Thursday, August 6, 2009

A story in progress

Codfish Fritters at Chez MoiImage by unprose via Flickr

I'm all about experimental writing exercises these days. I'm going to start a story with one sentence. Not a good sentence or a bad sentence. Just a sentence. I'm hoping you will make the story live. Make it fun or dull. Serious or silly. Whatever. No pressure or expectations with regards to quality of writing.

Post the next line or section of the story in a comment. No rules, except that it should make reasonable logical sense. I'll edit the post to add your contributions, with occasional input from myself. If this catches on, I'll bump the post periodically so the whole world can marvel at your creativity. If it doesn't, I'll just blame it on you. :)


Chapter 1

That damnable zipper was doing its best to humiliate me. I finally decided to go skinny dipping - in the ocean, middle of the night, all dark, save the moon - and, now, I couldn't get out of my dress. So I did what any self-respecting, thirtysomething woman-in-crisis would do... I gave up and sprinted through the icy waves in my dress, laughing as I went. The instant my ankles hit the water I realized two things; it was far too cold for me and there was no way in Hell I could stop now or I'd never live it down. Unfortunately, my granny panties were not up to the task and had fallen around my ankles. Before I knew it, my undies had captured 2 sea urchins, a starfish, and a good length of sea weed. Then My grannie panties were full of codfish too. Since our family had not eaten in 2 days due to the famine, we feasted that night as we had never before. And next morning we saw our garden that we'd given up for dead due to the drought -- was bursting with corn, tomatoes, beans, peas, melons, potatotes, squash and hundreds of sunflowers.
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  1. I finally decided to go skinny dipping - in the ocean, middle of the night, all dark, save the moon - and, now, I couldn't get out of my dress.

    Recent blog:=- Blog content: trunks, branches, leaves

  2. So I did what any self-respecting, thirtysomething woman-in-crisis would do... I gave up and sprinted through the icy waves in my dress, laughing as I went.

    Recent blog:=- Writing as Exercise (Plunge Like There’s No Tomorrow)

  3. Unfortunately, my granny panties were not up to the task and had fallen around my ankles. Before I knew it, my undies had captured 2 sea urchins, a starfish, and a good length of sea weed.  

  4. Then My grannie panties were full of codfish too.  Since our family had not eaten in 2 days due to the famine, we feasted that night as we had never before.  And next morning we saw our garden that we'd given up for dead due to the drought -- was bursting with corn, tomatoes, beans, peas, melons, potatotes, squash and hundreds of sunflowers.


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