Friday, May 15, 2009

Brick Walls

I was drop-kicked into yesterday morning by a bad dream. After tossing and turning for a bit, when it became irkfully apparent that I would not be falling back to sleep, it dawned on me that if I were to get out of bed that very moment I could expect to have roughly ONE hour to myself. ONE hour! I could network. I could blog uninterrupted. I could think deep thoughts. I could lounge on the toilet and read Better Homes & Gardens. High on life, I ripped off the covers and flung myself across the room and into the hallway.

On my way to my computer I noticed that Joe had opened his door and turned on his light in the middle of the night. Giggling at the rhyme of it all (remember, I was still high on life) I crept over to his room, turned off his light, and closed his door as gingerly as any human can hope to gingerly close a door. Not quite two seconds later Joe exploded into a highly vocal crying frenzy so fierce I expected to find him literally caught by the toe by a tiger.

Just then, my bowels churned and threatened to erupt, and left me with no choice other than to dash into the bathroom. After a few very unpleasant moments, I made my way back to Joe's room to save him from the tiger. My bowels churned again, and so it was back to the bathroom. (Bad chicken???!? Damn that chicken!) From the bathroom I heard Lily working herself up to a crying frenzy as well. Is it possible there were two toe-grabbing tigers? As I sat there on the toilet I almost began to cry myself. One uninterrupted hour had been so close I could almost taste it! Alas, it was not meant to be.

My bowels behaved long enough to allow me to make it to Lily and Joe's rooms, save them from those blasted tigers, and hoist them by the teardrops onto the living room rug. Bleary, I decided I was not ready to be entertaining and thus went searching for the remote. I pressed 8 for PBS only to be greeted with the Spanish version of "A Place of Our Own". I tried to explain to Joe that they were speaking a language called Spanish, and that we spoke English, but that someday hopefully he could speak both English and Spanish, but he just stared at me, his face devoid of any hint of future bilingual prowess.

I flicked the channel button up one notch and was greeted with some seminar footage. A man named Randy Pausch, may he rest in peace, was sharing childhood photos of himself at Disneyland. He went on to detail his efforts to secure a position as a Disneyland Imagineer after having obtained his PhD. He read to us from one of many rejection letters he received from The Land of Disney. He had, in fact, hit a brick wall.

And then he said it!

"The brick walls aren't built to keep you out. The brick walls are built to keep out the people who don't want it badly enough. They're built to keep other people out."

Wow. If only that notion had dawned upon me years ago! I've always been painfully apologetic of my existence in the world. As though my mere presence was an irritation to the people who really deserved to be existing. And loving. And laughing. And succeeding. Every now and then I'd poke my little chipmunk nose around the corner and give something a try. Expecting rejection, I was never surprised when I hit a brick wall. I was overstepping my bounds, after all. I would apologize to the brick wall and scurry back into the safety of the shadows that were meant to be my home.

It never occurred to me for one moment that brick walls were golden opportunities! If they were keeping me out, isn't it possible they were keeping other people out as well? That I could net myself an advantage simply by deciding not to be discouraged—to give it another try? And maybe even another? Dare I? Who do I think I am, anyway? In the past all this uppity thinking would have had me scuttling back under a rock. But not today. And not ever again. I've got brick walls to climb!


  1. Great thoughts! So the next time I hit a brick wall, I am going to scale it or use the battering ram :)

    Recent blog post: Counting the Days

  2. Heather HappymakerMay 15, 2009 at 12:24 PM

    Good for you! Smack that sucker down! (Just don't use your head.) <-I mean on the wall.) =-X

    Recent blog post: Brick Walls

  3. Heather that is NOT uppity thinking at all. That is EMPOWERED thinking! And Amen to that.

  4. Heather HappymakerMay 15, 2009 at 12:42 PM

    Thanks Gina! xo (We'll see if you still feel that way after you see the cute little photo I posted of you on FB! - More to come!)

  5. Paula @ Organizing TipsMay 16, 2009 at 6:28 AM

    What a morning. When I started reading this post, I could feel myself starting to get frustrated by the thought of having that free time ripped away. But the inspiration that come from the ordeal left me with a new look, too. Great story. Maybe I could use that in a talk. "here's a true story about mom.....What brick wall is stopping you? What opportunities are you facing?"

    Recent blog post: Controling The Lids

  6. Heather HappymakerMay 16, 2009 at 10:01 AM

    Definitely! Let's empower each other with every tool in our arsenals!

    Recent blog post: Brick Walls

  7. The very first line, then the one about "remember, I was still high on life", and the "hoist them by the teardrops onto the living room rug," are just so cool to read. I often forget that in the melee of your motherdom humor-tornado you are also a superb writer of nifty imagery.


    Recent blog post: Folks, I couldn’t make these up if I tried! (and song video coming next post, I hope.)

  8. Heather HappymakerMay 17, 2009 at 5:35 PM

    Wow! Thank you, Jannie! That's high praise coming from you.

  9. "You'd be hitting your head against a brick wall," said my ballet teacher in grade 7, in explanation for why the ballet school was not inviting me back for another year of study. I felt condemned by that statement. It turned out not to be true, not only because I persevered, but because it was HER perception (also the rest of the school's perception at the time), but not set in "brick," so to speak. As Randy Pausch makes clear, the purpose of a brick wall depends on the beholder. And we, the seekers, can also be the beholders.

    Did you read that article in the NY Times( about what makes for genius/success? I really believe the basic premise, which I was taught it from an early age by my french teacher: most everything tremendous comes of hard work; talent and smarts are small potatoes in the long run.

    And BTW, I don't know Harry Potter, but I think being noteworthy for courage rather than smarts is very good. Not enough brave people in today's world. Go with it. It's not a brick wall.

  10. Heather HappymakerMay 18, 2009 at 8:50 PM

    Hi Eva! What a wonderful comment, thank you so much for taking the time.

    How did I miss that you are a ballerina? I swear my memory is like a wiffle ball and the information that gets poured into it often ends up on my ears. I used to be obsessed with ballet as a child. Beautiful indeed, and hopefully won't ever become a lost art. Good for you for not valuing her perception over your desire and drive. I hadn't read the article, but I just did and it was indeed fascinating and empowering. I wonder if there is some way to practice at the things I want to achieve? I am going to have to give that some serious thought. I like what it had to say about building upon and stretching the good enough the brain settles for, lifting the bar ever higher. And slowing down. We are so fast these days. My brain is never focused on one thing. I've had to learn to multi-task both at work and in the home, so much so that I feel like a slacker if I concentrate on one thing at a time. I may be getting a lot done, but only in a "phoning it in" sense.

    Thanks for provoking my thoughts!

  11. Yes, I was going to add that having the time to become really good at something when you're mothering and holding a family together is ANOTHER question altogether. Still, it is heartening to hear that hard work and dedication is really where it's at when one's heart is in something -- like you, I've done a lot of that peeping, cowering and self-doubting for so long. I think too many of us women have. Eva xo


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