Saturday, January 23, 2010

Considering a Weekly Link Love Feature

The Texas longhorn serves as the university ma...
Image via Wikipedia

Hello, y'all! It's me Heather from Teckshuhs!

I've been considering doing occasional link love type posts in the manner of Karen of Blazing Minds and her Weekly Round Ups, and DiTesco of iBlogZone and his Weekly Echoes. I look forward to learning what caught their attention that week. Sharing their discoveries also helps me to learn more about them and their interests, and makes me feel like I know them better. Love is shared, new contacts are forged, everybody is happy.

My only concern is that I may hurt some feelings by omission. To those of you who run and enjoy these types of posts, what are your thoughts on the implied politics? For the record, I am not offended when I don't see my name on link love lists at any website, and am always surprised and thankful when I do.


  1. delightful blog,
    be worry free,
    people know the rules,
    I understand the nature of blogging,
    having fun and focusing what we share is most important,

    Happy blogging,
    Happy Living!
    .-= jingle´s last blog ..Do You Do Mind Mapping? =-.

  2. I'm with you - I'm not offended when I'm not included, but I'm delighted when I am. I worry, when I write one, that someone's feeling left out. Obviously, I'm no hope at all, here!
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Female Brain Gone Insane (No, This Isn’t All About ME.) =-.

  3. Thanks, Jingle! I read your Mind Mapping post and I'm just blown away by the idea of using Mind Mapping for personal issues. Like I said in my comment on your blog, get it down, walk away and return to take what's useful. Also, in time, I'll bet we will be able to identify themes and work to eradicate them from our lives.

  4. Oh, yes you are! Your post title there on Coment Luv made me laugh. And I appreciate you taking the time to let me know your thoughts.

  5. Heather, I endorse the idea of a link love series. I've done one off and on called "Blog Safari." It's fun for me. Sometimes it's a lot of work to get enough because there are no set tools for finding and storing safari animals ;) Still, I get better at it and I think you should try something clever and run with it! Stumbleupon is a good source I use as is Google Reader.
    .-= Damien Riley´s last blog ..Yahoo! TV and TIVO Integration =-.

  6. Hey Heather I wanted to say thanks for stopping by I love the blog header is looking hot, fun!

    As for the Weekly Link Luv, ask Karen and DiTesco where they got the idea for a weekly link luv post :) Haha.

    It's a great idea especially for a new reader like me, just subscribed.
    .-= Extreme John´s last blog ..Weekly Link Dump #6 =-.

  7. no worries Heather. don't let that concern you. friends are always there to support your causes, whether they get mentioned or not. besides, you really cannot round up on all those blogs in one week, right?

    I really don't do this type of post, but I have one called "bloggers connection" wherein I feature one blogger in my blog.

    go for it, Heather. you always have the right to choose. we're right behind you.
    .-= Roy´s last blog ..Single fathers =-.

  8. I've randomly done these when the mood hits me [hard!]. I'm with you, honored to be mentioned, fine when I'm not [although I'll be secretly eating a ginormous box of bonbons while watching Terms of Endearment]. Just kidding. :wink: I don't think I've ever seen Terms of Endearment and I prefer Doritos to bonbons, just ask my kids.

    Don't worry too much over it. It's a gift. A gift should never be expected, but cherished when received. So, go forth and spread a little link love. I can't wait to find new and interesting sites to explore through the eyes of Heather. 8O
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Oh, No You Di’nt! – UPDATE =-.

  9. Hi Heather,

    I'll echo the others, and add to it ... if anybody has the nerve to be "offended" that they're not included on a given week's link luv list ... well, maybe it was a good thing that you "forgot" them. Know what I mean? ;-)

    BTW, unless you're just going to make a big giant list of links, doing these kinds of posts is A LOT of work. I may, eventually, start doing them again ... but it definitely won't be weekly ... and it definitely won't included Every Single post that I liked during the timeframe.


    p.s. so, what would a "needy" blogger, who craves "validation" have to do to catch your attention, and be included in your list? I'm not asking for me, but I'm sure others are wondering 8)
    .-= Todd Morris´s last blog ..Tequila + C130 Flight = Very Bad Day =-.

  10. Thanks, Damien! You're not lion about the safari thing, are ya? Get it? Ahahahaaaaaa! (sorry)

    Thanks for the tips!

  11. Sounds like a good feature you've got going there, Roy! Thanks, I appreciate your support. Are you doing Tai Chi in your avatar? I've always wanted to learn.

  12. Oh my, Anne - Terms of Endearment is sad! There's one scene that particularly tore at my heart - the one involving her son and how she knows he loves her. And I was a kid when I watched it. I'd probably be a blubbering mess if I saw it now. Got a bonbon to share?

    LOL at your last sentence. :)

  13. Thanks for your thoughts, Todd! I agree that they can be a lot of work, and it might be a bad idea to start off with it as a regular feature. Maybe I could just do it as the mood strikes, then go from there.

    P.S. You already caught my attention with your clever insights and your honesty. Some posts just reach us at the right time, or we found them helpful and think others might as well. Those are the types I'll probably share.

  14. If you link to someone, it's because they've said something that struck a chord with you. I think if someone gets upset about not being mentioned, it says more about them than about you. :-) What it boils down to is: "why do you blog?" Recognition is nice, but only if you've done something to deserve it. :-)
    .-= Kitten´s last blog ..Lazy Sunday =-.

  15. You can't be a successful blogger and make zillions of dollars by second guessing yourself. That is tip number 1,247 in my book "How to Make Zillions of Dollars while Blogging and why self tanner is a mistake."
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..What I Dream About =-.

  16. Extreme John!!! Yay! I have been sitting in the fetal position for weeks now wondering what I did to put you off, and why you don't want to comment on my humble little blog here. Just now I happened to notice 4 messages in my Spam que, a bunch from cute kids contests and one from YOU! Yay! That made me feel good. Not that you were in my Spam, but that you were kind enough to visit and comment.

    As for why your message was in my Spam que, I have no clue. Sorry for the rhyme. Jack ends up there all the time, too. I really don't know why. Some kind of glitch. Note to self: Check the flipping Spam que every now and then.

    Big hugs to you!

  17. I'm not sure if I should stop second-guessing myself. What do you think, Jack? *slaps self*

    BIG laugh at "why self-tanner is a mistake". You won't be laughing when I stop blinding people at Tom Thumb!

  18. Kitten, you are so wise! Recognition without reason or accomplishment feels hollow, and sickens the soul.

    Following you on Twitter now. Always nice to meet a fellow crocheter. :) Thanks so much for visiting!

  19. implied politics? hmmm... does linky love involve politics? i'm not at all offended when i'm not included. if i'm in one's list, i'd be grateful. but i don't feel obligated to link back. but i don't also withhold a link love, if my post warrants it.
    .-= novz´s last blog ..What Will Make You Quit Blogging? =-.

  20. Go for it Heather. I'm sure that you won't hurt anyones feelings if they get missed out and the ones that you do include will be over the moon. If anything it will make those that miss out try harder so that they may get in the next one.
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..If Women Controlled The Earth =-.

  21. Thanks, Sire! For your comment and for saying "over the moon". I love that expression.

  22. Yes, Novz, I think it most definitely can. Not governmental politics, more like office politics.

    Thanks for your input!

  23. You know me Heather, always trying to please the ladies. ;)
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Blogging, It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It =-.

  24. [...] Considering a Weekly Link Love Feature at HappyMaking – Heather puts the idea out there to her readers, and she has many, about whether she should do a link-love series. I like her reasoning and her questioning. These are the signs that connote a powerful voice on the internet, mark my words. [...]


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