Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our Angel is Okay

I don't want to get into the details because this is too difficult to talk about right now, so please do not ask, but Dennis and I are so altered by the experience that we are quite literally different people now. As such, we feel we must address it publicly before we are able to resume our somewhat normal daily life.

Our little Lily Rose had a horrible bathtub accent Saturday afternoon and took in some water. Because of this we called 911 and spent Saturday night in the ER at JFK hospital, and Sunday night and Monday in the pediatrics ward. Lily seemed fine and chipper fairly soon after the incident, but the doctors and we wanted to keep a close watch on her to make sure she didn't become a victim of what is called "dry drowning".

Given that it is summer and our children will be spending a lot of time in and around water, it's best that we all familiarize ourselves with the concept of and facts surrounding dry drowning. Here is another source of information about it. Please do not leave your children unattended for even one second in water. We all know this of course, but it bears repeating. Tragedy can happen in one second.

THANK YOU GOD for your infinite mercy in allowing our angel and light of our lives Lily Rose to make it through this incident unscathed that we should have her home alive and well. It could have so easily gone the other way. We are humbled and still a little in shock, but so grateful that things turned out the way that they did.


  1. OMG, how terrifying for you all. I'm SO GLAD Lily is all right! I'd never even heard of such a thing as dry drowning. Thank you for this info; I'm going to pass it along to every single person I know. XOXOX

  2. Thank god your little sweet pea is OK. And thanks for helping to spread the word about dry drowning. I bet a lot of people have never heard of it.

    Recent blog post: I Vacuum My Hair so you don’t have to

  3. Oh My! I am so glad to here that she's doing fine. How terrifying for you! Thank you for bringing "dry drowning" to people's attention too. It is really something people need to watch out for.

  4. Thank God your little Angel is safe. What a terrifying experience that can happen so easily and quickly. My prayers are for you to find peace

  5. We are so glad that Lily is safe. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family while you try and recover from this scare.

  6. Heather HappymakerJune 3, 2009 at 7:27 AM

    Thank you to each and every one of you for taking the time to offer your support. It is deeply appreciated!

  7. Paula @ Organizing Tips for MomsJune 3, 2009 at 1:04 PM

    I'm am glad she is OK! Thank you so much for sharing this infomation with us! what a scare!

    Recent blog post: "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!": Ideas to Eliminate that Phrase from Your Home This Summer

  8. Heather,
    I'm so glad to hear your daughter is in good health. That must have been an extremely scary situation. I have a little guy who is two...I can't imagine...thanks for using your experience to educate us all.

    Recent blog post: Vindication

  9. Oh Heather. Unspeakable. My heart is with you. I am so relieved to read that all is okay. I wish you did not have to go through this, and thank you many times over for the valuable info, as well as for sharing your experience. Try to breathe easy. It didn't go the other way. May you always have your angel and another angel on your shoulder. Eva xo

  10. Thank goodness that the ER docs knew about this. I'm so sad that you had to go through this, but so relieved that your sweet angel is fine. Much love and lots of hugs and sighs or relief.

    Recent blog post: Rehearsal Dinner

  11. Jannie the FunsterJune 4, 2009 at 8:21 AM

    Oh Dear Heather, that must've been just awfully awfully terrible, to say the least. Thank God your baby's okay.

    I'm off now to read the dry drowning link.

    Recent blog post: Another chance!

  12. Oh God Heather...ummm.. Did I ever tell you that I lost my 3 year old child Julien? He was playing in the backyard and had a random bad fall and well landed wrong...He died instantaneously. This was 6 years ago. Please give your beautiful baby girl a zillion hugs from me too! Life can be so dang scary!

  13. Heather HappymakerJune 4, 2009 at 9:24 AM

    Thank you to all. I usually turn inward when things like this happen, but I can tell you it's much nicer to feel a little internet hug love from your blogging buddies. It allows me to take some time from beating myself up!

    Marie, I had no idea. Words can't even express how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your beloved Julien. I was thinking to myself if I had lost Lily that I wouldn't be able to go on, but that I had an older child to look after so I would need to muster the strength somehow. You are such a strong and beautiful person. My admiration for you continues to grow. You are an inspiration to us all.


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