Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's hard out here for a pimp

From Rockymountainhigh's Flicr Photo StreamIf you're a blogger and you want people to actually read your blog, and you probably do, or maybe you don't, or maybe you do and say you don't or vice-versa, blogging is not enough.

Our blog posts by themselves are but a sneeze on the upturned noggin of Cyberslovokia. If you want to turn the head of Master Internet, Mistress Interweb or Uncle Intergoogle, you also need to develop the skills of a public relations professional slash search engine optimization engineer. (Isn't that how it's listed on Monster daht cawm?) The whole kit and caboodle.

Unfortunately, I don't have a good head for business. In my perfect world, left to my own devices I would fully submerge myself in the universal spring of creativity. I'd cover myself with mayonnaise and glitter, put on a beret, take a big swig of pumpkin butter and think my most private thoughts at you with my mind.

Sound terrifying? That's because it is. This is why things are set up the way they are. To keep us from turning into characters from Easy Rider. And, via the accountability borne of sharing freely what once belonged to us alone, to occasionally save us from ourselves. Plus, it ain't easy gettin' glitter out of your belly button.

Just to keep things decent, and bloggers civilized, we must also promote ourselves. That's why we're in your faces, irritating you like gnats up the nostril, networking and neck-licking like debutantes in a Miss Fancy Nosegay contest.

These days I blog to hone my craft and connect with people who entertain and inspire, laugh with me, and help me make sense of the world. I am discovering amazing people with shared interests who can and do introduce me to resources that will help me to realize my potential as a writer. I don't know how to do this by myself, nor do I want to. So I blog, comment on other blogs, and poke around inside your head. It's you that I want. You are the reason I'm here.

It took me a while to realize that.

That said, oh the horror, I created a Facebook Fan Page today. OUCH! Every time I say it God drops a giant iron anvil on my head. (Hmm... I wonder if I can absorb iron via the wound and put my cast iron skillet to rest... but I digress...) Who the heck am I to be creating a FAN page? Fan pages are for Roddy McDowall, not for regular, everyday folks like yours truly. You have Anne to blame. 'Twas her post about de-cluttering your sidebar that inspired the idea.

Please know that, despite what Dave Doolin might say if he had a really bad headache and a twisted ankle, I really don't think too much of myself. (Dave, I couldn't resist teasing. You know I am fond of you. Not in a creepy or inappropriate way, though. Not in the way I am fond of Jannie Funster. Ooh, come to Feather Heather, Jannie, ooh, that's it... bring the poodle, oh yeeees... )

In any case, I'm hoping it's a smart move that will help me to discover who among my friends is interested in my writing, so I may leave the rest in peace before they hire a hit man, and to develop new contacts in the writing world from which I may learn.

Hopefully, eventually I will be able to help others as well. If I ever get good at this writing business you can rest assured I will be thrilled to help other hungry budding writers like myself. (I was going to say hungry young writers, but, lol, yeah I know.)

How about you? Do you have a Facebook Fan Page? If so, please leave a link in the comments section below so that I may become your Fan. I'm probably already your fan, so let's make it official.


  1. I don't have a Fan page on FB...I guess I never thought much about it but yeah it seems like a good way to connect with others. Not sure what the difference is between having a fan page and just your regular profile on FB?

    I'm gonna add myself to your Fan page so I can say I knew you "in the beginning"!

    Do you realize I always thought the saying was "kitten caboodle" and after reading this post I learned it's actually "kit and caboodle"? Geez, I feel lame. All my life I've been saying kitten caboodle...no wonder my kids rely on my husband to help them with their homework.

  2. I created one a while back and you have almost doubled my fanage [I like how it sounds] in your one day. Hmmm. :wink:

    Like you I felt it a bit presumptuous of me to think I rated 'fans'. Okay, that's not what you said. Anywho, I still think it's a good move. Now if I would just remember it's there and work the page. Maybe hold a giveaway just for my 'fans'. Those who really like me or at least lead me to believe they do. Now the wheels are turning. {squeak goes the hamster}

    Now for me to pimp my ride, uh, page. 8O
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Honor Thy Father ~ Forefathers, that is =-.

