Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

Ewe with scrapie with weight loss and hunched ...Image via Wikipedia

I'm not a member of a formal weight loss program, so I post these weekly weigh-ins to motivate me and keep me honest.

8/11/09-8/17/09: Down 3.4 pounds

Total Weight Loss Since 7/13/09: 14 pounds

Exercise: Whatxercise?

Feeling: A little better. It's nice when the temperature dips under 110 and we can leave the house.

Notes: Lots of popcorn this week. Please tell me this is helping and not hindering because I love popcorn with an unholy passion.


8/04/09-8/10/09: Up .8 of a pound (nooo!)

Total Weight Loss Since 7/13/09: 10.6 pounds

Exercise: None. I've been a slug.

Feeling: Awful, can't sleep

Notes: I gained back almost a pound! I haven't been eating much, just not as many fruits and veggies. And I have been writing and not running around exercising. Time to:
1) Start eating raw fruits & veggies more
2) Force myself to use the Wii & hope and pray that Joe doesn't jump on it while I'm in a yoga pose


7/28/09-8/3/09: Down 3 pounds

Total Weight Loss: 11.2 pounds

Exercise: None. I've been a slug.

Feeling: Icky

Notes: I need to exercise!


7/21/09-7/27/09: Down 2.2 pounds

Total Weight Loss: 8.2 pounds

Exercise: Nonexistant

Feeling: So-so

Notes: It's that time of the month!


7/13/09-7/20/09: Down 6 pounds

Total Weight Loss: 6 pounds

Exercise: A bit on the Wii, need to step that up. Running around the house in circles with Joe.

Feeling: Pretty good. :)
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  1. That Wii! It's fun, don't you think? We just got it, and I promptly bought the Wii Fit package. I've been thinking of joining a gym, but if this works, as I'm hoping it will, I'll be happy to save the money.

  2. I figured out how to responD lol! :) Congrats Heather! U rock Mama! XO
    <3 NICOLE =-X

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  3. Thank you Nicole!! Huggles and puggles.

    Recent blog:=- Blogging With a Secret

  4. Dude, that is amazing! I'm so impressed. But whyohwhy is there a sheep in your post? No wait, I don't want to know. Or do I? At any rate, attagirl!

    Recent blog:=- Writing as Exercise (Plunge Like There’s No Tomorrow)

  5. How did I miss this comment before? I have totally been slacking off, Eva! I started doing the running thing and my boobs were bouncing all over the place and I decided that I'd better get a workout bra to keep my boobs from heading to my ankles in the next month or so, and then I spaced it. Are you having fun with it?

  6. I was feeling sheepish?

  7. Holy lady...good job! Are you on some crazy diet or are you some kind of weigh loss guru? That's a really great showing for only 4 weeks!

  8. Aimee! Thanks! And No! lol It's probably all water weight loss. You must be skinny. All the hefty gals like me know that you lose a bunch of water weight when you first start dieting, then it levels out.

    I'm trying to concentrate on fruits & veggies & whole grains, with no junk food and a minimum of bread and cheese. It's hard because bread and cheese are my favorites!

  9. Wow, way to go on the weight loss!  You're doing way better than me....waaayyyy better!  My kids do the same thing with the Wii...I can't use it without them trying to hop on the board or trying to stand in my way.  My only option is to do it either at 5:00 am or 9:00 pm...forget that.  Which explains why I'm not doing so great.

  10. Dude. First of all popcorn is great - but cook it in real, unfiltered coconut oil - it can't be stored in the body as fat, it has to be burned energy, so it speeds up your metabolism.
    Second, why did you start dieting on *my* birthday (see, I can make it all about me too).
    Third, you are perfect just the way you are.
    Fourth, go on the Bella diet - eat when she eats and you'll lose a LOT of weight. Just don't eat what she eats (soda and poptarts - ew).
    Fifth, if you were a vampire, you would have a perfect body and you would never even fart...I'm just saying.

  11. Me too! I never seem to get to it. I should do it when Dennis is home so he can help reign in the kids. To be honest, I keep forgetting lately! And I've been lucky so far THIS TIME AROUND with the weight loss. I've tried a few times since the thyroid thing started and no matter what I did the scale would not budge. You look great, though. You don't look like you even need to lose weight.

  12. Hi Julie! Thanks so much for the advice. I've never heard that about coconut oil! I read a little bit about it back when I learned I was hypothyroid. Apparently it was touted as a snake oil of sorts for a while and when I found it wasn't a blanket cure-all I stopped looking into it. But if it can help me to indulge in my dear beloved POPCORN I will revisit it! What do you suggest putting on the popcorn to flavor it? It's so bland by itself.
    I started on your birthday? AHA! See, somehow you and the cosmos managed to throw motivation into my head. I'd just returned from San Diego after the Twilight/New Moon epipheny and was just sick of being fat.
    LOL about the Bella Diet! I happen to LOVE pop tarts, but of course I don't eat them now.
    I like your fifth solution. Three days of burning are a small price to pay for being able to fit into vintage thrift store finds!

  13. Actually - pure coconut oil (you have to make sure it hasn't been
    filtered or bleached - Spectrum makes a great one) - is a cure all of
    sorts. Besides the fat thing, it's anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-
    fungal and makes a great sunscreen - naturally. There's a terrific
    book about it...I'll try to dig up the name.
    About the popcorn - I pop it in coconut oil and then add sea salt -
    it's one of my favorite things. I find it to be incredibly flavorful,
    but that's just me.
    If you find Edward and he agrees to bite you, and love you, please
    stay in touch...
    �Write where you want to go.
    Julie Roads * Writing Roads, LLC
    Copywriting for Web and Print
    413-281-6013 * The WR Blog
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  14. Well shucks. Who knew. One more question - to you use it in your other cooking? Does it replace vegetable oil and olive oil? Or just the former? In baking? I should just Google it and save your fingers the trouble.
    I recently bought some kosher salt & I love it, but it doesn't stick to the popcorn. I used to use sea salt - I'm going to try it again, thanks for the reminder.
    LOL about Edward and staying in touch. Love your e-card! I promise not to pass your phone number along to the weird pantless porn guy who hit me up on Facebook on Friday.

  15. Gross.
    What ecard??? Yeah, please don't share anything with that guy!
    You can use coconut oil for everything...the only thing is that it
    tastes like coconut - so it's gross in eggs, but great in baked goods.
    Depends how much you like it...
    Kosher salt is not the same. Sea salt is much better for you - and
    full of trace nutrients.
    �Write where you want to go.
    Julie Roads * Writing Roads, LLC
    Copywriting for Web and Print
    413-281-6013 * The WR Blog
    * Twitter * LinkedIn * Facebook

  16. Durr, *DONT_KNOW* I meant to say v-card. Not appropriate either, I was referring to your cool little block of info at the end of your comment. Thank you SO much for the info about coconut oil. I'm going to try it & I have the feeling it's going to make a big difference. I will be sure to look out for the pure stuff. Coconut Gold as it were. And sea salt! Hugs!


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