Friday, June 12, 2009

Post Crossing

I received my first cards from Post Crossing!

I showed them to Dennis this morning and here's a synopsis of our interaction...

Dennis: That's cool!


Dennis: I mean, it's so rare you do something that's actually cool.

Me: I do things that are cool!

Dennis: I mean, it's cool to you...


Aaaanyhoo, here are the postcards that arrived!
  1. This one is from Blanka in Plzen, Czech Republic! Apparently they make lots of beer there. Just looking at the postcard, and on a Friday no less, got me to craving a cold one. Thanks to Blanka!
  1. This next card is from Hanna in Finland! I think it's artistic and compelling. This one actually arrived a couple of days ago. Dennis saw it on the fridge and gave me a weird look. When I asked about it he admitted that he thought it was a picture of me from the past "trying to look cool". I don't know what he was smoking because it looks nothing like me. Are my expectations too high with regards to expecting the man to which I am married for all of eternity to be able to look at a photo of an artsy Fin and think, "Hmm... that's an artsy Fin, that's clearly not my wife." Dare to dream. Thank you Hanna!
  1. This gem is from Janneke in Vroomshoop in the Netherlands. Isn't it lovely? It's hard to imagine that places like that actually exist outside of fairy tales. Thank you Janneke!

What fun! Happy Friday to all of you. :)


  1. That is pretty cool!

    Recent blog post:

  2. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 1:02 PM

    Cool to me? lol :-P

  3. what a fun group of postcards. I used to live in Holland and think I know where those windmills are - but am not sure because I have no idea what Groeten ....???? means!

    Recent blog post: The Girl of the Golden West

  4. wow I'm shocked that you got so many foreign post cards. I've been looking for JUST the right one to send you ;)

  5. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 1:34 PM

    Maybe it means grown? Or morning? Or horses? How on Earth did you come to live there? In any case, you are a lucky woman. It's supposed to be beautiful. Loved your blog post about your Nana. Amazing! I'm following your blog now. Have a wonderful weekend, Margo.

    Recent blog post: Post Crossing

  6. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 1:35 PM

    Mel, these aren't from my blog post about the postcard exchange - they're from Post Crossing! Still, sooooo cool. I need to send some more out. I've only sent two. I wanted to make sure it "worked" before getting more into it. It's so warming to hear from people across the globe.

    Every day I go to my po box thinking, "Maybe this time... maybe Mel thought of me..." but alas, it was not to be. Sniff. No guilt, though. =-X

    Recent blog post: Post Crossing

  7. we weren't there long enough (about 1 1/2 yrs.) for me to learn much
    of the language... all the words were 20 or more letters long it
    seemed! It was with my husband's work in the mid-eighties... before we
    had children - we had a ball. I'm glad you like reading about my
    grandmother. I appreciate you following and I look forward to reading
    more of your blog too! Have a happy weekend :) Margo

  8. That is SO cool! What an awesome idea to sign up there for a postcard exchange! I love the idea of getting postcards from people in other countries!!!

    Recent blog post: Friday Photo Flashback....

  9. Heather HappymakerJune 12, 2009 at 9:11 PM

    It's really easy, too. All you have to do is send out postcards at your own expense. It's usually less than a dollar, though. I figure it will be fun for the kids to participate when they're older.

  10. I saw that blog and thought how awesome it would be to do this. Then I thought about how I have no time for anything. I'll live vicariously through your post cards. So please write a post and take photos whenever you get some, k?

    Recent blog post: Name Comforts Formula Firefly Contest

  11. Heather HappymakerJune 13, 2009 at 8:04 AM

    Connie, I actually signed up to do this before I started doing Avon and eHow. It's why I've only sent out two postcards! lol I will be doing more in any free time I get.

    Recent blog post: How to Make Your Baby Laugh |

  12. aww man, Now I have to go looking today. I'll make a trip "downtown" to see what I can find for you. I'm not sure if classy or tacky is what I'm looking for though.

  13. Heather HappymakerJune 13, 2009 at 8:43 AM

    Don't you dare! I don't want you to spend the gas money on something so silly. Only if you're out and about and in the mood.

    And Mel, this is me you're talking to. There's nothing you can send to me that I won't cherish as being a little piece of you. Tacky is fun. Classy is cool. Postcards are all fun! =-X

    Recent blog post: How to Make Your Baby Laugh |

  14. Downtown is 6 blocks. I can walk there from here if I feel motivated :P Remember my town isn't that big.

  15. Heather HappymakerJune 13, 2009 at 1:27 PM

    Why does that strike me as funny? I can just see you and your crew trekking downtown, you grumbling under your breath, "stupid postcard...grumble..." lol

  16. "groeten uit" means "greetings from". glad you enjoy postcrossing! :)

  17. Thank you Ana! That makes perfect sense. I have been so busy lately that I haven't been doing Post Crossing, but I need to get back to it! It's such a treat to receive a note from somebody on the other side of the world.

    Recent blog post: Yes, I did it again.


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