  3. Helene, it seems to me like people are shifting from Networked Blogs to Fan Pages. That's just my perception, however. I like the fact that in the future I can also shift from adding all contacts to my personal FB page, to adding them to my Fan Page. I'd rather work backwards towards keeping my personal page more personal. :)

    Oh, please you will get published LONG before I do. It will be me saying I knew you when! And I totally thought it was kitten caboodle as well. I Googled it to make sure I spelled it correctly. Don't tell anybody. ;-)

  4. Well you probably didn't invite as many people as I did, Anne! I'm sure if you invited a few more you'd have no problems getting new contacts there. I got the idea from you! I updated the post to reflect that. I also added your Fan Page to my Fan Page's favorites. Who knew that could be done? Not me before today!

    One thing that sucks, though, is that we aren't notified when somebody posts something on our page. It would be nice to receive an email or something. According to Facebook's "Pages" help page, they're planning some sort of notification feature for the future.

    I think your ideas are great! Git ta pimpin, girl!

  5. Now that's a good idea. Fan Page Favs. I love learning new things! I only invited the Power 50 gang, my sister, my kids. 8O Told you I was unsure of the whole thing. I think a few of the kids' friends fanned me, too. Fun stuff.

    Sorry to be a ba, uh, goo, hmmm, an influence on you. You get extra points if you can read that last sentence and it makes sense. :wink:

  6. You were waffling between bad and good influence. See? I'm getting better at Annese. :) I think. :|

    I didn't invite all my FB friends, just the ones I thought would be able to give me proper crap about the whole thing.

  7. Congrats on creating your Facebook Page, joined! ^^ Ever since I had a Page, it has helped in both connections and info-sharing. I like how readers and new friends interact in Pages, although I still have tons to learn in maintaining the 'engaging conversation' issue. :-) So happy now we can both explore and exchange ideas on how to make it work. All the best!

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..7 Productive Things To Do When You Can’t Blog =-.

  8. I don't have a Facebook Fan Page Heather. I only got to open my Facebook Account at weekends (That is, if I don't have a date with my Angel :P).

    If only Facebook is not blocked here at our office, I might be already "Become a Fan" of yours. :D

    Keep on learning to attract traffic (but I'll bet you prefer visitors who will read your posts than mere traffic - come and go) in your blog =)

  9. Hi, Ching! I took a look at your FFP again and wow, am I impressed. I don't know what you're talking about, it looks to me like you're an expert at connections and info sharing. I like your "FB tip of the day". I even learned about the ctrl + and ctrl - thing to enlarge text on your screen. Who knew??? You, apparently!

    I'll keep looking to you for more ideas. :) The only thing I find challenging about pages so far is that we are not notified when a contact posts something on our page, or of replies. That makes things difficult, especially should somebody comment on an old post that is off the first page.

    Anyway, take care! Here's Ching's page for anyone who is interested: http://www.facebook.com/SocialBloggingTracker

  10. You're too busy with your running and giving attention to your Angel! And you are right. All traffic is good traffic, but I prefer readers to peekers. :) I think we all do.

  11. Oh, and here's a link to Anne's FFP to anyone who is interested: http://www.facebook.com/pages/AnneOnLife/120413747124

  12. I have not checked in on my FB in well over a month, bad Jannie.

    But i will love to be YOUR fan. You're one of the funnest bestest writers I know. Actually , you know I will be your fan FOREVER. You should know that, if you don't already.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..(And I Thought “Leaven” Was Just A Bread-Baking Thing!!) =-.

  13. Heather, You have a terrific education in LIBERAL arts. You can draw from that everytime you turn on Fox news. HOWever, I think you should think about taking a Marketing course over there at SMU or one of the other Dallas area Unis. This is cutting edge stuff, and why not expose yourself to some ideas. ??? By mentioning this, I am not in any way saying that you don't have beaucoup knowledge, but can you ever have enough??? It would be a good experience, and I'm not sure if they let you bring a translater in there (from Texan to English), but it's a thought. Take some of that Stimulus money they're throwing around, and run with it. They can't figure out how to spend it all, so why not you??? Just a thought. NBD. CeK

  14. [...] posted here:  It's hard out here for a pimp | Happymaking Filed under: Pimp My Ride Tags: are-turning, goes-the-hamster, hamster, least-lead, Pimp My Ride, [...]

