Friday, May 29, 2009

Deeper Thoughts

Am I the only one who pees in the dark? I feel like turning the light on would be a flagrant waste of money.


  1. I do all the time. Half the time the door is hanging open anyhow because if I DO lock the door to have 36 seconds alone Gabe screams and bangs on it anyhow.

    So why bother with the light?

  2. Only guys need light to pee. That, or night vision goggles. So they can see the Cheerios.

    When I get up in the morning, I do my vampire routine - I cover my eyes, run through the main part of the master bath, and shut myself in the darkened potty closet. "Light...evil. Blinding. Nooooooo."

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  3. Heather HappymakerMay 30, 2009 at 10:19 AM

    Ah, you understandeth.

  4. Heather HappymakerMay 30, 2009 at 10:19 AM

    What my gentle readers may not realize is that you're being literal in your vampire talk.

  5. I pee almost exclusively in the dark! Our master flush room has no window and I hate the sound of the fan when the light comes on.

    btw, I pee at least 10 times a day. How 'bout you??

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