Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mom Bloggers Caste System

I've been reading a lot of articles lately about Mom Bloggers gone bad. No names are ever mentioned, but the sentiment is always the same.

You think you're too good for us now.

Self-satisfaction is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Never discussed, but always presumed is the hierarchy of Mom Bloggers that is becoming more entrenched as I finger this article. Never discussed until now that is! I present to you my...

Mom Bloggers Caste System

  • Celebrity Mom Bloggers. They may have a book deal and make celebrity appearances on morning shows. One day one of them may be a guest host on "So you think you can dance". You can comment all you want on their blogs, but there ain't no chance in Hades that the favor will be returned. Don't take it personally, they're just too busy.
  • Mom Bloggers with a Google Page Rank of five or higher. I mean, how did she do that anyway? Her material is not even that good. Certainly not as compelling as my article on removing teeth marks from the cat's tail. She probably took a limo ride with Mr. Google and doodled his schnoodle. These bloggers may allow you to become their Facebook friend. They may even concede to comment on your blog if you guilt them into it by supporting them in a comment thread when the chips are down.
  • Mom Bloggers who have lots and lots of followers and/or feed subscribers. How do we know this? Because it's published right there on their blog. Take that, plebian! These bloggers are routinely interviewed and courted by other bloggers, their egos stroked in hopes that some of their magic will rub off on us.
  • Mom Bloggers who have a Google Page Rank of three or higher and are routinely able to procure obscene amounts of comments. Where do these people come from? People who comment on blogs? We could write a condensed version of Das Boot and our own Dads wouldn't even take the time to comment. We know people are reading our blogs. At least nineteen people. Because Clicky tells us that. But they don't comment. Why? Because they secretly hate us and want us to look like prom-dateless fools. It gives them a certain schadenfreudian pleasure to collectively doom our words to cyberspace limbo; forever moving outward, never hitting that mountain and echoing back to us deeper and louder and with more impact.
  • Mom Bloggers with a Google Page Rank of two or higher and a massive amount of followers on Twitter. Hey, at least they're popular somewhere. More popular than us, with more potential for being heard. Clearly they know something that we don't know. People like them. Or at least their Tweets. Maybe it's time to change out our Twavatars again.
  • Mom Bloggers. At least they've got a horse in the race.
  • Moms without a blog. Why even get up in the morning?

Let's all respect one another and not take another blogger's lack of interest in us personally. Let's not chase busy people down and chide them publicly for not having time for us. If you like her, support her. If you don't like her, why not cease to focus on her? Certainly do not express nasty thoughts and allow her success to expand with the help of your passion and your albeit creative negativity.

Her success may not be my success, but it certainly isn't my failure. It isn't her or me. Let's do our own thangs and back in the glow of our positivity and our love of expression. Let's ruminate on our joy and the fact that we're d*mn lucky to be Moms in the first place and to have a platform for bonding and expressing our thoughts, good and bad. Our Moms were infinately more shuttered. Can you imagine how frightened and alone they felt at times? Yes, we are the fortunate ones.

Sisterhood is the new catty. Ain't it cool?


  1. This is just a super post, Heather. I love the Uberbottom comment.

    I'm going to try posting this comment now because it's telling me I'm not recognized . . . .

  2. Okay, so no problem. Not sure what that message was about.

    Anyway -- the caste system. I have felt exactly the sentiments that all those wannabe mom bloggers in their "creative negativity" (that you so astutely recognize) complain about. I have felt shut out of the conversation, excluded for not being cool, irate that my "better post" or "more thoughtful comment" doesn't get a bite, etc. And while I have resisted any outright snarkiness, I feel it. Your read on the whole thing is JUST SO REFRESHING and perfectly on point. Why do we do this blogging thing anyway? Let's all just be who we are and SUPPORT each other. Detracting from our sister bloggers detracts from us. We are all women making great strides, with so much to be grateful for. And how positively wonderful that we have this blogging forum in which to communicate.

    Thank you for your generous and really liberating post on this issue.

  3. Heather HappymakerJune 6, 2009 at 1:40 PM

    Thank you so much, Eva. =-X

  4. Playground for ParentsJune 6, 2009 at 2:35 PM

    First time visiting your blog - saw your tweet. Like your style! Witty, sarcastic, informative - kinda reminds me of someone., that blogger who thinks she's darn good but isn't ranked 2, 3, or 5, all?! Don't know what that means anyway, just like I don't know what all this mommy-blogger madness is about. Turf wars? Ohh, high school all over again. Back then, I was in the popular crowd. Now, I'm in the "hope someone notices my new outfit & gives me a smile before they go eat lunch with the popular girls" group. At least I know I'm in good company.
    And yes, I'm leaving a comment b/c I know how much that means to ALL of us!! ;-)

    Recent blog post: Beware of the Breast

  5. Jannie the FunsterJune 6, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    As to the the uber-celeb kind, they have cliques, despite their self-sworn "community" moniker. Cliques!!

    You, Heather, have one of my very best favoritest blogs on the web. You are funny, funny, funny. Natural funny. And this post is right up there with the best of them. I'm not sure what your (or my,) page rank is but you should be very high, due to your witty content. And authenticity.

