Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wow I've Been Busy by Joe Joe

Hello again! Lots of things have happened since my last post! :woot:

[caption id="attachment_1919" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Last week I saw a hot air balloon come towards our house from a far away mountain!"]indio_hot_air_balloon[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1920" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="It flew right over our house and the people inside waved hello to me!"]It flew right over our house and the people inside waved hello to me![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1921" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="It headed around the corner - where is it going?!?"]It headed around the corner - where is it going?!?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1922" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="It landed in a future park site just down the road. I told Grandma I wanted to go and get my butterfly net to catch it!"]It landed in a future park site just down the road. I told Grandma I wanted to go and get my butterfly net to catch it![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1923" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Lily got all muddy in the back yard that day and Mommy tried to get all fancy and make the picture black and white."]Lily got all muddy in the back yard that day and Mommy tried to get all fancy and make the picture black and white.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1924" align="alignnone" width="199" caption="Daddy was watching a program about The Beatles and Lily fell in love with Paul McCartney. "]Daddy was watching a program about The Beatles and Lily fell in love with Paul McCartney. [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1925" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="My Godmother Gina and Godsister Rachel sent a Thanksgiving treat to Lily and me, pudding cups and mixes galore, and creature paper plates! Thank you Gina and Rachel! We love you!"]My Godmother Gina send a Thanksgiving treat to Lily and me, pudding cups and mixes galore, and creature paper plates! Thank you Gina! We love you![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1927" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Lily had fun stacking the pudding cups she ripped out of my hand."]Lily had fun stacking the pudding cups she ripped out of my hand.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1928" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Lily is proud of her accomplishment!"]Lily is proud of her accomplishment![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1929" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="The tiger plate was one of my favorites. That and the beaver plate!"]The tiger plate was one of my favorites. That and the beaver plate![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1930" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Daddy pretended he was a tiger. I think he fooled Lily. Brian thought it was funny."]Daddy pretended he was a tiger. I think he fooled Lily. Brian thought it was funny.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1931" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="I just wanted to put another picture of me in here with my fancy necklace."]I just wanted to put another picture of me in here with my fancy necklace.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1932" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Lily thought it was fun to crawl into Godmother Gina's UPS box."]Lily thought it was fun to crawl into Godmother Gina's UPS box.[/caption]

Then the other day I woke up really early and found Mom's camera again. I can't believe she keeps forgetting to put it away at night.

[caption id="attachment_1933" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I like this chest."]I like this chest.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1934" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I like the way my foot looks on the rug."]I like the way my foot looks on the rug.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1935" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I like the way my foot looks on the inexcusably dirty tile floor in the kitchen."]I like the way my foot looks on the inexcusably dirty tile floor in the kitchen.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1936" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I like my Elmo chair and my huge, messy stack of toys that Mom's always organizing only to discover that I've messed up her piles yet again."]I like my Elmo chair and my huge, messy stack of toys that Mom's always organizing only to discover that I've messed up her piles yet again.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1937" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="I like my leg, too."]I like my leg, too.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1938" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="This picture scares Mom. She thinks it looks like a butt."]This picture scares Mom. She thinks it looks like a butt.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1939" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I am first and foremost an artist. I kind of like this one."]I am first and foremost an artist. I kind of like this one.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1940" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="My big brother Dennis turned 18 on Saturday!!! We took him to Red Robin and I crawled on his and everybody else's heads for an entire hour!"]My big brother Dennis turned 18 on Saturday!!! We took him to Red Robin and I crawled on his and everybody else's heads for an entire hour![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1941" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Dad, Brian, Dennie and me at Red Robin. Mom put down her huge glass of beer long enough to take the photo."]Dad, Brian, Dennie and me at Red Robin. Mom put down her huge glass of beer long enough to take the photo.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1943" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Then she picked it back up again."]Then she picked it back up again.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1944" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="My big brother Brian held me while I looked for dropped food under the table."]My big brother Brian held me while I looked for dropped food under the table.[/caption]

That's it for now. :D


  1. What a bunch of cutie patooties (is that how that's spelled?)

    I used to live in AZ and every Saturday morning balloons would go flying over my apartment. I would be sleeping and I could hear them stoking the burner and filling the balloons with more hot air, and was soooo cool to look out the window and see them.
    .-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog ..Do You Have Permission To Use That Photo? =-.

  2. Joe Joe, I love your posts...you are adorable! Have you ever considered publishing a children's book? I think it would be hugely popular.

    And yeah, what is up with the picture that mysteriously looks like a butt?
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..10 signs that you and your hubby desperately need to get reacqainted... =-.

  3. I believe you spelled it right. :) If not, I'm sure Holly *ahem* someone will be around soon to correct you.

    Wow, sounds like a dream to wake up to the sights and sounds of lofty pleasure! Have you ever been up in one? I have not.

  4. Helene, Joe has not as of yet considered the possibility of writing a children's book. He told me to tell you thanks for the suggestion!

