Monday, May 11, 2009

Olive Toast

It's Monday morning. A chance to lament and pine away for the minute and fleeting breath of freedom we relished over the weekend, or a chance to eat cinnamon raisin toast on a plate shaped like an olive!

I purchased that plate years ago, enamored with visions of serving my legions of artistic, literary minded friends those yummy Bisquick olives while lounging around on my rug drinking wine and engaging in witty banter.

If you know anything about me, you can probably guess that this has not yet come to pass. Now I can experience something even better. Different, but better. The sight of Joe's face while eating off of a strange green plate with a big red dot.

He was in such a good mood after eating his "olive toast" that he wanted to climb into Lily's playpen and show her his new Richard Scary book about fire trucks!

Naturally, they both reigned in their beaming faces the second the shutter snapped. Trust me, two seconds prior to this photo being taken, they were both displaying MASSIVE "My Mommy Rocks and looks pretty da*n good for her advanced geriatric Mommy age!" smiles!

Happy Monday! I'll be expecting those TPS reports by noon! Um, yeeeeah.

1 comment:

  1. "I purchased that plate years ago, enamored with visions of serving my legions of artistic, literary minded friends those yummy Bisquick olives while lounging around on my rug drinking wine and engaging in witty banter."

    Funniest paragraph I've read in long, long time!

    You are sooooo funny, Heather.

    Love you!

    And your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter.


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