Thursday, June 11, 2009

Social Media ADD

If you're like me you suffer from Social Media Attention Deficit Disorder. It's gotten to the point where I'm almost mentally paralyzed. My IQ is dialing down as I type this. At any given moment on any given day I am thinking all of these thoughts at once and I'm not kidding:

  1. What should I blog about today? Should I even blog today? If I blog two days at once will I be setting a precident and thereby assuring that people will think less of me if I let two or even three or even four days pass between blog entries in the future?

  2. I need to check Facebook. I never get the chance to actually look at everybody's page and get the full scoop on the haps. I should go through my entire friends list and organize people into groups so I can catch up with different groups on different days. Friends, family, bloggers, Avon Reps. But what if people fit into more than one group? What do I do then? Forget it, it's too complicated.

  3. I need to updated my status on Twitter. "Good morning Tweeple! It's me Heather! How are you'z today?". Ugh. "Check out the Avon deliciousness at my funky and fabulous eStore! You KNOW you want to look GUUUD, girl!" He-hl no. "Wacka wacka wacka! Why look so down in the twace when you should be twiling? It's a tweautiful tway twotay!"

  4. I need to find one of those tools that lets me put my Tweeple into groups so I can Tweet more effectively.
    a) SEO Rock Gods!!!!! - All that awesomeness should be contained for safety reasons
    b) Life Coaches - Good resource for affirmations and eastern philosophy quotes
    c) Mommy Bloggers - I can commiserate and follow their @'s to find new mommy blogger followers
    d) "Real" Bloggers - People without kids are the only bloggers to be taken seriously in case you didn't know
    e) Teenagers - Anyone who makes me feel that old needs to be approached with care
    f) Funny people who may or may not be insane for real but I don't care - Nuff said
    g) Other Avon Reps - So I can steal all their good ideas
    h) MC Hammer - His fabulousness needs its own category
    i) Friends and Family - Wait, do I have any on Twitter? Oh crap, I do! Are they reading what I say? Oh no. I'm going to hear about it at Thanksgiving. "Shouldn't you be with your kids instead of talking with all those questionable characters in the internet? I think you even said 'poop' in public. I'm going to speak to your Mother about this."

  5. I need to get some eHow articles up so I can start bringing in some money. Why didn't I think of this back in the day when I actually knew how to do anything? Now all I know how to do is talk about how I don't know how to do anything. Hmm... would that work for an eHow article? How to write an eHow article when you don't know how to do anything?

  6. I need to get caught up on Google Reader. These days actually curling up with a good blog and immersing myself in it seems like a luxury. Oh God, am I doomed to become one of those drive-by phoning-it-in blog networkers? The kind that don't actually read your posts and say things like, "Right on!" and "I always enjoy your posts.", but don't really mean it in a thinly-veiled selfish attempt to get reciprocal comments on their own blog?

  7. I should be creating and promoting a Facebook page for my Avon eStore. But is that even allowed? Will I get it going only to look like a complete ass when Avon comes and cyber-spanks me and makes me take it down?

  8. Should I be working on the blog over at my Avon eStore? Will anyone actually check that? Isn't that sort of like typing up a story and tossing it into the fire? And why did I put a link to my store in this post? Will that look desperate or make me look like a savvy businesswoman? AM I a savvy businesswoman? Am I even a businesswoman or just a cosmetics-schlepping schmuck?
There's more, but my brain just froze over. You know that feeling. The numbness starts by your ears and slowly paints the top of your head until it reaches your eyebrows. I can only imagine what I look like to the unsuspecting observer.


  1. Too funny. I loved your tweets. I'm frequently stumped over what to post on Twitter. I quite often find myself thinking, "Does anyone care?" Do we tweet for ourselves or for others? Hmmm... *DONT_KNOW*

    Recent blog post: Death: conducer of life?

  2. I just can't join Twitter. I figure no one wants to hear about my bodily functions and what I ate for lunch (tuna melt BTW).

