Saturday, December 19, 2009

Places not to put your Diet Coke


In your freezer. xD


  1. Oh my that's a complete mess. The one thing I love with winter is I dont need the freezer. If I need to chill some drinks I just left them outside the balcony and sometimes I forgot to take them back in so they were as hard as stone.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..It’s Finally Over! =-.

  2. Hi, Chrales! You're in Norway, though! I'm near Palm Springs. It's been so hot here lately. Seriously, still in tank tops and shorts!

    Have you got your Nisse out? :D

  3. Sadly, I don't have a nisse here. That reminds me that I should buy one heheheheh.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..It’s Finally Over! =-.

  4. Oh no! Did you hear it explode? That would scare me so bad, lol! Ugh what a mess to clean. Well, live and learn right? :D
    .-= Janine´s last blog ..Vyvanse =-.

  5. Big ooops. What about Diet Pepsi, though? My aunt does that all the time and doesn't seem to have a problem. Hmmmm.
    .-= Unfinished Rambler´s last blog ..Step Right Up And Get Your FREE KIDS =-.

  6. I'll have to remember that!! Thanks.

    Could this be the first in a series??


    lol on the Unfinished Rambler moniker -- love it.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..With Not A Dry Parental Eye In The House =-.

  7. Thanks, Jannie. It took me years of hard work to develop that gravatar. Okay, not really, about five minutes with a staple gun. :)
    .-= Unfinished Rambler´s last blog ..Things You Didn't Know About Your Local Library, Part I =-.

  8. I did something a lot worse than that. I did it to my beer DOH!
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Of Gary Vaynerchuk And His Belief That You Can Cash In On Your Passion =-.

  9. That is something that might happen to me. Maybe already did, I am not saying much other than it was hard to try and pretend that the five year old did it.
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Songs That You Have To Sing Along With =-.

  10. I did that with a glass bowl of fruit salad. Lol...I had to de-freeze.
    It was fortunate nothing more has been ruined. Happy holidays, Heather.
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..A True Story: This Could Happen to You! =-.

  11. Doh! Science fair project!! lol.
    .-= Damien Riley´s last blog ..Better Presentation of your Blog Writing =-.

  12. Yep, did that too and a lot of other things. Curious though is that there was no "boom" sound, lol. Unfortunate experience, but one that we all must go through to avoid it in the future, hehe. Hope all is well with you
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Simple Method To Selling Direct Ads Or Services =-.

  13. Oh, I'm sure there was one Frantesco - at 3:32 AM. :side:

  14. Ooh, good idea. I'm going to use that next time.

  15. Ah yes, I used to do that all the time back in the pre-young-kiddo days. The house we're renting in Texas was built in 1979 and sports a tiny closet-sized bar with mirrored tiles, a sink and a pass-through to the patio. Oh yeeeeeeah. Oh yeah oh yeah. I'm going to decorate it up. Trying to decide between 70's cheese and 50's cocktail hour.

  16. That's the idea, Jannie. We'll just have to see what comes of it. Maybe someday I'll be able to put a Diet Coke in your guitar before a performance. Heh.

  17. I'm going to try it with Diet Pepsi and see what happens. ;-)

  18. Nope, no 'sploison. I drink caffeine free diet coke at night as a treat - the full-caffeine version was interfering with my sleep. When it's warm it melts my ice and waters down my drink. Completely unacceptable! I'm so sure.

  19. Never do this with a glass bottle, Heather. Can's bad enough. You MIGHT get by with it in a plastic bottle, but you will want to open it outdoors.

    Can't believe I hadn't read this one before; I followed the hand-crafted links from Sire's delightful Journey to Bloggersville post.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..In-context Links? No Comment! =-.

  20. Wastn't that so nice of Sire? He must have been all wonky on egg nog. I love it when he gets like that.

  21. [...] there is Heather the fumbling one who once put a magical potion in a cupboard that almost blew four homes into oblivion. Now let’s not forget Anne, formerly [...]

  22. I am going to pay attention to the links from now on... I can totally relate with what happened, did the same with, err, uhmmm... I forgot what it was. Mountain Dew or Coke, darn... You know us Filipinos call any soda - Coke so I guess it was Coke that sploided in our Freezer.

    .-= Zorlone´s last blog ..The Guardian of the Forest (Part 5) =-.

  23. [...] there is Heather the fumbling one who once put a magical potion in a cupboard that almost blew four homes into oblivion. Now let’s not forget Anne, formerly [...]


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