Sunday, December 20, 2009

Goals for 2010: Blogging or Writing?

dolphin_ringWhat am I trying to do here?

I have no clue. That's not entirely true. Some days I have a clue. The next days I can't find it.

What is my blogging goal for 2010? If I don't know where I want to be my chances of reaching my destination are zippo, zilch, nada. Wait, not nada. That means nothing. Not zippo either, that's a type of collectible lighter.

As is my way, I'm not going to consider what is possible, I'm going to consider what I actually want. Assuming the reality that my net achievements will fall somewhere in-between where I am now, and where I want to be, if I were to lower my brass ring to a reachable level, odds are I would achieve less in the coming year than if I were to toss it away from the carousel and onto the beach, into the waves, where it would most likely be carried out to sea by a passing crab and inevitably swallowed by a curious dolphin. This dolphin would not get sick. The ring would simply tickle the inside of its belly and make it laugh up rainbow bubbles to the surface of the water where they would burst upon the air, their gentle scent eventually wafting back to the boardwalk and infusing it with an air of lightness, hope, and possibility for not only myself, but for all creatures in my vicinity, living and undead alike.

I don't know who I am as a blogger. We need to know who we are to know what we want and what we need. As somebody who does not know who she is, I know I want and need to figure out who I am. A good place to start is by figuring out who I am not.

  • I am not nor will I ever be a SEO expert.

  • I am not nor will I ever be a Social Media expert.

  • I am not nor will I ever be a Blog Monetization expert.

  • I am not nor will I ever be a Giveaway Queen. (That takes planning, yee Gods!)

  • I am not particularly technologically proficient.

  • I am not a dung beetle.

  • I am not comfortable networking only with other "Mommy bloggers".

  • I am not competitive.

  • I am not simply a humor blogger, although life and chances of success would certainly be greater if I were. (Or weren't??)

  • I am not a provider of answers (as I learned via the construction of this post).

  • I don't want to be tied to my computer, living on the edge of an Alexa rating, fearful that should I take a day or two away to attend to my family or my self, my blog will suffer. I don't want to live my life desperately chasing numbers.

  • I am not my blog. I am myself, a wife and mother, daughter, sister, cousin, co-conspirator, buddy, and blogger. The state of my blog should have no bearing on my self-esteem and sense of self.

Where does that leave me? Things look pretty bleak. What hope do I have for success? And what does success mean to me? I need to determine this in order to determine which activities will move me further towards my goals, and which will coax me away from them.

  • I wish to cultivate a variety of contacts to whom I can not only relate and find comfort with, but who amuse and fascinate me with their powerful intellects, alternate realities and their knowledge and confidence of self. For this I must look both within and outside of traditional Mommy-blogging circles.

  • I would like to expand my readership and create a sense of community herein. I want my readers and commenters to eventually recognize and interact amongst themselves, as well as with me. I want them to have fun in my comments section and look forward to their visits, rather than see them as an obligation of sorts.

  • I want to toughen up. It seems that people are not always willing to be kind. I need to not only be prepared for the possibility but expect that sometimes people will leave comments and send emails that are ugly, and that I shouldn't let them effect me in a negative manner. Their negativity is about them, not about me.

  • I have no hope of being considered an expert at anything, so for my blogging success I am going to have to shoot for that ridiculously unattainable goal: to achieve a readership based upon who I am and my ability to express myself and connect with other human beings. That's right. I'm hoping that people will want to visit my blog and interact with me and my other readers simply based upon the fact that they like, or are entertained by me in some way. Now that I've determined this I need to make a vow to myself and my readers to always be myself. I can't hover and agonize over my keyboard before pounding out each post, worrying who I might offend if when I say the word poop. I need to be able to relate the details of my crazy, silly life without worrying that my readers will consider me vapid, or worse - ungrateful and unappreciative of the gifts that life has provided me with. I can't provide something helpful and useful in ever post. I can simply be.

  • My wish, apparently, is to gain blogging success based upon being myself and providing no value whatsoever to my readership other than entertainment, commiseration, schaudenfraude and possibly pathos.

