Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life returns to normal

[caption id="attachment_2542" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Our classy mirrored bar room, baby."]Oh yeah, we've got our very own mirrored bar room ladiez n gentz, that's raht.[/caption]

Our new house came with a fairly extensive learning curve. It's an odd U shape and sports more windows and light switches than the viewing room at Good Morning America.

I'm not a fan of ridiculously bright rooms. I like a subtle, glowing atmosphere. Hence, nearly every time I walk by the living room I flick off the overhead lights. Only I'm not flicking off the overhead lights, I'm actually flicking the switch that my husband's computer and light are plugged into. It's not my fault they put the switches in the wrong place. I'll get used to it eventually. Ahh, the little things we do on a daily basis to compound our marital bliss.

Which makes me think of this morning. I cooked eggs for the kiddos in a little cast iron skillet that we found buried in the back yard of our old house in Placerville when I was a teenager, scrubbed to a black sheen by my determined Mother. She read somewhere that I can get iron in my kids' diets by cooking with a cast iron skillet. I don't know if it's true, but I figure it can't hurt. (Note to self: buy some SOS pads.)

After an unsuccessful battle with the stubborn egg funk coating the sides of the skillet aprés cook, I tucked my tail betwixt my legs and trudged over to the side of the fridge to add non-stick cooking spray to my running list. Shocked and pleased was I to discover that my husband had added something to the list for the very first time: AAA batteries! However, since he was in the area, he saw fit to install judgment on my denotation of intent to purchase self-tanner.

Listen up, Mr. Smug with the natural golden glow. I'm sick of being mistaken for the recent undead due to my ghastly white pallor. Not only that, I'm convinced that if I carefully apply self tanner to the ridges of the cellulite craters on my thighs I will render them invisible. Again, I have no proof to back this up but it's worth a try. You'll be thanking me later.

We all had fun last night after bath time. There is nary such a pleasing sight to thine eyes as my babies Joe and Lily scooting around in their jammies, freshly-scrubbed and sweet-smelling, high on new surroundings to claim and explore.

[caption id="attachment_2550" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="What's your order, Mom?"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2549" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Joe was moving so fast I had to snap this picture two seconds before he ran into the kitchen to get the shot."][/caption]

Here are some random pictures of the past couple of weeks for interested family and friends to peruse. Some were taken at home, others at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Have a wonderful Sunday, everybody. :)

[caption id="attachment_2539" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Lily and Brian camped out in our living room shortly before the move to Texas."][/caption]


  1. Mike likes to add things to the grocery list but they tend to be dirty :o I'll be in trouble when Gabe can read.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..I am a college student =-.

  2. Ahahaaaaa! That's really funny, Mel! Nice to know Mike has as good a sense of humor as his wife. :)

  3. Oh he's funnier than I am, and he has always had a dirty mind. It's one of the reasons I married him ;) He has a very dry sense of humor most times and a lot of people don't get his jokes which always makes me laugh harder of course.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..I am a college student =-.

  4. I love a dry sense of humor! I think it's the funniest kind. People never get my husband's jokes either. I have no idea why because he's funny as heck!

    One time we took out Dachshund Greta to the vet, and she came out with a purple gauze around her arm. Dennis asked, "Did she pick that color our herself?" The vet just stared at him.

  5. LOL Sounds like Mike and Dennis would get along great.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..I am a college student =-.

  6. I'm sure they would. Do you think they'd laugh at each others' jokes or just keep shooting out witty one-liners and expecting dead silence?

  7. I think they'd be lying on the floor barely breathing because someone else got them.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..I am a college student =-.

  8. Lol don't say that, that's why my mom didn't like Gabe's name.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..I am a college student =-.

  9. What? Gabe Kaplan rocks! I tried to get Dennis to agree to name Joe Elvis, but it was a no go. Same with Randolph Mantooth Kephart.

  10. Randolph Mantooth...OMG I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger!!! Emergency 51, right? I'll have to google him and see what he looks like now.

    Love your husband's question marks next to the self-tanner! My husband sometimes think he's being funny when he adds things on the shopping list I keep on our fridge like "sense of humor - I heard they're having a sale at Safeway this week" and "female blow-up doll".
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Which is more disturbing? =-.

  11. Squad 51, Squad 51..........
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..What I Dream About =-.

  12. I love cheese sticks! [read your list] I need to get some of those, I'm out. And the grapes at Kroger were $4.99 a pound Saturday! I think I actually spoke out loud when I thought, 'uh, I don't think so'. Which would explain the looks I got from those around me.

    Glad things are getting back to normal and you're settling in nicely. I'm so jealous of your hardwood floors. :roll: And I keep looking at pictures of my kids as babies thinking I didn't appreciate them nearly enough at that age.

