Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Easter craft project anyone can do!

All it takes is a small investment in materials. No crochet or knitting skills required!

Check out the Crochet String Easter Eggs over at No Fuss Fabulous! Fun for the whole family! Just think of the possibilities. You can add all sorts of embellishments. I remember that I used to do this sort of thing with paper mache' and balloons.

Ooh, ooh, OOH. I want to make a GINORMOUS Easter Egg! Maybe I'll use my husband's head as a template. There are holes, so he should be able to breathe...


  1. Well, during your move you were muchly missed.

    So glad to see you back. And those egg hangers are awfylly awfully cute!

  2. those are adorable! I might just get crafty and try them - wonder if Nate would hold still long enough for me to use his head?

  3. Those are so cute! But, yet, I would not be able to create such cute little eggs. I have not one artsy bone in my body.

  4. Hi Jannie, and schpanks!

    Andrea, I don't think Nate would mind. You've put him through worse in the name of art and/or fashion. ;-)

    Helene - LOL!!! Your children are your art.


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