Friday, April 3, 2009

I don't care if we get kicked out of this place...

One thing is for certain. I am NEVER moving again.

Ever. .... !

I remember the good old days, back when I was single and childless. Actually, these were the bad old days, but they were the good old "moving" days. My Dad and Stepmom and big brother would show up at 9am with McDonalds breakfast under arm and bleary smiles on face & haul my clothing, futon, cats and boxes upon boxes of hair and body and face "product" into the back of a small truck. They'd help me lug it all into my newest place, then I'd unpack, get the kitchen set up, and head out that night for drinks with friends. A new pad wasn't considered broken in until the candles were lit, incense strewn about the house and set on fire, The Doors were blared and a friend of a friend ended up passed out on the floor with darts on his butt.

These are not the good old moving days. We're combining two households into one, at least for the time being, and I've got a beautiful and delightful baby girl who cries 95% of the time she isn't in my arm or on my boob. And a toddler who is fascinated by tools and wants desperately to "help" in any and every way that he can.

I'm not complaining, mind you! Okay, that's a crock of horse puck. I'm clearly complaining. Bitching even. But I am well aware how lucky I am to have such a ridiculously double-edged "problem", to be moving into a nice new house with the majority of my beloved family.

I'm just sick of all the STUFF. And the DIRT. And the BRUISES. And the lack of sitting on my ass.

And it's hard to pack and clean with a baby crying and a toddler chewing on your toe.

And all of us are desperately in need of a reasonble spot upon which to begin to forge a butt groove.

Crochet? HA! What is that? I may have to be re-taught.

Facebook? Huh? WHATbook?

Blog? Oh yeah, my *sniff* BLOG and my blogging buddies! Feels like another lifetime ago.

My friend Kristen is getting married (or GOT married???) and her CARD is still on my counter somewhere! My OLD counter! Sorry, Kristen and J!

My cousin Gina sent me the nicest email and I haven't had time to sit down and get caught up.

We're only about half done. I'll be back eventually. Hopefully. But I can't make any promises as to the state of my sanity!


  1. I hate, hate, hate moving! And you are so right about it being such a breeze when there's no children involved. All it took was pizza and beer to round up some friends to help. It was done in a day. And as long as my blow dryer, makeup and some clothes could be found I was a happy camper. In fact some of the full boxes became pieces of furniture for a while. Hope you get it done soon. Maybe you can bribe someone with pizza and beer to unpack for you :)

  2. I'm another one who HATES moving. And I don't know what's worse ... begging family members to help you shove you life into a UHaul and then feed them later, or paying $1000 to have movers move your crap a whopping 10 miles away.


    Hpe you have got to sit on your ass. Sounds like you really really need it.



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