Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Link Love

They're the best!

I just love my blogging buddies. They are truly special. I am amazed by their vitality, creativity, industriousness, and their ability to not let that get in the way of actually communicating—with me! Ahh, life is good. I'm having a moment.

Here are some notes to share.

1) Holly Jahangiri of Do I Have to Spell it Out and Trockle, one of my favorite blogging buddies, gave me The Prémio Dardos award!
The Prémio Dardos

"The Prémio Dardos is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web."

Well THANK YOU, Miz Holly. That was very nice of you.

The rules are:

a) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.

b) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.

Since I am a dillweed, I'm not going to follow rule b. And because I am a dillweed, I'm not going to explain why.

2) Jannie Funster, another one of my favorite blogging buddies, tagged me with a " 7 facts about me" meme oh, about forescore and seven years ago. Jannie Funster. Funning aro-ound. Making copies. Coping funny things. Making coffee for Jan-nie. By the toas-ster.

I'm sure the poor thing has been sitting at her computer since the initial tag, eyes locked on How to be a Woman (my old blog), hitting F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 in the manner of Nancy Spungen had she lived long enough to operate a computer, assuming that she would know that F5 is refresh. Just craving those facts about me like Rosie O'Donnell craves something to bitch about. And I, in that intermittently insensitive way that I have, just sat here all that time cackling and stroking my dachshund Greta and licking a freakishly big lollipop.

Anyway, 7 pointless facts about me are:

1. I used to braid my hair and apply perming solution back in the late 80's to give my hair that crimped look. I fried it. And I looked like a fool.
2. I prefer extra crispy.
3. I prefer boxers or boxer briefs.
4. My friend Michelle and I used to go out dancing at gay clubs so we could dance and hang out without getting hit on.
5. I love Fiestaware.
6. As a girl I became obsessed with the movie Grease. I'd put on my Mom's old poodle skirts, create dances, and make my 5th grade teacher allow me to perform them in front of the class.
7. I wish they'd start filming an updated version of Magnum, PI starring Tom Selleck. I miss Higgins, T.C., Rick, Ice Pick and, of course The Lads.

3) I've said it before, and I will say it again. Andy Bailey of CommentLuv Wordpress plugin fame is the coolest geek bloke in the universe! I was having problems getting his WP-Twitip-ID plugun to work here at Retro Heather, and he was kind enough to take pity on a sistah and help me get it working. Andy is one of those rare nice and trustworthy people in a sea of predator sharks. He's the only programmer I've encountered who doesn't:

a) Completely ignore me when I ask for help, as 99.99% of them do.

b) Make fun of my inquiry and imply that I'm a hopeless fool the way Billy Zabka would were he the very thing he despises most—a geek.

Check out the WP-Twitip-ID plugin if you get the chance. Here is Andy's description of it: "Adds another field to the comment form to allow the user to include their twitter id. Inspired by @problogger post and kicked up the bum by @styletime."

Also, help him out and periodically check out Andy Bailey's eBay UK auctions page where he sells electronics. I don't think he's got anything listed at the moment, but I'm sure he will soon.

4) I had the pleasure of "meeting' and had a wonderful exchange the other day with Lea Curtes-Swenson. She's working on a new professional blog, Lea Writes. Here's a link to Lea Curtes-Swenson's TwitterMoms profile. Befriend her and ask her about copywriting and getting back on the career track after taking time out for Mommyhood. She's got a good article over at Working Mom Lifeline on the latter called The On-Ramp.

5) Also, I'd like to send a shout-out to my esteemed and beloved cousin Gina and her incredibly awesome family husband Butch and children Chad, J.T., Drew and Rachel. At this point in time she doesn't have a blog in the works, but I'm working on her. We sort of drifted apart after she married at 19 and moved from California to a different state, (started wearing cowboy boots too), but we recently re-connected and are getting to know one another again.

She's one of the most energetic, intelligent, beautiful and fascinating women you'll ever meet. When I was a girl she was my idol. I told her as much once and she told me I was silly (in so many words). Among other things, I got a kick out of the way she blew off Rob Lowe back in his heyday. She's a genius with a pen and knows a heckuva lot about raising a family. She's also the Godmother of both of my children. I'll keep working on her and someday you'll be able to read her blog and network with her and get to experience her Ginaness for yourself!

Happy Saturday y'all!

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