Sunday, June 14, 2009

One for My Guy

My husband married a fun, spontaneous, one might even argue sexy on a good day party girl and ended up with... wait for it... Mommy.

It's true. I almost feel sorry for the guy. It all happened so quickly. We met in 2003, married in 2005, and by the time I had Joe Joe in 2006 I'd gained 70+ pounds from pregnancy-induced hypothyroidism and had stopped doing my roots. I was so tired all the time. It was a huge effort just to do one load of laundry. I cried daily. I was fearful to take my son to the store lest a car should swipe him in the parking lot. I hovered like a bear. I eyed our dogs with steely suspicion. I felt immense pressure to make every moment magical. I thought I should be cataloging his every breath with photographs, baby book entries and emails. I felt guilty for staying at home and racked my brain 24/7 for a way I could be at home with my boy, my heart, and still contribute to our household. Yes, I thought that being a stay at home Mom meant that I wasn't contributing. I had to find a way to justify my very existence. I tried lots of things only to find that it was my son of the thing. The thing always lost out. I failed. Miserably. And often.

Hypothyroidism slows down your body functions, including your metabolism and thought processes, and basically slowly drives you insane. For real. I could barely hold my son up at six months, or walk twenty feet down the street without panting for breath. I was fearful all the time. When asked my middle name I sometimes could not remember. To make matters worse I turned to food for comfort and to quell the anxiety I was feeling.

Then, when Joe was nine months old, I was able to become pregnant with Lily. That was the plan. I We wanted anther child, and at the age of 37 the advice was to start trying when your baby is nine months old. What can I say, we got lucky or blessed or both. Standard pregnancy blood tests ensued, and miracle of miracles one day my doctor sat across from me wide-eyed with disbelief as he read me a three digit TSH number. Vindication was mine! I'd been complaining for months that I was dieting but still gaining weight and he always gave me the "Uh-huh, sneak another cookie while you're at it" look. Shortly thereafter Levothyroid became my new best friend.

It's been a long process but I'm slowly becoming me again. I want the time back with my son. I want to run with him and play and sing to him without a voice tinged with love but also sadness and desperation. We don't always get what we want.

I've decided to stop beating myself up for having been sick and tired and to start living with vitality. I tossed out a hook and snagged myself and started reeling me in. For a long time I thought that any time spent on myself was time stolen from my children. I'm beginning to realize that time spent on myself is a gift to my children. I'm taking morning walks and eating better. I'm wearing makeup. I'm brushing my hair.

Time spent on me is a gift to my husband as well. What? I have a husband? Oh, that's right! When I became a Mom I grew so focused on my children that I forgot to be fun. I was a good Mom, but a lackluster wife and partner. You see, any time spend on my husband was time stolen from my children. Little did I know that time spent on my husband was one of the greatest gifts I could give my children.

It has been said that the greatest gift you can give your children is to love their mother. Isn't the same true of ne'er oft thought of dear old Dad?

Last night Mom watched the kiddos while my husband Dennis and I went out for margaritas and tacos. We talked. About the kids. And then a miracle happened. We started talking about him. As he began to share with me his hopes for the future I saw him come to life. It was like watching a train huff and puff and rattle and screech, eventually working up to a smooth and proud glide. It was beautiful.

We finished our food and checked his watch and determined that if we were to head home right then and there we would arrive just as Mom was putting the kids down. That's a big no-no. The distraction would have them in a frenzy and they wouldn't be able to go down for hours. So we did what any couple would do. We went to Target and picked up a t-ball stand and a twelve pack of beer. As we got back in the car and realized that we had failed to kill enough time for an uneventful re-entry we decided to stop by the driving range just down the street from our house and have a beer. Dare we? We dared. I asked Dennis what might happen if a policeman discovered our folly. He said, "You're right, officer. You got us. Two middle-aged people sitting in a parking lot at a driving range on a date night having a beer." I giggled. We hadn't done this since we were teenagers. He began detailing some teenage exploits of yore. A friend had scaled a fence and stolen a keg. Another had punched his cousin in the face. I asked if these friends were on Facebook so I could tease them. We smiled and laughed. And it was good.

As Father's Day approaches, I'm going to make a point to remember my husband more often. Not as a partner in parenting, we've got that one nailed, but as a partner in his dreams and in fun.

I love you Mr. Snugglepants.