  • To what end? I want to make some money. Blogging alone is a source of satisfaction, but the reality of my situation is that I need to make some money. I am not independently wealthy. I want to do what I love (blogging) and make some money from it. There, I said it. Hmm... the sun is still perched just above a frog-shaped cloud. Earth did not turn on its axis. A sea of spit did not make its way to my face, nor is it currently dripping into my bra.

    • Problem: I can't sell worth a darn. I've tried. I simply don't have that relentless pursuit of victory thing when it comes to separating people from their money.

    • Problem: Ads won't work on my site because my regular readers don't want to click on Google Ads that lead them to a better iPod carrying case, nor do I particularly want them to.

    • Problem: My stupid flipping Google Page Rank sits there at PR1 even though I have ten times the readership I did when my blog had a PR3. And you need PR3 or above in order to gander any type of reasonable opportunity with regards to paid blogging.

I want to learn to be a good writer. Hopefully upon achievement of that goal I can become a successful writer. Magazine articles? Books? Airport leaflets? STOP signs? Who knows.

Which leads me to this...

  • Can one be a successful blogger and a successful writer? I used to assume that the two were natural bed-buddies, but now I'm not so sure. To be a successful writer I will have to do lots of back-end, behind-the-scenes exercises and activities, and submit writings to other places, taking time away from posting here at Happymaking. My posts here help to sharpen my writing skills, but, unfortunately, not the type of writing skills others are willing to pay for. I would like to be a columnist, but since the advent of blogging, I'm not sure the discipline still exists since most blogs are basically self-published columns.

  • Let's say I push and squirm and make a deal with the devil and over time my name becomes well-known in the blogdom. What could possibly come of that? Advertising revenue? A book deal? Work-from-home employment opportunities? Paid writing gigs? I simply do not know.

If any of you know what one might hope for upon becoming a well-known "personality" blogger, please do share the wealth of your knowledge. This information will help me form my goals for 2010, and hopefully others as well. I do not seek to be a well-known blogger to appease my ego, but as a means of making a living that allows me to be at home with my children. Since I do not harbor net-translatable knowledge or skills for which others are willing to pay, it is simply my only hope for blogging success.

Should there be no means of procuring a little kaching-ching upon becoming a popular blogger, I'm probably going to have to step off the blogging a bit, and focus my efforts on writing. But at least I will know. Disillusionment can be a wonderful thing!

Thanks for riding alongside me on this journey. Here's to goal-setting and success for us all in the coming year!


  1. Heather, I've had the flu last week, don't feel all that great, and have only one thing to say: you gotta get over yourself.

    There's all kinds of experts. If you know anything at all about, say, social media, you know more than most people. You don't have to be the world's authority, you just have to be able to transmit what you know to other people, fast and easy. In portion sizes they can understand. This goes for every aspect of blogging.

    For another example, I'm not an expert WordPress plugin programmer, but I could sure teach you how to program simple plugins. And that's just because I know a little bit more about it than you do.

    You have 241 articles written here. You're creating you're own little gold mine. Maybe in 2010 you can just keep creating the ore, and worry about the gold in 2011.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..How to Increase Your Search Ranking — By Doing Absolutely Nothing! =-.

  2. Dave, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post, and leaving a comment. However, I find it a bit confusing. What do you mean by "get over yourself"? In my experience, that sort of comment is negative and directed towards people who are full of themselves and have big egos. Is that your impression of me? I don't want to assume anything, and I want to get the full and correct impact of your advice. Please do be honest.

    I do not want to be an expert blogger, nor do I think every blog has to be about learning how to do something. A lot of my favorite blogs are stream of consciousness reads. I do, however, enjoy blogs by comedians, blogging experts, Moms with experience I find helpful, and writers. This blog has been around for four months or so, most of the posts imported from my other blogs, which are now gone.

    I want to know what one might shoot for with regards to making money from a personal blog, if it should happen to be popular, and I don't want to wait until 2011 to formulate my goals. If I don't know what the possible monetary rewards are, I will not be able to work towards these goals. If I learn that there is no way to make money in the future via putting hard work into a personal blog, I will shift away from blogging and work towards writing as a means to procure an income.

    I wish you success in the coming year.

  3. What's great about a blog is its ability to be whatever you need it to be. So if you need to spend more time writing and working towards those goals, then do so.

