Saturday, January 9, 2010

We're in Texas! Finally!

Cowboy Hat
Image by mtsofan via Flickr

And wouldn't you know it, we're all sick. AGAIN. I very rarely get sick. I can go years without so much as a sniffle. I suppose the stress of this move killed all of our immune systems.

Let me tell you - snot s'not a picnic!

I'm still in the process of getting our place and my Mom's place moved in and set up, and will be on the net intermittently. I hope to be back in full swing in a week or so. I also hope I didn't misspell intermittently.

Have a lovely Sunday. I'm wishing you a fun and exciting week ahead!

Huggles and Puggles,



  1. Oh my! Get well soon! Moving to another place is pretty stressful. We're also planning to make a move, but still within the same city and I am not really looking at the whole process of packing and unpacking.
    .-= Charles Ravndal´s last blog ..New Year And Probably New Me =-.

  2. DON'T DO IT!!!! Don't ever move. Stay in the same place forever. It's not worth it!! ;-)

    Seriously, moving is kind of fun when you're young and relatively unencumbered. I think you'll have a good time with it. :) Good luck!

  3. lol I've moved 9 times in 8 years, don't ask.

    I plan to either stay here until I'm dead or until I win the lottery and can pay someone to move me :P
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..2009 in pictures =-.

  4. Thanks! I don't really want to move, but we felt that a new place will do us good.

    Btw, did you try to comment on my blog? I am just wondering since another reader twitted me regarding that he cannot comment on my blog due to this math spam thingy.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..New Year And Probably New Me =-.

  5. Welcome to Texas Heather! Yee-Haw!

    It's pretty darn cold here in Texas right now, but just wait till summer arrives and all the dreadful heat!

    I hope the unpacking and getting settled in goes smoothly for you, and that you get well soon! Moving is hard enough but when you add being sick to the mix, not so fun at all.

  6. Howdy, howdy, howdy. Yeehaw. See, I speak cowboy. ;)
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..Teaching Children to Make Smart Decisions =-.

  7. Huggles and puggles? Never heard of that before. haha. Is that what people say when they have the flu? Get well soon! =)
    .-= Ryhen | Mind Power´s last blog ..Cause and Effect: How To Really Change The World =-.

  8. Jack, are you rollin' rollin' rollin? Keep those doggies rollin'!

  9. People say things like that when they have the flu, or after a snake bite. I, however, talk like that on a regular basis. 8)

  10. Hi Charles, nope - I haven't been able to do any blog reading and commenting until today. I left a comment on your blog with no problems. Cute cat!

  11. I've actually moved more often than that, but it's my own fault. Always trying to make things better, and quite often making them worse! I followed your most recent moving experience. WOW. So glad that's over, eh? Yikes!

  12. I thought I had commented, then remembered that was on Facebook. {sigh} I hear Texas is great what with all the people that love living there and the songs and 'The stars at night are big in bright. *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* Deep in the heart of Texas'. I keep seeing PeeWee doing this in PeeWee's Big Adventure. ;)

    I don't think I could live even farther [further?] away from the ocean. Yet, moving is great for purging yourself of all the unnecessary clutter you've accumulated. I need to pretend I'm moving so I can motivate myself to do some purging around these parts.

    Glad you're semi-back! Been going through Heather withdrawals. Not as bad as when I stopped smoking, but worse than those first days of a new diet when your system is all a mess. 8O
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Auto Speak with Dip Stick =-.

  13. Glad you made it to Texas, not so glad that you're all sick. Hope you all get better soon.
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..The Importance of Readers =-.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick again. I agree that stress will do it. I absolutely hate moving and I've done it way too many times. Soon it will be all a distant memory and you'll be all settled in.
    .-= ConnieFoggles´s last blog ..Lola’s Flag Adventure iPhone App Review =-.

  15. Definitely glad this move is over. Of course my brother just moved into the basement now too so we're REALLY squished but I'm hoping he'll only be here a couple months while he gets his crap together. Him and I under the same roof is not a good idea.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield =-.

  16. Welcome to Texas!!!

    That was surely a weird welcome you got from the cowboys and cowgirls. They gave you a snot-of-a-welcome? Geez!!! Talk about traditions, eh?

    I do hope that you and your family are better as I type the "Z" in my comment.


  17. Hello Lin. Welcome to Happymaking and thank you! I'm glad to be in Texas & can't wait to do a lot of exploring. Just frustrating to be hobbled with sickness. I'm not the most patient person in the world.

    Where are you from? Any good camping spots near Dallas?

  18. Anne, you are so kind! I missed you too. It's been a long, strange trip. I know what you mean about moving farther away from the ocean. I'm so connected to it. I'd love to be near to it always, but it's just not in the cards right now. We're going to have to drive down to Galveston to check out the ocean here someday soon - I think it's 3-4 hours away. :)

  19. Thanks! Me too. We tried to watch a movie last night and my husband, stepson and I kept sniffling at the same time. We were irritating each other back and forth lol

  20. Thanks, Connie! Soon! And Spring will be here in a few months. I usually move during Summer and head into Fall and Winter, so this will be a nice change. :)

  21. Noooooooooo!!! Good for you for being there for your bro, but definitely do NOT let him hang out there forever. Trust me, you need a bit of space for your peace of mind, which will in turn effect your whole family. Maybe set a date if you can so he doesn't laze around all day and eat up all your food.

  22. He has a month to get a job. My mom lives here too so she's paying for his food because I said I can't afford anymore food.
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield =-.

  23. Thanks! The cat is just fat with nothing to do but sleep and eat all day.
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..New Year And Probably New Me =-.

  24. hey, at least you're doing it in unison, otherwise you'd have missed the whole movie :D
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Why The The Struggle For PR Is A Waste Of Time =-.

  25. Ugh, that totally sucks that you're all sick! What a way to start off a new life in Texas!

    Hope you all feel better soon! If it's any consolation, we're all dripping in snot over here too.
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Reverse psychology....would it really work? =-.

  26. It's been five days since the date of this post. I hope you are all well now and had everything in place!
    .-= Gem´s last blog ..WTF! Ten-Year Renewable Marriage Contract! =-.

  27. Just read this now Heather. I hope all of you are doing well now. Anyhow, I am feeling sick too. I think I got a fever due to my colds. Get well and God Bless in your new HOME!

  28. LOL, hope you are no longer dripping in snot! Mine seems to have lessened today. It's still there, but mostly the irritating post-nasal variety.

  29. Hi Madz and thank you! It's hard to imagine you getting sick as you are so healthy and exercising all the time. I'm so sorry you have a fever. I hope you are in a position where you can take it easy for a while and have your Angel bring you chicken soup. :)

  30. Thanks! Our final POD is arriving today. Then we can finally arrange the house and fully unpack. :) I'm so excited!


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