    I do angst over what to blog about though too and if you find a way to make money by doing little or nothing tell me. I'm lazy.

  3. Heather HappymakerJune 11, 2009 at 3:40 PM

    I do both. I tweet to get things off my chest, I tweet to entertain, and I tweet to promote. But mostly I tweet to connect & banter with people & to get the latest on news & goings-on. I always hear about them first on Twitter!

  4. Heather HappymakerJune 11, 2009 at 3:43 PM

    Oh yes they do! You'd be surprised. But twitter isn't about MEMEME it's about connecting and the excitement that comes with asking a question and getting great responses from people around the globe. It's also great for letting peole know when you've posted to your blog, or finding out what crazy stuff others are up to.

    Do you enjoy writing? I say give eHow a try! Off of the advice of Cheryl Phillips of The Daily Blonde I'm giving it a whirl. You're supposed to be able to get some pretty good residual income in when you get 100+ articles on there. One a day for three months - just think where you might be!

    Also, if you want to start selling Avon I'd be more than happy to add you to my downline - you could be my first! You could make all your video game pals smell sweet and sell them lotion for their hand callouses. :-P It's not a little work, though. It can be a lot. It's pretty much what you want to put into it.

    Recent blog post: Social Media ADD

  5. I had no idea you could get paid to write those E-How articles....mmmm, I'm gonna have to look into that! Even if it's only a little bit of money, it would help pay for pizza night every Friday, right?

    I sit around with the same busy thoughts in my head too, if it's any consolation. I start thinking of all that I need to do, which only leads to more stuff I need to do to get the other things done and before I know it, my head is about to explode into a million pieces. If only there were enough time in the day...and if only my kids would let me come up for air every few days. Dream on, right?

    Recent blog post: Stop by my E-Bay auction today....Buy 2 kids and get 2 more for free!

  6. Heather HappymakerJune 11, 2009 at 4:04 PM

    Oh, and don't even get me started on what happens when the kids get thrown into the mix! Which is 90% of the time! I love them LOVE them love them but it's hard to concentrate. Can you imagine having an office where you can close the door and think???

    If you decide to do eHow let me know. I think you get paid more per view and for comments and ratings. You don't get paid on the articles, just on the revenue they bring in. Or something like that. We should get a casual network going where we boost each others' stuff.

  7. I found you! Stop messing with your feed!

    I totally love your tweets - they make me laugh, so yes, I think you should tweet more.

    And you know what I think of FB.

    Recent blog post: It’s like living with Florida weather. Wait a minute and it will change.

  8. Hmm I might be looking into the Ehow writing. That sounds like fun and promising too. I bet I could get Mike into it too.

  9. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 8:41 AM

    Aha! You found the bread crumb trail! No more messing with my feed. I was just shocked after I did that and then I couldn't remember what the original one was. Sigh.

    Big "LOL" about you and Facebook.

    Recent blog post: Social Media ADD

  10. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 8:51 AM

    Do it, Mel! Mike as well. Not only is it actually fun, I know people who say they're able to bring in passive income from it - hundreds a month. But you need to put down hundreds of articles & they need to get lots of views for you to make $. Just let me know if you guys sign up so I can subscribe to your articles and comment on and rate them. :)

    Recent blog post: Social Media ADD

  11. I'm going to wait til we move since I don't want to have to redo all my address stuff. I'm definitely going to look into it though. Thanks for the tip!

  12. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 3:50 PM

    Congrats on your move! You'll be feeling so good & settled in a couple of months from now. FINALLY!

    Recent blog post: Post Crossing

  13. Oh and too add to your Social Networking ADD I 've been thinking about what a good vlogger you would be to:)

  14. Heather HappymakerJune 13, 2009 at 1:13 PM

    Oh geez, would I really subject you to my fat face and my weasel in a sock voice? Just maybe! lol You are so funny. Thanks for the support and encouragement. You are one of a kind.


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