    I'm with you on many of those 'I am not' things. I hold very few giveaways since the turnout is seemingly bleak. And those who do comment are doing so just for the opportunity to win something and will unfollow, unsubscribe, and unfriend me as soon as the giveaway ends and no new one appears. I don't understand page rank [not sure why mine is PR2 and yours only PR1 ~ WTH?] or what SEO trick is needed so more people find me. Then again, do I want them to find me? :whistle:

    I'm sure you'll figure things out once everything settles down with the move and the holidays. Now, I must go sledding lest the middle child burst me into flames with her evil glare. :sick:
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Winner of the $35 Jiffy Lube Gift Card =-.

  4. Hi Anne. :) Thanks for slogging through today's diary. It's always the same. I just want to know where I have the greatest chance of success & where to apply my time. I'm not the best businesswoman and tend to make decisions emotionally, so I'm hoping somebody with an unhampered outlook will give me some practical advice.

    Blogging will be for fun, but I can't help but wonder if it can possibly be a career. Writing can be a career, maybe, with a ton of hard work and starting at the very bottom, all of which I'm very willing to do. But do I need to have my blog at a certain level in order to be considered for writing gigs? It's all so confusing! Gah.

    Your blog is great. I really wish more people WOULD find you. It can be both a blessing and a curse though. Thanks for making me laugh about the sledding. I'm so glad to have found you as a blogging contact. You're one in a million.

  5. There's two kinds of experts: absolute experts, and relative experts:

    I think you're doing fine. I've been going for almost a year, I have just over 200 articles, I'm only at PR2, and I have to work my tail off to get much interaction. From everything I've read, this is normal.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..What Does a Pink Limousine Have to do With Blogging? (It’s the Week in Review!) =-.

  6. I give away stuff all the time, and no one wants it. I'm not worried about it. It's good feedback: I'm not connecting with my audience.

    If I were really connecting with my audience, people would jump at a chance to get an hour of my time.

    Reality is awesome.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..How to Increase Your Search Ranking — By Doing Absolutely Nothing! =-.

  7. Wow, Heather, these are some deep thoughts and I love that you are one of those people who can express her thoughts on paper so well. I always have similar thoughts but they all get jumbled up in my head!!

    I have a similar struggle, though, I don't think my blog will ever be a source of income for me. I have loyal readers and commenters but I see my blog solely as a source of entertainment, not something that will ever bring the attention of a popular blogger or anything more than that.

    With that said, I do see my blog as a step up to where I want to be. I've been doing some research on what it takes to find an agent/be published and most of what I read says it really just takes getting out there in the world and putting your name out there. Your blog is an excellent way to do that. It's just one of many platforms, if you think about it. Same with Twitter and Facebook. All these forms of social networking will pay off for you at some point...they will help you to reach your main goal, which is being paid for your writing.

    Do you have the 2010 Writers Market book? I bought it when it first became available and there are a ton (and I'm serious when I say a TON) of magazines and newspapers listed to where you can submit samples of your work and become published. And they're all magazine in particular which I looked into pays like $1500 per article. And when you approach these magazines/newspapers, you can use your blog as a platform..."I have established a regular and loyal readership via my blog....", ya know that kind of thing?

    So, in the end, I think my blog will help me to some degree though it won't be the main reason I may make any money from my writing in the future. But it certainly is going to give me a step up or a foot in the door, if you will. I can easily see your blog doing the same for you.

    I also struggle with what I should put more energy blog, my book or trying to find other avenues to get my name out there (like magazines, newspaper columns, etc) but something has to give. Right now, the time I devote to my writing in my book seems to take the back seat to everything else so it will probably be ages before it's done. Seems kinda backwards to me...I need to balance things out somehow. And still make sure my kids are fed, clean and kept alive...LOL!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Mommy - the live version of Wikipedia =-.

  8. You only have PR2? Get off my blog!

    Just kidding.

    Thanks for the link, that will help quite a lot of my blogging friends who are struggling with niches. Following your advice, they can slowly snowball their knowledge into a snowman of expertise. I just read Helene's post in my inbox and it inspired me. Hopefully in time I will be able to snowball my way into freelance writing success, and share my relative experience to help others.

  9. I would *LOVE* a guest about how you're going snowball your knowledge into a snowman of expertise... or how you've done it in the past.