Photo credit: h


  1. Very sweet tribute post to you, your husband and your children.

    Recent blog post: Sick and Hungry? Don’t come around here

  2. aww what a good reminder. I know it's hard for me to remember that sometimes too.

  3. Heather HappymakerJune 14, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    Thanks! I should delete the bits about my husband and kids so it's just a tribute post to me. :-P

  4. Heather HappymakerJune 14, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    I know, we all need the reminder. But you spend a lot of time with your fellow too playing games and whatnot. I'm sure he thinks you're fun. =-X

    Recent blog post: One for My Guy

  5. Heather HappymakerJune 14, 2009 at 5:41 PM

    Who's being funny? I'm serious! By the way, you've got a groovy blog. Love your 'tude.

  6. Heather HappymakerJune 14, 2009 at 6:35 PM

    Oh no, I just did what I always accuse my husband of - I put another brick in the wall of jokes.

    Recent blog post: One for My Guy

  7. That was a wonderful post!! I often forget that my husband isn't just another person to clean up after or cook for....he's my partner in life, for better or for worse, and I really should devote more time to him as a wife, and not just the mother of his children. This was a great reminder! I'm glad you and your hubby had a chance to reconnect!

    BTW, I was diagnosed with Graves disease ages ago and went through RAI treatment and that ended up sending me into a hypothryroid state. I totally know the feeling you've described in this post. You really do think you're losing your mind and most dr's don't even think to test your thyroid. I went through agony at first until my ob/gyn finally suggested I have my levels checked and we were stunned!!! So since all that, I've been on synthroid and still have to have my levels checked at least every 9-12 months.

    Recent blog post: Friday Photo Flashback....

  8. Awwwww! That is so sweet - and yes, I too have to remember that my husband is my soul mate and not simply the control freak of the remote.

    I didn't know about your thyroid issues - how scary is that? Glad you got it worked out!

    Recent blog post: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

  9. Great post - and so very honest. I think we've all had a time or two that we lost ourselves. :-D

    Recent blog post: Vacations Close To Home

  10. Heather! This was such a magical post!!! ummm.... can I friend Dennis on FB and call him snugglepants? Now I'm feeling guilty about not brushing my hair today!

    Recent blog post: Swearing Like a Chinese Sailor

  11. Heather HappymakerJune 15, 2009 at 10:14 AM

    Helene, you are such an inspiration to me. I can't thank you enough for sharing your experience so I don't feel like it was just me going all wonky!

  12. Heather HappymakerJune 15, 2009 at 10:15 AM

    It could be a ton worse, Andy but I'm glad it was diagnosed. I'd hate to think where I'd be right now if I hadn't gotten pregnant with Lily & had a thyroid screen done. Everybody should have one! (Lol about the remote.)

  13. Heather HappymakerJune 15, 2009 at 10:15 AM

    You're right. And it makes life all the sweeter once we are able to find ourselves again. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Heather HappymakerJune 15, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    Hi Marie! Please do friend him, he'd love it, but don't you dare call him Snugglepants. ;-) If it helps, I haven't brushed my hair today either. With all things, moderation =-X

  15. Robyn - Who's the Boss?June 15, 2009 at 11:46 AM

    OMG, you just described me to a tee. The tiredness, the weight gain even when dieting. I think its time to call my doc.... *DONT_KNOW*

    Recent blog post: Birthday gift

  16. Heather HappymakerJune 15, 2009 at 12:06 PM

    Robyn, you should definitely at least get it checked. All Moms should. I think it's part of a standard early pregnancy blood test, but I personally think it should be required postpartum. It's fairly common. 6-10% I think. From what I understand is that for most women the pregnancy-induced hypothyroidism subsides after time, but in my case it's here for good.

  17. PS. Your new profile pic is FAB! :)Beautifu lady!

  18. Heather HappymakerJune 16, 2009 at 10:02 AM

    Thank you Marie! Look who's talking. Actually, I got lucky that day. All the forces in the universe came together and allowed me to take a good photo. You should see me right now! =-O

    Recent blog post: One for My Guy

  19. Paula @ Organizing Tips for MomsJune 17, 2009 at 9:21 AM

    Great post and I need that reminder. Of course right now I want it to be all about me since I am the pregnant one. I gotta work on us as a couple not just as parents.

    Recent blog post: "I want to be organized, just like her!"

  20. Heather HappymakerJune 17, 2009 at 9:32 AM

    Paula??!? You are PREGNANT!!!! This is wonderful news! I'm so excited for you!


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