very first ride at two years and two months. He wasn't sure if he was having fun, then he knew he wasn't having fun, then he wanted to do it again! You should see the video. It's so precious. Every time he comes around you can see his face change. My brave, brave boy.

Joe really got a kick out of the train exhibit in one of the main buildings. He and Dennis had a fun time with that while I explored all the prize quilts and crochet items. Ahh... Heaven. A win-win situation.

It was good fun. Makes me think I might want to leave the house more often! At least ONCE a month! Sigh. How did it ever get like this? Being so much of a homebody? Oh yeah, kids, ants, and 3,000 degree desert heat. But we've got a good four months ahead of us for frolicking outside and I plan to take advantage of it!

Have a good one!
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  1. Hah! Found you. How many blogs do you have, Heather?

    Joe's adorable!

    The picture of the steer and the picture directly below it should never be displayed in that sequence. Ever.

  2. I know. I KNOW! I once was lost, but now I've been found by Holly. All is right in the world.

    And you're right, that steer is awfully cute.

  3. You're totally missing my point. About the steer. And the photo following. Stare at it. If you don't see it, I can't help you...and I'm terribly, terribly disappointed.

  4. The fact that sweet little Lily is KICKING makes it funnier or worse. I'm not sure which.

    I almost missed that it was LILY hiding in there. Thought Joe was a little big for that by now. Lily's adorable, too. :)

  5. OMG! You are one twisted woman! I did not see it, but when I pretended I was you and looked at it - suddenly it became clear to me.

    Thanks for the laugh! Oh my.

  6. You're welcome. It gave ME a giggle - returning that to you was the least I could do.

    And wait till Joe's 12; your mind will twist, too.

  7. Sit still, will you? You are wandering all over the Internet and messing with my Google Reader!

  8. Andrea, I know! I'm the worst! But I'm going to STAY here.

  9. Lily has gotten so big and she is so freakin cute! BTW why is your face always being blocked or cut out!

  10. Thanks! But it's not always blocked or cut out. Joe's head is in front of my face in this picture.


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