    And I bet you have.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Dynamic Content Generation – How WordPress is Like a Sushi Restaurant =-.

  10. Reality is only awesome when we don't feel powerless to alter what needs to be modified. As an aside, I don't think being lazy is a factor for most of us - it's where to put our energies. I've spent a lot of time working very hard at the wrong things. Now I'm focusing hard on finding the right thing to focus on, and talking it through, trying to make a game plan instead of simply trial and error per the norm.

    If people aren't responding to your giveaways, I wouldn't necessarily assume that you aren't connecting with your audience. Perhaps your audience is out there, but they can't find you. Perhaps you are going after the wrong audience and in effect "not connecting" with the wrong people. If you truly are reaching the right people and not connecting with them, where do you go from there? We need to be authentic. If you are being authentic and it ain't gettin' the job done, then you know for sure you are fishing in the wrong pond, because there is a pond for all of us. If you are not being authentic, it's time to strip away the bullshit and be real. And I mean that for all of us.

  11. I just love you, Helene. I don't know how you do what you do. If I were an employer, I'd hire you on the spot. The very first time I commented on your blog I made an off the cuff remark about some food you made, or something like that. You sent me a private email explaining how to make the food, or where to buy it, that kind of thing.

    You have about fifty (adorable, bouncy, silly) children and yet you find time to connect with your readers on a personal level. You are an expert networker because, for you, you don't have to work to like people and play nice. You do like people, and you are nice. You're also wickedly funny and stand out in your niche, which is not easy to do because it's arguably one of the most crowded ones. You don't phone things in. You go the extra mile, then throw in an extra mile for good measure, with a friend on your back.

    I seriously appreciate your advice. I'm sick of throwing my energies into the wind. I'm getting too old for that. I want to build something. I like your ideas. I did buy the writer's guide, but then I got distracted by Nanowrimo, and now this move which has me tied up onto knots. I think I packed the blasted thing, but your response has helped to solidify what I already know I need to do. I need to spend more time with my family, and on writing. Both of those things take time away from my blog, my other baby, and I am afraid I may lose the contacts I have made in here - wonderful, fascinating people. I should just let go of that notion and do the writing work, and realize that my blog may suffer from it, and not reach its full potential in terms of popularity, but that I will be working to build something tangible behind the scenes, sharing with those who are interested.

    I can't wait to read your book when it does come out. Have you considered designing a baby book for parents of multiples? One with your humorous take on things, and lists for parents to fill out? I think that would be hugely successful as well. Andrea (The Creative Junkie) could design the artwork. ;-)

  12. Dave, that's very kind of you. Seriously. But I don't think your readers want to read about my hypotheticals and "I'm gonna do's". They want answers from people who know what they're talking about. If you'd like, I could tell them what NOT to do lol

  13. I suspect that might be quite entertaining, thank you!
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Blog World Recap: How to Attract a Large and Loyal Audience =-.

  14. Excellent points. I'm still finding my voice, and I have lines fishing in at least 3 ponds right now. I'll be posting about that soon.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Watering Holes and Quid Pro Quo – WIAW Week in Review =-.

  15. Hmmm.. You're post made me think Heather. What are my goals this coming year? Well, aside from continuing my running pleasure, LOL! Will think about it deeply. For now, here's a toast for your SUCCESS!

  16. Keep on running, girl! And get dressed up more often, too. You look so beautiful in a dress. :) (Bet you get sick of hearing that.)

  17. There are many bloggers who write well, don't care to learn about SEO, have a life outside of blogging and yet earn very good money blogging. You have a wonderful sense of humor and with that alone you will have people visiting your blog and commenting. I'll try to link this blogger who believes as you do, yet she earns a lot from Izea, a whole lot -
    .-= ConnieFoggles´s last blog ..Safeway $25 Gift Card Giveaway =-.

  18. Connie, thank you! That was incredibly helpful! I added Corrin to my reader & will watch and see what she does and see if any of that might work for me.

    I'm still at PR1 though, and there's no way I'm doing a sponsored post for like four bucks! We'll see how things go. Again, thank you for the specific advice. Have a wonderful Monday!

  19. Hmm...I earn huge sums of money and spend all day in my bathrobe. Or is it that I earn no money and spend all day in my bathrobe. Ah, who cares this robe is damn comfortable.