    And I know, right? A butt? What the heck?

  5. Joe Joe you are quite the photographer and blogger!
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..How to add a retweet button to your blogger blog-Tweetmeme =-.

  6. Nice choice! I also like Paul McCartney :D

  7. I love your post, Joe Joe!

    You should take a ride in a hot air balloon! Don't be a sissypants like my husband and refuse to do it because we're not on our honeymoon anymore and thus, not romantic anymore. Hot air balloons are tons of fun and smacking into a tree on the landing is cool, regardless of what anyone else says.
    .-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..How to accept a gift without losing a testicle or two =-.

  8. Joe Joe ~ so nice of you to share the pudding cups with your sister. She is really lucky to have you as a big brother. Wonderful pictures! You really should start a photo book, 'Abstract Art for the Young & the Young at Heart'. And I think that photo is an arm not a butt, because that would be one really long cra, er, yeah. :angel:
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Bath & Body Works ~ $1 Shipping Today Only =-.

  9. I have found that the most effective diet I have ever been on is the try to eat while hanging upside down. Really, it works like magic.
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Streets of Philadelphia =-.

  10. Awesome post Joe Joe. Very nice pictures and just one thing that I was wondering... are you sure that the balloon was not from Google sending you a special invite to GWave?, lol.
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Google AdSense Webinar - Free Online Seminars =-.

  11. Dear Joe Joe,
    These experiences you share with us are so beautiful and precious.
    Thank you so much for taking us into your world. :)
    You make a great photographer! :)

  12. Joe Joe, I love your perspective on life. I only wish you'd pestered Mom to take you and your (sorry, her - she should get you your own for Christmas) camera down the road to meet the balloonists and try to scoop them all up with your butterfly net.

    Heather, watch that kid - he's already got "the MySpace angles."
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Win Prizes and Fame with Famous Bloggers =-.

  13. No, I haven't. I will definitely have to start with the tethered experience before deciding if I actually want to take off. I'm sort of afraid of heights.
    .-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog ..If You Ask Shall You Receive? =-.

  14. I think she spelled it just fine. ;)

    I've ridden in a hot air balloon. It was a 16th or 17th birthday present from my parents, and my mom went with me. She LOVED hot air balloons, and wanted to share that with me. It was fun.

    It's amazing how loud that burner is (and it puts out a blast that's 20 million BTUs), and more amazing how utterly quiet it is when the burner's not running. After all, there's no wind - you're riding on that. You can hear EVERYTHING down below, so don't be telling secrets or neighborly gossip if there's a hot air balloon overhead.

    It's not for small children, either. When we landed, we came in fast and dragged across an open field sideways - helps to have some upper body strength to hang on, since there are no seats or seat belts. I was facing the ground. We didn't slow enough, so we had to jump a road with some pretty steady traffic - just barely cleared the cars. Then came down in the back of some apartments or condos, and nearly took out their cable boxes. All in all, though, it was a good landing - no harm, no foul. And we drew an excited crowd.

    You know why it's traditional to bring wine or champagne? No, not to celebrate the survival on landing, but to keep the farmer from coming after you and your balloon with a pitchfork, after you take out a row or three of his crops.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Win Prizes and Fame with Famous Bloggers =-.

  15. Joe Joe, I remember wanting to be carried around upside down by my dad too when I was little. :) Fun times yay!

    Don't buy your own camera yet, just make suggestions to your mom about what you want for Christmas. Hehehe.
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Watch the UP Concert Chorus Christmas Concert 2009 =-.

  16. Thanks, Joe-Joe! You and Lily are getting so big. And don't tell your mom but I thought that Elmo chair was actually a big bra sitting on a fuzzy red sofa, until she 'splained it. Look at it again -- don't you think?

    smoochies to you, your sis and mama.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Getting To Know Him… Getting To Know All About A Wonderful Blogger. =-.

  17. For being so young, Joe Joe is a tremendous typist! Would he be interested in an admin position next year? On a volunteer basis, of course! (smile)
    What a fun post to read --- loved every picture and caption. Thanks for putting a big smile on my face!
    .-= Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord´s last blog ..7 Steps for Climbing the Staircase to Joy =-.

  18. It does too look like a butt, that or a bit of cleavage ;) My Joe, how you do like taking photos of your feet, and pretty well focused too. ;)
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Wassup’s With The November’s Statistics =-.

  19. Hi Heather,

    You got great kids, Jojo really has your facial features. May you have a great weekend. Ciao!
    .-= Jhong Medina´s last blog ..Why name it the Lunch Break Blogger? =-.

  20. I really enjoy reading your blogs. You'll love living in Dallas, I"ve been in Houston for over 25 years. Happy blogging!

  21. Hi Denis, nice to see you here too! Thank you so much! I have a friend in Houston, and a couple in Austin. We're very excited to make Plano our new home, as it's supposed to be very family-centric. :)


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