Sunday, January 17, 2010

Joe got his first real haircut!

Supercuts + Lollipop = Fun!
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A couple of days ago Dennis and I took Joe to SuperCuts for his first real haircut. His Grandma used to trim his hair, but a trim was way overdue and it was time for his first real cut. Joe did great! I was prepared for all manner of drama, but it never unfolded. Joe actually seemed to enjoy the process.

The woman who cut his hair was fantastic. She let him touch the buzzer before she used it, and made funny noises. She even put up with me helicoptering around them, clasping my hands together and squealing with delight.

I'm still emotional about the whole thing. I watched my baby transform into a little boy right before my eyes. Dang it, tearing up again here. Joe, I love you!


  1. For the first two or three years of my son's life haircuts were nightmarish excursions to the dark side of parenting. I used to have hold his arms down so that the barber could give him a quick shave.

    That kid would scream for what felt like hours. Eventually it passed and now he screams about getting it cut before it gets to be long like a girl.

    Joe looks like a real trooper.

  2. I got Joe past his hysterical fear of scissors and he still has both ears. My job is done. Sniffle.

    I wonder how long it will take him to get used to his new look?

  3. Aw... cute little boy! But I think Grandma still gave him a real haircut first, and at least she got to that before anyone in the shop.

    I'd probably feel the same way if I happen to have a son. :-)
    .-= Gem´s last blog ..A Night with the Poetic Doctor =-.

  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gem, Heather. Heather said: Joe got his first real haircut! [...]

  5. How sweet! And that you snapped all those pictures as a keepsake of the event is just awesome! I don't remember Stephen's first haircut, but I do remember Dwayne taking the trimmer to him and giving him his very first buzz cut. He looked just like his father, too. It was eerie. Now he wants it long like the skater's wear their hair. :roll:
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..If Quality is Less than Acceptable, Does Great Customer Service Really Mean Anything? =-.

  6. You've this gift of turning the mundane into a delightful account - this time of a mini milestone in Joe's passage into boyhood. I bet this made a lot of your readers look back in pleasant remembrance of things past.
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Dimwit Blogger’s Reality Check =-.

  7. His new haircut definitely looks better. I wonder what it's like to have a son. Hmm... I guess I'll never really find out unless I make one. Nahh... no more kids for this guy! Beer should be enough.
    .-= Ryhen Satch´s last blog ..Do You Think You Are Special? =-.

  8. The old haircut is cute on him, but I have to admit the new one makes him look even more handsome.. ahh, growing up pretty fast! :) ha.. I love the pictures showcasing the process, is he trying to act 'cool' in the last pic? lol.. Here's to Joe, a wonderful, loving life.

    You are doing a wonderful job with him, so here's to a beautiful mom, Heather!

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How Blog Review Can Help to Improve Blog Traffic =-.

  9. When I first tried to cut his hair over a year ago he screamed bloody murder. I had to stop because I was honestly concerned that the neighbors might call Social Services.

    Luckily my Mom, who also used to give me my glorious bowl cuts in the 70's, was patient and skilled enough to work with him until he eventually tolerated his "hair falls".

    Now that we're in Texas and all the little boys have their hair cut short we wanted to afford Joe the opportunity to look like the rest of the kids to help him fit in when he starts preschool. Should he want to experiment later in life I'm all for it. :)

    Thank you, Joe is a trooper. And I'm glad your hilarious son doesn't give you any more grief on the hair front!

  10. I know what you mean re: sniffle! Thanks for all your hard work to prepare him for this moment. :)

    Mom, it took him all of five seconds to get used to his new look. I don't know if he likes it, of if he just doesn't care, but he seemed his usual energetic self after the cut. I think he likes it. We kept telling him how good he looked, and how he looked like such a "big boy". He actually ate some rice that night!

  11. Thanks, Gem! And you are right. By "real" I meant scary and public, from a stranger. Technically, my husband Dennis gave him his first real haircut when he buzzed it all off after Lily was born, giving me a heart attack. (He hadn't meant to cut it that short.) Then Grandma started trimming it up after it grew back. It was a nice thing for them to share, I think. :)

    I wonder if it is easier to give a girl a haircut?

  12. Anne, I didn't think to bring the camera, thank goodness I had my cell phone on me! I couldn't resist. Wild horses couldn't have pulled me back into my seat.

    Isn't it odd how very short cuts change their faces? Oh, I'll bet that was so odd for you. A double-whammy. If Joe wants his hair long when he starts getting into style, I'll let him choose how he wants to wear it. LOL @ your eye roll.

  13. Well thank you, Jan! And you're right, I know everyone who has a little boy can relate to this moment. You were probably too young to remember your first haircut, but I'm guessing you didn't take it lightly. ;-)

  14. I'm glad you approve, Ryhen! Beer should do the trick. Also, you seem like the type of guy who might have an exotic pet like a skink (not to be confused with a skank) or a marmoset.

  15. Thanks, Ching Ya! I don't know if he was trying to look cool or just wanting to make like a tree and leave and Mom kept snapping pictures!

    You are so kind.

  16. Oh my gosh, he's just adorable and that haircut is fantastic!

    I remember getting my hair cut at a salon when I was four or five, and I LOVED it. The stylist (just like yours) made me feel so special, and when you're a kid, that's aces - regardless of what's happening.

  17. Joe looks a treat with his new hair cut. What a little trooper, and it looks like you may have a little lady killer on your hands. Have you prepared your little birds and bees talk yet?
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Winners, Those Who Never Give Up =-.

  18. I've been trying to catch one ever since I was a little boy. I finally gave up when my daughter came to this world. She's harder to catch though.
    .-= Ryhen | Mind Power´s last blog ..History Repeats Itself =-.

  19. This reminds me of the first time I got my son's haircut. He literally screamed bloody murder! Everybody in the salon were laughing, as I was snapping pictures of him. He was so scared, and no matter what I said to him, he wouldn't calm down.

    We ended up having to leave and get him some ice cream. Him and I talked and I tried to explain to him that he had nothing to be scared of. We went back to the salon and he was still scared, but he wasn't as loud.

    I got plenty of good photos of him, so I'll be able to show them to his future girlfriends.. The joys of being a parent! :)

  20. As always I love to read your blogs, just need to find time to read them all. Jo looks cool with his new haircut for Texas. I remember when my son was that age, he would never sit still and he always screamed when it was time for a haircut. We took him to a kids cut place where they would play a game before getting a haircut. Finally grew out of that stage and moved on up to sportsclips. Welcome to Texas, I live in west Houston and visit Austin often. Their slogan is "keep Austin weird". Lots of fun stuff to do and see there, as well as here in H town. I'm no Bullrider but I have ridden several mechanical bulls. Oh that reminds me the rodeo starts in 29 days. Have fun, and keep on writin....Texas rules!!!!!!

  21. What a wonderful memory, Megan. I don't think I went to a salon until I was in eighth grade! You are right, kids like to be included and to feel special. :) Don't we all?


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