    Been blogging for 5.5 years and I can't tell you where my niche is. I run Haveil Havalim, the weekly blog carnival of the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere. I have comments and visitors from political blogs across the spectrum and a chunk of parents.

    Can't tell you where I belong, not sure if I know. I didn't pay any attention to trying to make money from this until last August. Been running sponsored tweets and Twitads and am making a couple of bucks that way.

    None of that is all that helpful. But here is what I know for certain. Advertising is all about the eyeballs. Build community and you have the ability to ask the advertisers to spend money to reach that community.

    As a one person operation giveaways on their own are probably unsustainable. Be authentic, be real and have fun otherwise what is the point of this.

    I predict that more than a few of these review blogs are going to disappear. There is a lot of opportunity out there for people who are smart and who enjoy writing.

    You seem to have both in ample supply.
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Don't Worry About What You Can't Control =-.

  20. Heather, we have so much in common. Maybe we can put our heads together and make a plan (*margo takes a deep breath*) on ways we can support each other. Hope you have a wonderful holiday :)
    .-= Margo´s last blog ..Don’t Donate that Fax Machine to the Smithsonian Yet =-.

  21. Now, why is it that I do not agree with "almost" everything you said:) For one, you are an excellent host. That's a prime vitamin to success. Then you use Thesis and that takes care of more than 80% of your SEO (where did you get that idea, lol)? Third, you are an excellent writer. 4th, what more do you need to know about social networking, hehe. And I can go on.... But really, I think that it really is a matter of being focused into something specific and you should be good to go. Moreover, not everyne has P50 to turn to when in need:)
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Merry X'Mas and a Happy New Year =-.

  22. Great sentiments and logic there. I think you have what it takes to draw a large following. In my experience, and I have never gotten more than 6k visits a month on my personality blog, the personality niche rarely gets ad clicks. You can try affiliate marketing and get close with companies who believe in you but you're better off having a niche blog in something that provides a service or needed information if you want to make money.

    Apart from the niche idea, you can continue to cultivate your personality blog. There are things you can do to achieve the goals you mentioned like: maintaining a current blogroll and commenting thoughtfully weekly or daily on those network places. Some of my most loyal readers I met and built connections with this way.

    Be open to ways your blog can make money. Also, it is good to go for what you want but I believe as "grownups" (don't forget I teach 4th grade) we show more maturity by respecting boundaries of what is possible. I once read a bumper sticker that said: "Happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you get." I think there is wisdom there in blogging. Don't hate me when I say that blogging can waste your time and will most likely not make you more than a couple hundred dollars a year. I have you on my blogroll though, and I'll be back hoping you get what you want and want what you get :)
    .-= Damien Riley´s last blog ..Finding Firewood and Clarity this Christmas =-.

  23. Thanks, Damien! Firstly, I hear you with regards to respecting boundaries. With most things I have my feet planted firmly on the ground. But with artistic efforts, I think we must sometimes attempt the impossible and not establish pre-set limits for ourselves. I've always set the bar way too low for myself, and never quite reached that low bar. I figured if I raised it I might meet something workable in the middle.

    But I hear you, bro! I think a lot of us bloggers dream the impossible dream, then feel like failures if we don't achieve it. We're always thinking this will lead to something. I'm beginning to think that for myself it's much better to focus on small, do-able endeavors, and work my way up in a more concrete way. I need to realize that this would not be a failure, but rather a shift in focus. You're right about making a couple hundred dollars a year by working hard and throwing all my free time into the project. I'm learning from this post, and leaning towards continuing to blog for fun, instead of shifting to working my blog for pennies.

    Like I said, disillusionment can be a good thing. It can save us from wasting our efforts, and nudge us towards more realistic, achievable goals. Thanks so much for your time and expertise, Damien, and especially your honesty. I am very appreciative.

  24. Thank you, Frankie! You are incredibly nice to me, and I don't take that for granted. We all need somebody to be kind to us from time to time, don't we?

    You are right though, as is everybody else. To earn any kind of $ blogging you really do need to focus on a niche. I can see that now. It's just hard for me because I'm such a generalist. Putting all my eggs in one basket in terms of flushing out and focusing on a niche feels like jumping out of an airplane into a fire. And a bit boring as well. But you always did say that you have to work to make money blogging, not play. Thanks, I do appreciate your time - and you!