    Well, gotta get back to the pages of Das Boot, am about half-way done it now.

    Recent blog post: Another chance!

  6. Heather HappymakerJune 6, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    Great comment! Thanks for the kind words. Just do your thang, sistah & don't let "The Man" err... "The Woman" get you down.

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  7. Heather HappymakerJune 6, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    You are an absolute angel. Thanks, Jannie! I know that you won't forget about us little people when you're performing on Letterman.

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  8. I totally L.O.V.E. this post!!! Your humor and sarcasm comes through so brilliantly!!! I wish you could get this published somewhere...seriously. Sometimes blogging does feel like high school all over again. I think a lot of people forget the real reason they started blogging in the first place. My attitude is when it starts to feel like work, it's time to move on.

    The "doodled his schnoodle" line made me laugh so hard that I almost choked on the kit-kat I was scarfing down (at almost 10:00 at night).

    Recent blog post: Is it possible to host a fabulous party but let someone else do all the work? You bet!!

  9. I've given up on measuring success, celebrity, Page Rank and followers. I blog because I love it and because it helps pay the bills. I don't knock anyone for their work and if they want to knock me, go right ahead. Maybe I'll get some new people to look at my blog ;)

    Did I ever tell you that you're my hero?? :)

    Recent blog post: Oral Surgery

  10. Page rank? If you put me into Google it would laugh at you I'm ranked so low. I don't mind though :P Someday I'm going to eat bon bons at home.

    As usual Heather your a riot.

  11. Heather HappymakerJune 7, 2009 at 3:49 PM

    Thank you so much, Helene! You made me smile at just the right time last night.

    And *ahem* it is published somewhere. I know, I know, I know what you mean though lol

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  12. Heather HappymakerJune 7, 2009 at 3:49 PM

    You're right. Sadly, the only bad publicity is no publicity. And that's all I'm saying about that. =-X

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  13. Heather HappymakerJune 7, 2009 at 3:51 PM

    Thank you! Mr. Google laughs at me as well. When he does that I squirt goat cheese into his eye and put dead fish into Google Image Search.

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  14. Heather!!! I took a 'What Disney Character' FB quiz and... I'm Remy! I was sorta hoping for Cinderella or Ariel! If I'm not a darn badger.. I'm a rat...Drat!

  15. Paula @ Organizing Tips for MomsJune 8, 2009 at 8:53 AM

    It hurts my head too much to try to figure it all out. If I can come up with a post that will encourage or help another mom, I'm OK. I do find that there are so many great women out there (like Heather who changes her blog every other month) and that is what drives me, too.

    Recent blog post: How Do I Find the Motivation to Follow Through With Getting Organized?

  16. Heather HappymakerJune 8, 2009 at 9:00 AM

    Dear God, this calls for an Disnervention. I'm going to drive over and personally slap Mr. Disney for you. (((((MR))))) If it makes you feel better, I think Remy is a cute name and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the French connection. I took the same quiz and came out Dory, that irritating little fish!

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  17. Heather HappymakerJune 8, 2009 at 9:03 AM

    Hey, I'm still here! I bought into that whole personal branding thing and went on a frenzy. Then I deleted my blog by accident and freaked out. Now I'm just doing my own thing. You sweet nut. I agree that the contacts I've made through blogging were the first thing that came to mind when I considered throwing in the towel. Like you with your organizing ways, and you never stop surprising me.

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  18. I really enjoyed reading. I will be back to catch up with your other posts soon! ;)

  19. Heather HappymakerJune 8, 2009 at 8:18 PM

    Thanks! But there are no other good posts. This is the only one.

    Recent blog post: Mom Bloggers Caste System

  20. Robyn - Who's the Boss?June 9, 2009 at 11:17 AM

    I don't even know how to look up Page Ranks. I used to religiously watch the stats on my blog. Don't anymore. If I want to post everyday for a month and then only post one the next month, I just don't care who I gain or lose in the process. I'm over trying to "fit in."

    Everything is high school. The corporate world, the Santcimommies at your kids' school, etc. Why would blogging be any different? We too often define ourselves amongst the winners or losers. Truth is, that while someone may be a brilliant writer they can be a shitty person. And frankly, I just don't have time to deal with any more shit than already comes with being a mom. :-P

    Recent blog post: Happy Birthday

  21. Heather HappymakerJune 9, 2009 at 11:50 AM

    Holy cr*p, woman! BRA-VOH!!!!

    You just made my comment quote of the day!

  22. I'm not even sure what a Mommy blogger is! I got yelled at one time for joining a Mommy club because I wasn't blogging about...well....poopy diapers enough I guess! So sue me if I don't blog about my tadpoles all the time.. That doesn't mean that I'm not a Mum and that I love them to pieces or Lurve to read about other peoples kids! jeez!

  23. Heather HappymakerJune 9, 2009 at 1:35 PM

    Are you messing with me? If you're confused I must be as well. I thought Mommy Bloggers were bloggers who are also Moms. Just the very act of having children changes us individually and unites us as a community. It alters the way we view the world and the things that we write about.

    Maybe I'm missing the point of Mommy Blogging as well.

    Recent blog post: Comment Quote of the Day


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