  13. Hey, how come you're not on those pictures. Camera shy I guess? :-)

  14. Or...what passes for "normal" at the Kephart home. ;)

    Never heard of using self-tanner in place of spackle, before, but do let us know how it turns out.

    And on that note, I'm going to run. FAST. Past my bedtime, and I'm getting glares from Heather...
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Experiment & Results: Improving Alexa Rank =-.

  15. Same here Heather, I love subtle atmosphere.

    Lovely blue eyes your kid got there =)

  16. At least you Have a grocery list. Ana always says "I won't know what I want until I get there and see what they have".

    ... as a result, if you were to look in our fridge on any given day we'd probably have 3 bottles of ketchup; but no butter.

    The cashiers down at the little convenience store know us well. :-)
    .-= Todd Morris´s last blog ..Do Drink The Water =-.

  17. Hi Heather! First and foremost, you're children are so beautiful!

    I rarely do grocery lists, but I know it's wise to make one since I usually end up buying something that I don't really need and at the same time cracking the budget. LOL
    .-= Charles Ravndal´s last blog ..New Year And Probably New Me =-.

  18. I like how you cooked the egg above, just how I would cook mine, Joe and Lilly are adorable. I have a colleague at work who has started a diary for her two small children, about the ages of Joe and Lilly , and she writes in it everday, detailing their progress and putting in her thoughts about the events. She said her kids would continue with the daily journal when they're old enough to express themselves. probably 9 or 10? I just wished I did these with my children,..that would be a priceless treasure.

    It helps to have a list before you go to the grocery store, oftentimes, one gets to buy things which are not really needed. I'm glad everything's back to normal for you. Mine has still not...he he he..All the best.
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..WOOF Top Picks for January 1, 2010 =-.

  19. Loved the grocery list Heather! Haha! Mr Smug should take you all to the beach! (Or the rodeo perhaps?)

    Glad to know the kids have settled in nicely! :D
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..How to smell your own tongue =-.

  20. Yes! I had a crush on him too when I was a girl, Helene! I loved that show. I think your husband is hilarious. Sense of humor? Fling a stale cookie at his head while you're laughing!

  21. I love cheese sticks, too! They're mostly for the kids, though. They're over string cheese and have moved on to mild cheddar. Fills up their wee bellies!

    Hey! I know enough about grapes now to know that $4.99 per pound needs to be bitch slapped down to $2.99 per pound or less. And I only know this because I bought grapes last night to kick off my new "I'm being healthy again because I want to be slim again" eating plan. I love that you spoke that out loud! LOL!

    I don't think the floors are really hardwood. They're in the kitchen, and methinks they're pergo. We're renting the house and I think they started to remodel it, but stopped half-way when they ran out of money. You should see the master bathroom. Ugh! Our big dog can not walk on pergo. It's so sad. He just scrambles and we have to push him by his butt out the sliding glass door.

    I don't think any of us feel like we appreciated our kids nearly enough at any age. I want to go back and do it all again!

  22. Hi, Walter! I haven't been by your place in a while, but I shall return as your blog is one of my favorites. I'm getting myself back on track. :)

    I'm not in any of the pictures except the bar one (kind of) because:
    a) I take 99.99999% of the photos in my family.
    b) I hate the way I look in the ones my husband takes. Pure vanity. I'm awful. I need to lose myself. But I am starting to get back on track as of this morning! In next year's Christmas card I am hoping to be where I want to be, or at least incredibly close to it.

    Thank you SO MUCH for coming by!

  23. Oh sure, like eating Balut and cuddling with armadillos is normal, Missy! ;)

    I think we've both been staying up too late, lately. I needed to have a little fun, but now it's time to get back on track. There's too much we want to do!

    Oh hey, your Alexa post is up! Cool! I've got to go check it out.

  24. I just love candles and low lighting, incense too. I'm very olfactory. It's all so relaxing. :) Thank you! Joe's eyes started out blue, but now I think they may be shifting to green. Lily's eyes started out dead black, but now I think they may be turning blue. ??? Genetics are a trip!

    Good luck with your couples trail run!

  25. LOL!!! I love Ana already. :) That's priceless!

  26. Thank you, Charles! I know I'm shameless, but I mostly post pictures of them for the family and friends back home who read this blog. Mostly. ;-)

    I always buy stuff that's not on my list. That's something I need to work on. But sometimes I honestly forget to write down important stuff and don't remember until I see it! I spent a fortune shopping last night, but still forgot to buy diapers and need to go back tonight. :oops:

    I think it's easier over in Norway. Don't you folks all eat pretty healthily? Sardines, bread, Jethost? I don't remember any of my Norwegian friends in college having a penchant for junk food and canned chili.

  27. It was a work in progress, Jen - as am I! I used to be obsessive about mixing everything up in a little bowl before pouring it into the pan. Now I like to just fling it in there, give it a couple tosses, and call it a day. I like the occasional chunk that isn't fully disbursed. Next time you'll see spinach in there, hopefully!