  25. Margo, I take that as a huge compliment - to be like you in any way makes me feel all warm and floaty. I agree - let's stick together. We share so many of the same goals. I know there's got to be some way we can help each other. Unfortunately, at this point "the way" is obscured from my vision. That's okay, I'm learning to be patient. Good things come to those who wait longer than most. ^_^

  26. Just by reading this post I have this feeling that you are going to success on both writing and blogging life! I experts mostly don't trust their skills because they are seeking more and more, and those who want to learn is the ones who will succeed!

    I am going to ask you one question here:
    - Do you think all people knows what they are doing?

    I am going to answer it as well, because I am sure that no one knows, and we all are earning still, this whole life is about learning to the last day dear! I make some money online, I do some good stuff here and there, but I can not say that I am expert or even I am a successful guy, I can not feel it yet, and maybe I will never feel it in my life, but I am sure that someone will say it one day, that this person "me" was a successful guy, why? maybe just because I will die trying to reach my goals no matter what they are!

    I really think that you will success one day not because you are a good writer or a blogger, but because you have the soul of a worrier!

    and hey .. don't forget that you a Famous Blogger ;)
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..The BlogoGalaxy of Famous Bloggers on Flickr =-.

  27. Jack, I didn't know you had so many pans in the fire. Impressive! Your advice is good. Logical. Fair. Thank you so much, I'll keep my eyes peeled for writing opportunities, and submit submit submit until I get a hit hit hit!

    Thanks for the compliment. I feel the same way about you.

  28. Thanks, Hesham! Yes, it does seem sometimes as though everybody else knows what they’re doing. Or maybe they just don’t talk about their fears as much as I do. And maybe that is wise. :wink:

    And you’re right – I am a Famous Blogger! lol, thanks for the giggle. I appreciate your time.

  29. Allow me, you just catch my eyes talking about being "generalist", I want you to know that my most earning is from My Life Thinking blog which is about general things in life, I have started this blog about 2 years ago and made more than $3000 dollars till now from it, it's the main blog of my earnings and I am freaking out sometimes when it got some problems or I am going to lose it one day!

    I am 100% sure that people who read about general stuff and specially news stories are much more than those who are reading about specific niche blog.

    I want you to know that you can success both ways, it's a matter of working hard and believing of what you are doing!
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..Famous Bloggers Rock and Roll on Blog Engage =-.

  30. Talking about your fears is what brings me hear to read this honest post, as I said and I will say for ever.. I like real things from real people! and sorry for filing your post with my comments ;)
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..Don’t Abandon Your Posts Once Published =-.

  31. WOW! That's quite a bit of money you're making there. Congratulations on the success of that blog. I'm so sorry you have to live in fear of losing it just like that. That's the curse of success, eh? Kind of fun to scramble your way there, but once you're there, and you have it and you realize it's not only possible, but a reality, it's not so fun to maintain what can so easily be taken away. Sort of makes you break out into a cold sweat.

    I know people read about general stuff, and news stories. On Yahoo and Google and, but not here! lol (I pity the fool who gets her news from Happymaking.)

  32. Thank you for telling me that Hesham, it's good to know that you enjoy that side of things. I like real things as well, but many I've encountered prefer a more polished display and appearance.

    Do not EVER apologize for filling my post with your comments! That's why my posts are here. If anything, you didn't comment ENOUGH on this post lol :p

  33. Why should it be one or the other? You can do both. Our good friend Holly does it well. When you finally finish your novel you need your blog and your community for it to do well.

    You've a unique voice and style of writing. If I were a magazine editor, I'd have no second thoughts about publishing your stuff.

    I'm one of those readers who don't have a big appetite for lessons and tutorials - and God knows I need those to fill out the gaps in my knowledge. So take it easy. Give us your best James Joyce stuff. Tickle us with your adventures even though some of them show you traipsing in your internal journeys. Threaten us with poop.

    If I need textbook knowledge, I'd google it. Your writing is meant for more wondrous pleasures.

