Friday, August 14, 2009

Writing Exercise: Cricket

Oh Mr. Cricket
You move really fast
when you want to

Some people eat
Crickets with

But I think that's really
gross so I don't
really do that.

You're green and
you're mean if you
know what I mean

I like to think of us
as a team me and you
Mr. Green

I have to admit that
I'm using you to break
my own rules

And prove a point to
the naysayers and

They claim that descriptive
writing is easy and not prone
to make one look like a fool

To them I say HA just read
this and weep
take that!

and a jar of shampoo.

Image via Randy Cox at Flickr


  1. That was adorable and fun to read!!!  Though the chocolate cricket on a stick did make my stomach turn a bit...LOL

  2. Poetry is one of the most difficult forms of writing. It's a shame that people don't read poetry much any more. I'm just as guilty though. Now that I've seen this, it reminds me of how soothing and relaxing it is.

  3. Thanks! I hope you know it was a joke, though. I wasn't trying to write a good poem.

  4. It was a joke! I know I can't write poetry & am content to read it. I prefer poetry that has to do with human emotions above nature studies and whatnot. You're so busy, I'm sure you'd read it if you had some free time on your hands.


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