  15. Thanks so much, Dad. I have no desire to pursue graduate studies at this point (or time or money) but who knows what the future holds! Take care. Thanks for the laugh!

  16. Hey, Heather doll, I have facebook but I have no fans, but just so you know I am a member of you Fan club. Do I get an autographed souvenir or something? Just keep in mind that whatever it is it has to be suitable for a married man, can't have the wife getting jealous now can we? :D
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Viddler And Why Some People Prefer To Use Them =-.

  17. Thanks, Sire. You have no fans, or no Fan Page? I can assure you that you have fans.

    To answer your question, I like to tailor my gifts to fit the person. You can expect to receive couples' blow-up sheep and horse latex true-sound fun pets.

  18. lol on the title! i'm not good at promoting myself so i just keep away from creating my own fan page. and im so slow in being a fan of someone else, whether it's a celebrity, a sports icon, or even friends. i usually wait for the dust to clear. i can be fan no. 100 or no. 1,000,000.
    .-= novz´s last blog ..What Will Make You Quit Blogging? =-.

  19. Submerging myself in the eternal spring of creativity would be my first choice too. But I've actually surprised myself by having a lot of fun with the whole "marketing" thing. I've met a lot of great folks!
    .-= K.M. Weiland´s last blog ..How to Make Your Prose Sing =-.

  20. AHA! So YOU are Ceblogger! I was so confused about that. It all makes sense now. Glad we got that cleared up lol

    I totally understand you not being comfortable with promoting yourself. I hate it too. I mean really, really hate it. It makes my stomach queasy. But, unfortunately, since we don't have anyone else to do it for us (outside of our blogging friends like the Power 50) we have to if we want to gain exposure.

    I think we need to work on diffusing the stigma attached with promoting one's works. I am a huge fan of modesty, and find displays of self-gratification off-putting, but ya know, we just have to suck it up and do it! Thanks for coming by, Novz.

  21. K.M., you are a wonderful inspiration. :) Do you have a post about your experience with marketing? If so, I'd love to post your link here.

    I am working on a schedule today, but having an awful time of it. There simply isn't enough time in the day/week to watch and interact and enjoy my two young children and do everything I want to do. I need to sit back and write what is important to me, and the people whose blogs I follow who have touched me, and blogs I want to support because they are educational and interesting.

    Since my goal is to become a writer, I should dedicate at least one day to immersing myself in writing blogs and interacting with those who have much to share. Can you believe I am not doing that at present? I also need to schedule time for reading and writing practice. K.M., I hope it can be done! Thank you so much for visiting. :)

  22. oops. sorry for the confusion! and it's hard to decide which name to promote. it will divide the fans. :)
    .-= novz´s last blog ..What Will Make You Quit Blogging? =-.

  23. Sounds like fun, and I have no fan page. Maybe I should start one up, but then it would be depressing if no-one joined so maybe not. :D
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Viddler And Why Some People Prefer To Use Them =-.

  24. the first time I received a fan page invitation, my first reaction was "What the?!"

    soon I received more and began accepting them (those from friends and others I can really relate to).

    then, out of curiosity, I created mine too. without really a purpose nor any idea of what to make of it.
    .-= Roy´s last blog ..A new day =-.

  25. Haha I bet if you asked 100 bloggers or better yet turned this in to a poll there would be a huge % of bloggers that would say they had the same feeling you did when you first said it and even when you typed it for this post.

    I know I did.
    .-= Extreme John´s last blog ..11 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me =-.

  26. Hi Heather, good to see that you've joined the bandwagon and created a fan page. Btw, I'm fan #78 on your page. :D

    I also had the same thoughts/doubts about creating a fan page but I eventually gave in because I wanted to have a separate page for my blog and keep a part of my Facebook profile private/personal. :)
    .-= Jaypee´s last blog ..Free Desktop Blogging Tools =-.

  27. Got you on the flip side, Roy. I'm hoping that soon it will all become evident. :)

  28. Thanks, Jaypee! I'm already a fan of your page. :)

    I am totally on board with keeping the blogging and the personal separate. It's too late to go back and fix things, but I can try to do it the right way going forward. Best of luck to you and your blog!

