Friday, May 22, 2009

Brian's Graduation

Dennis' beloved son (and my stepson, yay!) Brian's graduation from Class I of the College of the Desert Public Safety Academy was last night. He won the Marksmanship aka "Top Gun" Award for his class. Dennis and I were so proud of him. He's worked so hard for years to get through this program. And it was all of his own accord. One day he decided he wanted to stop being a computer geek & become a peace officer. And when Brian decides he wants to do something he hops into a groove of single-minded determination and intense focus. Everything else in life becomes secondary until his goal is achieved.

You should have seen the look on Dennis' face. He's the type who never cries, but if he were the crying sort he'd have been bawling.

Joe was such a good boy for the almost two hours we were seated. He was so excited to see a "fire twuck", and a huge American flag. The bagpipes were both enthralling and terrifying. Dad's sunglasses were divine.

It was fun to grab Mom's camera and take a picture or two.

Joe was so tired by the end of the ceremony that he wasn't smiling for pictures, but he was so happy to see Brian. He loves him so much. When we put him in his car seat there were tears and "Bwian"'s.

One of Brian's friends hobbled over on crutches to give him a warm congratulations and thanked him for letting her borrow his pants. We decided not to ask. Of course Brian didn't introduce us and we never did catch her name, but whoever you are - it was nice to meet you!

I wonder what Joe was looking at?

Brian, congratulations! We're all so proud of and happy for you! Good luck to you with your future career plans and in all that you do.


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!

    That's a great accomplishment. A proud moment for sure. Will Bwian get to drive a big twuck in the course of his duties?

    That's you in the last pic, right? Very cute. And young looking.

  2. Good for you, Brian.

    "...thanked him for letting her borrow his pants. We decided not to ask." LOL, sometimes not knowing is more fun.

    Joe is such a little cutie. You must be proud of your guys.

  3. Jannie, thanks! You are very kind.

    Rosemary, we sure are. To no end.

  4. Thanks, Jessica! And thanks for coming by. :)

  5. Now I know where to go for a pair of pants when I'm in a crunch!

  6. LOL Marie! I'm sure Brian would be more than happy to oblige.

  7. I do have my moments. Some of them even good. ;)

  8. Congrats to Brian! That is a great career and something to be very proud about!

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