Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

pumpkin_pieWhat better time than now to count my blessings? I am grateful for...

My family (I love and appreciate you guys beyond words!)
My friends (Thanks for seeing beyond all the crap and accepting me.)
My life
My health
My freedom
My country
All service people - military, police, fire, postal, teachers
My love
Kind people
Helpful people
Funny people
Caring people
Art that makes me think
My husband's sense of humor
ETA: The fact that my husband reminded me to add Charmin to this list
My husband's new job
The fact that I have a choice to stay home with my kids
Carl Jung
Passionate music
Engrossing books
Masterful films
Animals who don't bite people
Animals who want to bite people but stay far away from them
People who suck it up and just do what needs to be done without complaining
People who forgive me when I fail to suck it up and just do what needs to be done without complaining
Black pants
Black underwear
Black shorts
Black dresses
Funky t-shirts
Jane Austen
Johnny Depp
The smell of a book
Clean sheets
True Blood
Stephenie Meyer
My Power50 Allied Bloggers
Peanut butter
The ocean
Water in general
Clouds that look like stuff
Free pedicures
Baby nuzzles
The sounds of the word "Mommy" as it hits my ear
Used book stores
Friends who can somehow see through your smile and are extra kind to you on days when you need extra kindness
Junk drawers
McDonald's Diet Coke
Dr Seuss
Emily Dickinson
Robert Frost
Earnest people
Sincere people
People who don't hold back
People who make you get up again after you fall
People who don't keep a record of wrongdoings
Awful people who make me appreciate the wonderful people
People who are good at things I'm not good at so as to take the pressure off of me to not have to do those things all the time
Customer Service reps who are patient and helpful
Doctors who ask if I have any questions and actually answer them
Zip-off crib sheets
Vanilla scented lotion
Yankee candles
Nag Champa incense
Thrift stores
People who know how to paint and sell their stuff for reasonable prices
Really good comedy writers
30 Rock
Wooden toys
Santa Claus
The Easter Bunny
Christmas music
Christmas puzzles
Amazon gift cards
Google maps
Flip flops
Hair dye
Built-in shelves
Hair dryers
Red geraniums
The Sound of Music
No tears bubble bath for kids
Garlic butter
Free concerts
The Grinch

There's much, much, more. Thank you if you are reading this, you've given me the best gift one possibly can, the gift of your time. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!



  1. Did you mention toilet paper (Charmin)?

    Thank you for you, and our wonderful kids. Love you!

  2. Hi baby! XO Thank you for reminding me about Charmin - I can't believe I forgot that! I love you too. And I really like your avatar. 8)

  3. Hi Heather. I now that we do not celebrate it here in my part of the world, nonetheless, Happy thanksgiving. And for the record, your list is very extensive and P50 being there is something all of he alliedbloggers should be grateful for. So it seems that you like the color "black". Makes sense considering that your background is black too:) Enjoy!
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Using Google's AdSense Channels - Video Tutorials =-.

  4. Happy thanksgiving Heather. You're a happy person because you appreciate what you have. Mabuhay ka!
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Crafting Poetry =-.

  5. Happy thanksgiving Heather. This post just goes to show how much there is that we can be thankful for. Sometimes we forget that all the little things add up to be pretty important. ;)

    What's with the Yankee Candles? Why are they better than ordinary candles and wouldn't you be better off with Texan candles because of their immense size? :D
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Why Marketing Your Ad Space Should Precede Marketing Your Blog =-.

  6. Love Lots too Heather!

    I am equally grateful for being part of the My Power50 Allied Bloggers Ü

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I'll second the Johnny Depp and 30 Rock shout-outs!
    Your list was sweet and fun to read; I found myself nodding "yes" to many of the items on it.
    Happy Friday!

  8. Thanks, DiTesco! I hope you had a good day yesterday and wish you a good weekend going forward. Yes, I likey me some black. What can I say, it's slimming. 8)

  9. Thank you Jena! I don't know what "Mabuhay ka" means, but I hope it's good! lol

  10. They totally add up! The little things can add up and niggle at us. But sometimes we forget to notice the little things that add to our comfort and pleasure throughout the day. I've always been a HUGE fan of Yankee Candles. They are much more fragrant than any other brand I've tried. I'm kind of a candle fool. LOL, I've been told that people in Texas only THINK their candles are bigger. I suppose I'll be finding out for myself soon enough. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wish!

  11. Hi Megan! I posted over on your blog. I thought it was funny that my husband told me about your post lol

  12. Thanks for including us(p50) in your thanks giving list. Where's my turkey? Lols!
    .-= Jhong Medina´s last blog ..Friendster Email Verification Guide Simplified =-.

  13. Youuuuuuuuu light up my liiiiiiiiife, you give me hooooooooooope to carry oooooooooon you light up my daaaaaaaaaaaaays... (Still want that turkey or are you feeling sick now?)

  14. Happy thanksgiving Heather. You have much to be thankful for.
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..Do Not Quit Poem-Motivational Poem =-.

  15. Yeah, I heard those Texans thought they had big mice until one of them saw a kangaroo ;)
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Why Marketing Your Ad Space Should Precede Marketing Your Blog =-.

  16. Our bears are definitely bigger than your little eucalyptus-eaters, though. ;)
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  17. ...and fill my nights with song

    Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
    Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
    Finally, a chance to say hey,
    I love You
    Never again to be all alone

    OMG, where's Jen? I think we have a trio, now!
    Heather, do you sing ABBA, too?
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  18. I used to play "You Light Up My Life" on the piano. Yup, 'tis true.

    ABBA? But of course! Sing a new song, Chiquitita.

  19. I left you a little something at Facebook.

    Chiquitita, dime por que
    tu dolor hoy te encadena
    en tus ojos hay
    una sombra de gran pena...
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  20. I love your list! It's great to see someone appreciating the things in life we couldn't live without, like Charmin and no-tears baby shampoo!!
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..Fleeting thoughts.... =-.

  21. I laughed a lot when you said thanks to tequila, google maps and wooden toys. You know few days back only I have tried tequila and your post reminded me of that moment. :)
    .-= Ricky ´s last blog ..Download Twitter Reality TV iPod iPhone Mobile Application =-.


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