  29. Thanks Heather! Best of luck to you and your blog as well. :D

    Btw, you can still fix things on Facebook as you can control which parts of your Facebook profile can be accessible by a certain group/list. You just have to make a list and filter your friends. Then specify which list/s can access certain areas of your Facebook profile/information.
    .-= Jaypee´s last blog ..Free Desktop Blogging Tools =-.

  30. Jaypee, you are a genius! I had no idea! Every now and then I'd like to post something just for family. I"m totally going to look into that. Awesome!

  31. We all feel the same way, Sire, I assure you. Whether or not to start a Facebook Fan Page is a highly personal decision. I don't think anyone should do it just because everybody else is. The action of creating it alone, not to mention the actions we take to promote and maintain it, can impact how others see us.

  32. Hi John! Why are you not posting a link to your Facebook Fan Page here?!?!? I would love to join, anvil and all.

  33. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AussieSire, Heather. Heather said: It’s hard out here for a pimp http://goo.gl/fb/3sqw [...]

  34. I don't have a fan page and congrats on having one of your own. I know many bloggers who do and I haven't got around to making one of my own yet.

    I am going over to join yours now... by the way I just added the latest blog post on Goals4Individuals.com. Thought I'd let you know!

    Have a good one! :)
    .-= Eric´s last blog ..Lets Help Each Other =-.

  35. I've less than 300 Facebook friends. I find it icky to herd people into my fan page at this stage. Perhaps I should wait till it hits the 5k mark, and just make a big splash of a post annnouncing, "Sorry, guys, I've had an aha moment just now. Gonna unfriend all of you to make way for my real friends. Hop on over to my fan page now. Those real friends who I might accidentally unfriend, please send a packet of good coffee beans to remind me we're indeed friends."

    Not gonna happen anytime soon. I still live in an obscure hamlet somewhere in cyberslovokia.

    I appreciate the benefits of this FP. With a truly personal Facebook page, everybody is on equal footing. I don't have to make lists like "Limited Access," "Don't Peek at my Privates," "Friends But Not So Close" so I'd breathe easier in Facebook.
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Here’s Why I Unfriended Darren Rowse in Facebook =-.

  36. I think we have different notions of what a Fan Page means. To say anyone is "herding" their friends into their fan page just doesn't seem right to me. It's not like it is one or the other. I see it as people wanting to write, or run a business, or succeed in some way, and needing the help and support of others to make it happen. Some are even lucky enough to have supportive friends who, like Holly says, don't let them flop out there in the wind. At least I can keep my blog stuff for the most part on the FP and not bug uninterested friends on my personal page.

    At this point though, I wish I hadn't done it. As I said, I've always hated the name "Fan" page. I wish it could be professional page or something like that. I'm so sick of self-promotion I could poop out a cow. I just want to write, and write better, and find a way to express that makes other people feel something they want or need to feel. I should get better, and then I should promote.

    Oh well, what's done is done.

    I don't like herding FB friends (not to be confused with friends, as one's FB friend is not necessarily one's friend) into categories either, but it is necessary. I want to open myself up to new people, but until I get to know them better I don't want them to have access to information that my tried and true friends and family have access to. I've been too open in the past and that's just pretty darn stupid. Especially for a woman and a mother.

    The celebrities have a real hard time with it. People see them and get to know them and think they are friends. Sometimes even imagining a relationship exists when it in fact does not. We often forget that the celebrity has not been seeing us and has not gotten to know us and does not think we are friends. It can be touchy. Thank goodness I'll never have to deal with that lol
    .-= Heather Kephart´s last blog ..The Muse has a Sick Sense of Humor =-.

  37. Thanks so much, Eric! Sorry I haven't been around much. I'm stepping back from blogging for a while to practice some other forms of writing. Hope all is well with you.
    .-= Heather Kephart´s last blog ..The Muse has a Sick Sense of Humor =-.

  38. First, you got the title wrong; it should have been "Pimpin' Ain't Easy." lol

    Second, you're correct, writing the blog isn't as hard as publicizing it. However, in some instances it's actually fun publicizing one's blog. I love reading other blogs and commenting on them, and if it helps spread the word about myself it's all good. Sure, like many others I'd love to have some big numbers. But I'll take what I get for now.
    .-= Mitch´s last blog ..What Do We Expect For Free? =-.


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