Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obstacles <- If you stare at that word it starts to look really weird

Moves can be good as well as supremely irritating. They offer us a fresh start and force us to confront the debris and schmutz in our surroundings. I've been wanting to change some habits and shatter my daily annoyances, and what better time than now?

I have decided to confront obstacles head-on, having been tiptoeing around them for years. Literally. A feng shui disaster. If a vase was in my way I'd been sidling around it. Why? I don't know. I'm thinking it may have something to do with mental clarity and not being present in the moment. Head in the clouds. Baby brain. But these obstacles, no matter how minor, can snowball during the course of the day and turn me into a fussypooh crankypants. Just ask Dennis. Or my Mom. Or the kids. Or the lady at the store. Or... ooh boy.

Had to step five feet out of the way to dry my hands? No more! Hung up a towel ring.

Have to climb a hill and wade through a river of crocodiles to take out the trash? Uh-uh. No mo. Putting the can right outside the garage door.

Moving the skid-prone couch every day to get the blinds open? Forget it. Putting the couch on a non-skid rug.

Obstacles be danged! Rowr.

All this back-patting got me to thinking. I wonder if obstacles are also getting in the way of my spiritual growth? I actually put down my "on the john" Newsweek in order to contemplate this for a couple of very heavy moments. I'll bet they are! But what if a person is an obstacle? I can't just toss a person aside. Hmm... perhaps I might re-frame my environment so the person can be allowed to exist, but so that I may walk around her with ease. Yes, maybe. (And no, I'm not talking about you.)

What if a bag of chips is an obstacle? I can simply chuck that. It's easier to toss out a bag of chips than a person. Unless I'm pee em essing.

I'm going to keep thinking about what I want to accomplish right here and right now, and what obstacles may be hindering my progress. Then I just may have a toss out the obstacles/drink a bottle of cold beer night. And I'll be sure to have a bottle opener on hand.


  1. Thanks to Holly Jahangiri for helping me edit a sentence in this post that was driving me batty!

  2. Hi sweetie! I think that blogging is such a wonder. The ability to write down and publish what you need to do cements the thought. It all becomes perhaps more tangible and doable because of it! You go girl!

  3. I think I'm pretty aware of the obstacles in my way (I'm tripping over them on a daily basis, both physically and spiritually) ... but I need to work on fixing those obstacles.

    My ever growing to-do list.

  4. Excellent. I'd rate this a 10, but I'm too lazy to log in to your rating thingy. Obstacle? Why do you care what I'd rate it?

    "having been tiptoeing"? Awkward. ROFL! You eliminate one obstacle and throw up another. Hmm. Food for thought? Was for me!

  5. Good question! I don't care about the ratings, but Sez Who is kind of fun - it allows comments I leave on other Sez Who enabled sites to show up on my Facebook page. Wonder if I can get them disabled.

    I know I'm a proofreading nightmare, but isn't it kind of fun for you to do so? Sort of like a brain teaser? :-P

  6. Ha! I now have it set up so posts can't be rated but comments can.


    Thanks so much for your valuable input!

  7. Marie, you are so right! And sometimes I don't even know what my thoughts are until I start typing them. Blogging is a great clarifier.

    Andrea, at least you know! That's half the battle.

  8. If the person-obstacle is worth it, then try to face it head on and make the relationship better.

    If they aren't, then yes you can toss them out of your life. Life is too short to deal with toxic people that you really don't care about.

    Just my two cents. :)

  9. "Ha! I now have it set up so posts can't be rated but comments can."

    Well, that serves me right...

    Heather, you're not a proofreading nightmare. You make FUN typos, not the kind that make me roll my eyes and splash red paint all over the page. And you're a good sport when I tease. What would I do without you?

  10. Well, little things like a closer dish-towel are certainly worth it.

    Just be nice to yourself, at all times, that's what really matters. And surrender lovingly to any imperfection.


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