    I love the diary idea. I write things about my kids in notebooks, but not nearly often enough. And after a post I did a while back I went out and bought a bedtime journal for Joseph, but then never got around to doing it. :| I hope I can find it in the boxes. I'd better start soon!

    Why hasn't your life returned to normal? Hope you are okay!

  28. Reyjr you totally crack me up! Yes, I'll be gettin' my tan on at the roh dee oh these days thankyaverymuch! Kids love an adventure, thank goodness!

  29. I so can relate. It is so typical that we sometimes forget to buy that important item or the reason why we're in the grocery store in the first place.

    Well, most of us eat pretty healthy, but I always have peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. I just love it and besides I work out almost everyday. Plus, our place is around 20 minutes away from the heart of the city so we usually go back and forth. Though it's gonna change soon since we're moving in the city center. Did you mean brunost or brown cheese? Yes, sardines or we call it makrell is a typical spread on bread. Odd loves it!

    We don't have a penchant for junk foods though we eat some potato chips like on weekends just to indulge a bit or what we call cheat days. I also noticed that most families here do the same thing as well. Children can't have sweets on the weekdays, but they can indulge on the weekends. Same rule goes to the adults when it comes to alcohol intake.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..New Year And Probably New Me =-.

  30. it looks like everything is in perspective,

    Happy smiles,
    Happy movements,
    Happy post,
    Happy comment...

    Happy Monday to you all,
    .-= jingle´s last blog ..Count From 1 to 10 Twenty Different Ways (6-10) =-.

  31. Dixie was so hot, especially with that cool nurse's hat on her head.
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Back To The Hospital...Again =-.

  32. Me too, I don't prepare a grocery list. My style is to go through each shelf to check if I need them or not.

    I also like how you cooked the egg, because I don't know how to do that. hehe
    .-= Mr. Cheesy´s last blog ..Love Letter Template =-.

  33. Great blog Heather and Ive got a lot of catching up to do .. I sometimes leave my grocery list at home ... :) ***
    .-= Fatibony{self help wellness}´s last blog ..62 More Personal Development Blogs – Watch List 2010 =-.

  34. Jingle, just your name makes me happy! Thanks so much for coming by and making me smile. :)

  35. Yes, the brown cheese! I thought it tasted like peanut butter. :) I love PB & J myself and refuse to believe that it's anything but excellent for us. Guys have it so lucky. Their extra muscle mass seems to help them burn off calories faster.

    I think that's a good idea you have about weekday vs the weekend. Excellent during the week in all things, but allow a little give on the weekend. I used to do that, and it worked fine. But it can be taken too far - I don't want to end up binging. Moderation is *ahem* hard for me.

  36. Hello Fatibony! What an unusual name you have. Do you mind sharing the origin? Or is it a nickname?

    Anyway, nice blog you have. Thanks so much for coming by... I hope you do again. :)

  37. Hey, if it works then go for it! I wish I could do that. I always get carried away, then forget things we really need.

    And regarding the egg: I added cheese at the end. Just for you. :)

  38. As long as you remember not to turn off the switch to the vibrator.....whats that, they run on batteries? Ah, now we know what the AAA's are for. Still it must be a pretty tiny vibrator.

    As to cellulite, I ain't getting into that one Heather, I luvs ya too much to jeopardize our friendship. ;)

  39. Love the pictures of kids having fun in your new home. Love the use of betwixt and peruse in one post. Maybe we should start a movement in our corner of the blogging world to use them more often. Hey, maybe a mini series on your husband's dry sense of humor? That will be fascinating.
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..When a Question Is the Answer =-.

  40. Wait a sec... am I being jellyfished? If so, well done! lol

    Seriously, I don't think one can overuse the word betwixt. Clearly you agree, which makes me think more of you. (I didn't know it was possible.)

  41. Tough job making a new home. Must have been a frenetic time. In that context, I find it delicious your writing has acquired a stately feel to it - not that I'm expecting anything shabby at all. Of course not. I'd shut up now before you have me betwixt between the devil and a jellyfish again. Ahehehe

  42. Stately? Are you calling me fat?!?

    Thanks, Jan. ;-)

  43. Self Tanner?? ha, ha, But why not!! If it makes you feel good!

    Darn -it just got a bog glob of eggroll stuffing on this keyboard.

    And I can't believe how Lily is getting so big, wow.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..(And I Thought “Leaven” Was Just A Bread-Baking Thing!!) =-.

  44. I hate to tell you this, but that's not eggroll stuffing. Hope you didn't put it in your mouth!

  45. Too much work Heather, but next week is summer vacation, we will still be at work, but lesser work load, thank God. TC.
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Solitude =-.


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