Friday, December 4, 2009

Dallas by Happy Hour!

Magnificent Berlin
Image by Ginas Pics via Flickr

Dennis, Lilypooh and I will be flying to Dallas today in search of a home, and will be returning to Southern California on Sunday evening. We're not actually making the move until January 5th or so of 2010, but we recently realized that in order to accomplish the relocation we must first procure a place to live. My Mom and Stepson Brian will be entertaining, hugging and keeping an eye on Joe Joe while we are gone. We would have loved to have taken him with us, but couldn't justify forking out the bread for an extra ticket seeing as how we're going to be returning for good in a month. This bums me out immensely because he would really have enjoyed the plane ride, among other things.

Boy, will  I miss my boo boo bottom. He dragged his suitcase into the family room about an hour ago and it nearly broke my heart. I'm being honest with him as he responds well to logic, but still... we've never been apart this long. Even when I spent two nights in the hospital after Lily as born he came to visit the next day.

I just went searching for a photo of Joe's visit to the hospital and found this...


It seems as though Joe's fascination with maxi pads was not recently born!

Here it is... this picture haunts me. I think of it on a near-daily basis. Joe looks so sad and unsure of himself. The poor thing was only 18 months old when Lily was born, one month older than Lily is now! His world changed so much that day. Sure, he gained much more than he lost but still...


Why am I doing this to myself? Where did this come from! Deep breath. Moving on...

The two hour time difference is going to be a bit of a nasty witch in the morning, as we will be meeting a realtor at nine, but we're used to getting up early a'la Joe Joe's penchance for turning on all of the lights in the house at 5:20 am. Lily's always up for an adventure these days, so I'm expecting good things from her. I'm hoping to hide her underneath my hooter hider on the plane and that she'll fall asleep after a quick nip since the flight takes off right at her regular naptime of noon. I packed little bags of snacks and toys to divert her attention (thanks for the plane tip, Gina!) should she start winding up to a meltdown. Dang, I should have done the same for Dennis.

I'll miss you all. Have a fun weekend!
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  1. Heather Kephart: Why haven't I be reading you previously? You are waaay too funny. Sorry, gush over.

    Second and more importantly, good luck to you and Dennis finding a place in Dallas.
    .-= Unfinished Rambler´s last blog ..Ruh-Roh, a rhee-hee-hee edition of NPR's Morning Edition =-.

  2. Good luck! Have fun!

    You know I might need tips about how to move cross country in a couple years. Mike and I keep toying with the idea of Vegas after I'm done with school. The though of never dealing with a snowblower again is amazing.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..Thanksgiving =-.

  3. OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!! You are actually moving to TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can Kelly and I come hang out with you for a day over her spring break?? She so wants to visit an American Girl doll store. We were talking about the one in Houston, but Dallas would work too. (None here in Austin.)

    Good luck!
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Getting To Know Him… Getting To Know All About A Wonderful Blogger. =-.

  4. Wishing you the best of luck in your home'll be fun! That's the one thing I've always enjoyed is looking at homes when we were in the market for a new home!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Life's all about stopping and smelling crap? =-.

  5. Best of luck in searching a new home.. I knew that it is hard to look for another place but it'll do good and for the better.. Been here for a year now in our new home and we're about it.. hoping the best luck for you too.. first time here by the way .. ^_^

  6. This is one milestone in your life for sure. Milestone because I know you'd be happy and contented in your new abode. Moving causes a lot of stress but I'm sure you'd be able to cope.

    Good luck with finding a new place. Hope it would inspire you to write more.

    As you've always said: "Home is where the fart is." lol. :)
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..An Immortal Relationship : Friendship =-.

  7. hey you're moving... don't know much about your life yet, but good luck and have a safe trip. are you going to bring your blog with you? ehehe... J/K
    .-= Ryhen Satch´s last blog ..Do You Know Kung Fu? =-.

  8. Good luck in your quest for searching a new home. I know it can be daunting but on the other it can also be fun (hopefully).
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Google AdSense Webinar - Free Online Seminars =-.

  9. That's a big move! Far from where you are now and have to adjust to the new surroundings.

    "Home is where the fart is"... now that fart will also have to move to its new home.
    .-= Gem´s last blog ..How to Earn Money from Blogging =-.

  10. I think the most important part is you will have your mom and his family around when you do settle in. And as an added bonus you will have Jannie and Holly nearby! 8) I think there is someone else, too, but I can't think of them at the moment. =]

    Enjoy your trip and many happy thoughts on finding a great new home!

  11. Good luck with all of it; you have your cyber cheering squad going strong on your behalf.

    Can't wait to hear how it all goes!
    .-= Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord´s last blog ..7 Steps for Climbing the Staircase to Joy =-.

  12. Why do we torture ourselves when we know that the tears are just going to flow and flow? Soon you'll be home and be together. Can't wait to read about what you found while house hunting.
    .-= ConnieFoggles´s last blog ..Men Of A Certain Age Review =-.

  13. Good luck Heather! I know everything will turn out fine :D

    God Bless!

  14. Happy house hunting. I know it isn't easy leaving the kids, but I'm sure he'll be ok. :)
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..How to add a falling snow effect to your Blogger Blog =-.

  15. Hi
    just dropping by to say hi and return a visit.

  16. I hope all went well for you Heather. As for Joe, he'll be fine, and looking at your cat, I reckon he as just giving it some wings. Perhaps he was thinking of flying over to meet you. ;)
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..The New FTC Guidelines, How Fair Is It? =-.


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