  34. The list of things I'm not far exceeds the list of things I am. And while I know what kind of blogger I'd like to be, I haven't the faintest idea as to how to get there. Here's hoping 2010 brings us both some answers.
    .-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Death by macaroni and cheese =-.

  35. You are what you think you are Heather. Nobody was born an expert, all has been developed. Unless you want to be--then you will be. :-)

  36. Well shucks, thank you Jan. And I feel QUITE certain you wouldn't say that just to spare my feelings. ^_^ Heh. Your opinion means a lot to me.

    Holly is Holly and Heather is Heather. We're different people in different places in our lives, with different strengths to draw upon. Holly works long hours, so I don't know how she gets anything done as it is. As for myself, I don't feel as though I can do both because I am raising two small kiddos, and keeping a house, and I think I should spend more time at it as it is. To do right by something, I think I really need to throw myself into it, make it my pet. I don't know if I could do that with both blogging and my writing exercises and readings, and still possibly produce something extraordinary on both ends. I know I could do both passably, but I want to take one to the next level and start to build a resume.

    I think I've decided to throw myself into writing. I will continue to blog, but via feedback I don't think my blog is capable of doing what I hoped it would do. It is a labor of love, and should continue to be just that.

  37. Andrea, you've long been one of my favorite bloggers, and you always will be. What kind of blogger would you like to be, or is that a private dream?

    Agreed - here's to answers in 2010!

  38. Hello, Walter, man of wisdom. :) I love that - "you are what you think you are". I agree, and I need to keep reminding myself that. I don't know that I want to be an expert, I simply want to be a good artist, the best that I can be, and to share the journey with amazing people like yourself.

  39. Well Sire, given that I am a wife and mother I thought it was implied. :o :p

    So you approach blogging as a way of getting away from the real world. Good to know. I think many do as well. For me, it is that way sometimes. Sometimes it is to make sense of life. Others to celebrate, or to poke fun.

    Some dance to remember. Some dance to forget. The blogging world very well may be our own little Hotel California. :)

  40. Heather, I loved reading all these comments, very interesting perspectives from many people. I love what Jan said...that when you finish your novel, you need your blog and community for it to do well. That's SO true. Many publishers these days are more apt to go with an author who has a big following, whether it be on a blog or some other social network. They're gonna want to know that there are people out there who like what you have to say enough to buy your book. You have to prove that you are marketable and a wise investment for them.

    You obviously have all those qualities....your blog is well-written, witty, humorous and yet at times serious when it needs to be. You're true and honest and you write with raw emotion. Your writing strikes a chord with your readers. AND perhaps the biggest thing of all is that you have a personal communication with each of your readers, coming back here to respond to their comment and/or sending a personal e-mail. That's the kind of writer that a publisher is interested in, from what I've gathered so far in figuring all this out.

    I have the same fear as you...that if I switch gears and put most of my energy into my book, that my blog will suffer and I may lose my readers. Then what am I left with? So I keep trying to balance it all. I need to come up with some goals so I can manage to do both, without sacrificing one or the other. I've put so much time and energy already into establishing my blog and I like where I'm at yet if I want to go further with my writing, I really need to focus more on my book.

    Somehow, I have a feeling you and I will figure it all out. And best of all, we have one another to lean on for encouragement and support!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Mommy - the live version of Wikipedia =-.

  41. Oh and regarding your question about a book for parents of multiples, I have considered that at some point. It's just a matter of working it in there somehow, between all the other million things I have going on...LOL!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Mommy - the live version of Wikipedia =-.

  42. Thank you, Helene! You are good for the ego! :D I know you're right about the blog being the edge I might need in order to be published. And, like you and so many of my friends, I'm afraid of losing what I've built and the connections I've made and treasure in order to pursue writing. I hate scheduling, but maybe if we did an every other day type of thing? Hmm... worth thinking about.

    If I get any tips that I think will be helpful to you I will be sure to stick them in a cake and pass them your way!

  43. I know, I know, I know lol. I was just thinking that a baby book/pregnancy journal might be quicker than an actual book. :) Yeah, right! :o :D

  44. You are doing great Heather! With you blogging and your blog... you write really great content here that tickles our fancy and make us know you more.

    Multi-tasking is the key...easier said than done...but not impossible...

