Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yes, I did it again.

Jerry dupes Tom into believing he has measles ...Image via Wikipedia

I need to get over this thing I have knocking around my brain that I can't post unless I have something deep or humorous to say. Not that I ever say anything deep or humorous to say. That's beside the point. It's a neurosis.

Anyway, yes I changed my blog theme yet again. I realize the polka dot background is a little slow loading. I'm going to see if I can make it a bit smaller to speed things up a bit. Also, I'm going to alter the header to add my babies in there.

I'll be back in commission soon enough. Hope you are all having a great week and looking forward to the 4th!

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  1. Testing... ooh lacka lacka... thanks Mel for letting me know the submit button was disappearing!

    Recent blog post: Yes, I did it again.

  2. Oooh it's there now see! :D

  3. You know, I think you just might be a worse tweakaholic than me.

    We need a 12 step program.

  4. I love the new look...esp the growing flowers in your header!! You are so creative...it took me forever and a day to re-do mine. My husband had to help me and he made me swear on my life I would never do it again!

    Recent blog post: Are you green? Ecostore USA product Giveaway!

  5. It's so nice to be understood. It's either my blog or my living room. I know you're not quite so bad as to redecorate anything in your house, though... WHOOPS! =-X

    Recent blog post: Yes, I did it again.

  6. Hi Helene! Oh God I know it's just awful. You literally have to tweak every part of it just to get it to look reasonably normal. It would be fun if it weren't for life going on around me needing my attention. Your blog looks fabulous, though! Tell your husband we thank him lol

    Recent blog post: Yes, I did it again.

  7. Thank you so much for your help, Mel!

    Recent blog post: Yes, I did it again.


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