Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Every Mom Counts $30 Giveaway!

We've all heard of and probably used at one time or another. We may have even received flowers from them from a guilty-conscienced or well-intentioned male acquaintance. They've got a campaign going on right now called Spot a Mom to make sure no mom is left behind this Mother's Day.

  • It's too late to enter, but there's still time to cast your vote for the Spotlight a Mom contest! Voting ends May 10, 2009.
  • Julie Mulligan's floral lifestyle blog. Her creative flower display ideas knocked my socks off! I'm going to be saving my cute cans from now on for display purposes.

Flower Dividers
These fine folks are sponsoring my Every Mom Counts Giveaway! Since there's not a lot of time left before Mother's Day, I'll make this contest short and sweet. To enter, simply comment on this post and share one thing your mom did that made you feel special. You may enter as many times as you like. The contest ends tomorrow, May 7th at 12pm noon Pacific Time. (That's 3pm for those of you on the east coast.) I'll be using to generate the winning post number. I will contact the winner via email. In order to receive your $30 gift card or gift code, you will need to provide me with your email or home address, which I will pass along to my sponsor who will in turn send you your reward.

Be sure to check out the Every Mom Counts Collection of 30 gifts for under $30!

Good luck!


  1. My mom always went to see my plays and concerts. She even drove to New Jersey from Upstate NY to see my concerts and plays while I was in college!

    twilightsun @ gmail . com

  2. My mom made me a teddy bear when I was little. It was my most special animal up until I got married!

  3. My mom once gave me a tiny suitcase filled with little outfits she had sewn for my favorite doll.

  4. Thanks, ladies!

    Christina, that's so sweet. How comforting it must have been to have your Mom there in the audience. How wonderful that she was always able to be there for you.

    Lizzie, what a talented Mom you have! She must love you a lot to make a teddy bear for her little girl! I hope you still have it in your home.

    Rosemary, that is touching. How magical that must have been.

    And now for the winner!

    Random Integer Generator

    Here are your random numbers:


    Timestamp: 2009-05-07 19:12:39 UTC

    As post #1, the winner is Christina Gleason @ The Cutest Kid Ever! I'll send your email off to my sponsor. Congratulations & thanks for your participation.

    Happy Mother's Day to all!

  5. I'm too late for this, but I just wanted to say that I love Julie's blog - makes me actually like asparagus! As long as I don't have to eat it.

    Recent blog post: There’s something about Martha … and a *GIVEAWAY*

  6. That is so awesome! Thanks to Comment Luv for posting a link to your current giveaway! I love!


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