Sunday, December 13, 2009

Facebook Dislike Button

Facebook_dislike_buttonApparently our good friends at Mashable were aware of this over a month ago, but I just found out about it today so I'm sharing it with you. There is a "Facebook Dislike" Add-on for Firefox! Apprisal: Your Facebook friends must also have the Add-on installed in order to participate and view your dislikes.

I know my friends have been itching for one for months now, so I'm spreading the word in hopes that we can all have a little (good-natured!) fun with it. :D Enjoy!

[ETA by "disliking" the dislike button in my screen shot , I was only testing the feature to display how it will appear upon employment. I did not mean to indicate actual dislike, disgust, or general apathy of any kind.]


  1. LOL. I guess you like disliking Facebook!
    .-= Gem´s last blog ..How to Earn Money from Blogging =-.

  2. I mean disliking some of the posts in Facebook! :-O
    .-= Gem´s last blog ..How to Earn Money from Blogging =-.

  3. Having experienced running a small online community, the dislike button would only create animosity among friends. In the online community that I help run, I tried added a "I don't like this post" feature but was eventually removed because of strong feedback from the members. I guess this is unnecessary on Facebook since there's already a way to hide comments from friends who post a lot of nonsense.
    .-= DailyManila´s last blog ..Gibraltar captures Miss World 2009 crown =-.

  4. Hi, Gem! LOL - I would never use this in a mean-spirited manner. I think most want to use it for fun. Example:

    Update: I won't be coming to the game this weekend as I am sick.

    *dislikes ensue*

    Update: Rosie O'Donnell is a bright, sexy woman.

    *dislikes ensue*

  5. Thanks for your input, DailyManila! Good to see you here.

    I honestly can't see any of my Facebook friends using this to be mean. And if anyone does, it will expose them for the cruel guttersnipe that they are, allowing us to de-friend them. :)

  6. OK, I'll add the dislike add-on so I can see what you dislike, haha. Hopefully, I won't see me there, ahem... What else are they going to come up with?
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Google Zeitgeist 2009 - And The Winner Is? =-.

  7. LOL!!!!! I think we can have fun with this.

    How about an ambivalent button?

  8. Why can't Facebook ever make anything easy? Where's the "easy" button? Yesterday I accidentally hit some button on FB that translated everything into Spanish. I couldn't figure out how to get it back. But at least now I know how to say "What's on Your Mind?" "Write a Comment" and "Older Posts" in Spanish.

  9. I guess that could be fun too, although I think it should be somewhat private.. don't you think, hahaha
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Google Zeitgeist 2009 - And The Winner Is? =-.

  10. LOL! You were totally cracking me up on Facebook yesterday, Julia. Please tell me you're doing an, "I Facebooked in Spanish so you don't have to" post lol

  11. Well, the fact that your friends must also have the dislike button to view your dislikes is somewhat off-putting. I can see however how the add-on would be fun to play around with in good spirit of course!
    .-= Jay Zuck´s last blog ..JZSOTD Belated One Year Anniversary, Art School Graduation Retrospective, and Giveaway =-.

  12. What luck! It's Jay Zuck! (Sooo sorry.) I know, it's a pain. But I know most of my active Facebook friends will get it because they've been starting groups asking for it. It's not "the real deal", but it's something new to explore. :)

  13. the cruel guttersnipe

    I have been striving to become a cruel guttersnipe as it is a step up from where I have been. But then again I rather enjoy being a curmudgeon so being a cruel guttersnipe could be construed as as compliment. ;)
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Cookiegate =-.

  14. I'm totally on board with that. Friend me!

    Any man who would write a post entitled "Cookiegate" is obviously an instrument of Satan.

  15. I heard this before but reading the comments here gave me an idea, install it now! Thank you for the information. :)
    .-= Kelvin Servigon´s last blog ..Enhance Your Online Family Activity Using Gloo =-.

  16. Wow, this is cool button, have the guts though to know who clicked they disliked you, :D
    .-= elmot´s last blog ..A Meaningful Existence for Filipinos =-.

  17. Hmmmm - so could I apply this to the entire FB site? Since I still can't navigate that site to save my life and I pretty much avoid it like the plague. I know, I know ... I'm a loser.
    .-= Creative Junkie´s last blog ..Winners! And, why Pinocchio probably never gets hemorrhoids =-.

  18. It's another tool in the arsenal of the truth! If people are going to be mean I'd rather see them exposed so I can defriend them and their guttersnipian ways and round them all up on Blue Meanie Island. I can only see it used for humor, though.

  19. Andy, you are the perfect example of the genius who was befuddled by the toaster! And you are most certainly NOT a loser. (Love the name of your recent post.)

  20. Dislike - is , ummm , a negative ..but a necessary word. I like farmville , but i dislike repetitive plowing to earn for my
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..A True Story: This Could Happen to You! =-.

  21. I dislike disliking this post! :p

    And heyy i want that button! woot! haha... :woot:
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..I am the cutest baby Tarsier in Bohol! =-.

  22. Oh no! Did Jan Geronimo do this to you? Your body is in your chair, but your head is at the farm! lol

  23. Yesterday was the day of the dislike button promotion [or was that two days ago?}. I joined and installed and am now like a kid with a new toy, but no use for it at the moment. I was going to dislike myself, but thought that might send the wrong message. Oh, dang you dislike button! How you mock me so!!! {shakes fists in the air} ;)
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..You Know You’re A Blogger When… =-.

  24. I never heard about this or even notice this dislike button ;) I think I need to change my glasses! pretty cool thing Heather.
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..The BlogoGalaxy of Famous Bloggers on Flickr =-.

  25. They should have that already on facebook next to the "like" link. I have a lot of friends who like to post while drunk! LOL I'd be using that dislike button a lot!
    .-= Janine´s last blog ..Fisher-Price Go Baby Go Crawl and Cruise Musical Jungle Review =-.

  26. Too bad I am using Safari. That's a nice plugin though.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..It’s Finally Over! =-.


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