    By the way, you a great sense of humor, eheheh! So I don't agree with this, "I am not simply a humor blogger, although life and chances of success would certainly be greater if I were. (Or weren’t??)"
    .-= elmot´s last blog ..Bro. Manny Pacquiao’s Divine Source of Strength and Power Revealed =-.

  45. Thank you so much, Elmot! Kind of you! By the way, I visit your blog all the time in my reader, but I honestly have no clue how to comment on any of your posts. They're so political and regional. I try, though! Can't you write one about something banal?

  46. Hello Heather! This post makes me think as well since I am also torn between writing or just blogging. There are times when I wanted to quit blogging altogether and just focused on writing my book. On other hand, blogging also exposed me to other people and even made friends with them. I just can't lose that connection. I'll just probably crank my multi-tasking abilities up a notch hahahah!
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.

  47. So many of us are experiencing the same sense of being torn, and not knowing the right thing to do. Hopefully it will become clear to us if by magic in the coming months.

    Definitely keep at your book! If you don't have a story in you, who does?

  48. I hope so too! It's just that I have the whole story in my head, but getting it out into writing is excruciating especially when our own muses are not cooperating.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.

  49. I envy people like you who are naturally gifted - you write very well. If only I can do half of that, then I can maximize my online earning potentials. My friends, Jan and Elmot know me - my blogging existence is about finding ways to make money online. Am I successful? Not yet, but I know I will be if I overcome my weaknesses.

    To succeed, I always believe its about overcoming your weaknesses. You just have to identify them - and you have actually listed them down. You have identified things you are not, and those are exactly the things you need to learn, just one step at a time - celebrate each victory. You don't need to be an expert of all those things, but SEO, Social Media, etc. will greatly help you in blogging.

    I always tell my friends to keep on learning new things. You can choose to focus on certain things and be an expert (in your case, writing), but then the learning doesn't stop there.

    Whether you like it or not, every thing in this world 'about' money equals competition. We need to be competitive to earn more. There's nothing wrong with blogging when you're doing it because you love to write, but if you want to 'earn' from it, you need to learn those things 'you are not' or you don't have - yet.

    Not an SEO or Social Media expert is a better challenge than not a good writer at all ( as in my case ). That is why I resort to collaborate with people who write well. I am learning each day, but the "opportunities" cannot wait. I have to take some alternative actions to achieve the things I want.

    (Apologies for quite a lengthy comment, I've been here several times but first time to leave a comment. Also kindly disregard the first comment if ever it's in your moderation queue, I was commenting using my mobile phone but an error occurred when I submitted it).

    Happy New Year and wishing you more success in 2010!

    ~ bloggista
    .-= bloggista´s last blog ..A blessed and a merry Christmas to all =-.

  50. Holy crap with so many comments it's hard to remember what exactly you were writing about.
    So...if you like horses then ride them. And yes they do have bushy tails but don't let that stop you..

    And as for another possible question you were pondering you are a great writer. I've just read through several of your posts and I liked them.

    The term blogger is just an identifier for someone who has a blog.
    The people who have blogs are writers.
    I think the term blogger was invented by other writers to make us feel inferior.

    I like your style of humor and your writing and if it was in a book I'd probably buy it.
    Or if it was in a magazine I'd probably read it. Unless it was in Playboy or something. No one really reads anything in Playboy.
    But in a different magazine like National Geographic or something I'd probably read it. Although making fun of science crap may make the publishers mad. Who knows..

    So, my advice is to know that you are already a writer.
    And if you want to make money selling your writing then submit your writing to magazines and newspapers and such.

    I'm really not very helpful am I..
    I mean well though. Which is a nice character trait..

  51. [...] over at Happymaking has been pounding away at her blogging goals for 2010. Her quandary is like mine: so much to do, but so hard to know what’s most important. Our [...]

  52. Hi Heather,

    I found your blog through a link at Damien Riley's blog. I'm so glad I did! I've been going through a couple of your posts (so hope you're feeling better!) and this one really grabbed me! I've been blogging for 3 1/2 years and if I had to describe my goals, I think they'd be identical to what you just wrote! Love your writing style! Keep at it--I will be back!

    .-= Jessica The Rock Chick´s last blog ..The House Is A Rockin’ =-.

  53. [...] Goals for 2010:  Blogging or Writing? [...]


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