Sunday, August 2, 2009

Want it.

Espera EsperanzaImage by julkastro via Flickr

We watched The Answer Man last night. It was a cute but not fabulous romantic comedy in the spirit of As Good as it Gets. A little overacted by Jeff Daniels, but I digress...

A conversation took place that went loosely along these lines:
Kris: I have all this potential but I never do anything with it. How can I get past the crap and do what I want to be doing?

Arlen: At any given moment we are doing exactly what we want to be doing. There is always a choice. Everything is a choice.

This got me thinking. In order to change our lives for the better and live up to our potential, could it not be a matter of actively changing our wants? Maybe we really do want to be lazy. Maybe we want to remain in the shadows because it's safer there. Maybe we want to be ignored. Unfulfilled. Misunderstood.

Because if we really put ourselves out there and give it a shot — and I mean the shot, the one golden bullet we were all blessed with, and are met with failure or rejection, we will have to let go of the notion that sustains us — and I mean the notion, "If only I had done it, I would have been great".
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  1. Interesting take. Not necessarily comforting ;)

  2. Hi Becki, thanks so much for taking the time to visit & comment. I appreciate it. :) I'm starting to realize that the road to true happiness is not paved in comfort.

    Recent blog:=- Want it.

  3. Oh honey, you are SO on the money! And I am fah-reaking out at the similarity of our posts at the current moment... same wavelength, for sure. I do know that Fear (capital F) plays a big role in my sometimes-inertia. (I also experience wildly confident spurts of productivity, so go figure...)

    Let me know when you figure us out. Time to stop wasting time, eh?

    Recent blog:=- Practice Makes Perfect?

  4. Sounds like an interesting movie that sparked a lot of deep thoughts!

    Recent blog:=- Renegotiating my marriage contract....

  5. Okay, that's it. We are having a brain fuse right now. I'm going to go ahead and post tomorrow's post that I wrote earlier today so you can see what I'm talking about!

    Recent blog:=- Want it.

  6. Hi Helene, aka the best Mommy blogger out there. The movie was so-so, but all it takes is one sentence that sparks one thought, eh?

    Recent blog:=- Want it.


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