Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Seedy Underbelly of The Kephart Compound

I find it's best to write my blog posts as soon as I get up, before my brain has a chance to click into gear. Every morning I awaken a babe in the woods among you—unsullied, fresh and eager to make new friends and tackle new challenges. By noon, not so much. :?

Given my present state of mind, it seems a fabulous idea to share with y'all the seedy underbelly of our home. The "B" side, if you will.

[caption id="attachment_1588" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="I found this wad of playdough on the floor the other day. The embedded pattern looked strikingly similar to that of my shorts. Hope I didn't wear it to the store."]I found this wad of playdough on the floor the other day. The embedded pattern looked strikingly similar to that of my shorts. Hope I didn't wear it to the store.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1589" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="The Kephart children like to raid our pantry on a daily basis. Sometimes Lily reaches into the trash can and grabs things. I'm going to Hell for allowing that to happen."]My children like to raid my pantry on a daily basis. Sometimes Lily reaches into the trash can and grabs things. I'm going to Hell for allowing that to happen.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1590" align="alignnone" width="199" caption="I allow my baby girl Lily to sit in mud puddles on a regular basis."]I allow my baby girl Lily to sit in mud puddles on a regular basis.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1591" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="I get up and put my hair back. Usually I remember to take a shower and fix it. Not this day. My husband Dennis told me I looked like I was from "the South"."]I get up and put my hair back. Usually I remember to take a shower and fix it. Not this day. My husband Dennis told me I looked like I was from "the South".[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1592" align="alignnone" width="199" caption="I allowed this to happen too."]I allowed this to happen.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1593" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Lily has taken to removing her diaper during sleep sessions and flinging poop all over her room. I found poop on each page of the small book in her crib, and on each shelf of her changing table (Daddy found her first). Yes, Grampy and Grammy, this is the doll you gave Lily for Christmas. Don't worry - it came out in the wash. She sleeps in pullups now."]Lily has taken to removing her diaper during sleep sessions and flinging poop all over her room. I found poop on each page of the small book in her crib. Yes, Grampy and Grammy, this is the doll you gave Lily for Christmas. Don't worry - it came out in the wash. She sleeps in pullups now.[/caption]

And there you have it, folks! Wishing you a lovely, relaxing Sunday surrounded by the people you love. blowing_kisses


  1. That's it, I am NEVER wearing my hair like that again! :D It reminds me of the episode of Sex in the City when Carrie reads Burger's [or is it Berger?} book and says no self respecting NYC girl would run all over town in a scrunchie. I ditched all of mine after that episode!

    And, I gave one child the initials MFB, so a little garbage can't be all that bad. The kids look really happy. I think God can forgive you. ;)
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Small Talk Six – I’ve Been A Good Girl, I Promise =-.

  2. Again, I'm happy to be single & childless after reading this. Not that flinging poop isn't a fun thing to do (according to monkey trainers at the zoo), but garbage can hands would do me in!
    Oh, and the single thing is because there are mornings when I don't even come close to resembling the worst looking version of myself and my mouth sometimes smells like I ate a skunk in my sleep. Being a single gal, though, no one gets to comment on it except me! (wink)
    Happy Sunday!
    .-= Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord´s last blog ..The Ultimate Unknown =-.

  3. It's amazing Heather, how you could manage all of these, still. I salute you. Having undergone that type of "initiation", I know how challenging it is, but I would never trade that experience of being a mom, with anything else. These are once in a lifetime events that should be treasured as priceless gems, and would be appreciated at a latter time, especially when your kids are grown -ups already.

    Kudos to you!
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Terminus =-.

  4. I'm so glad that my children never played with their poop. My son however did tear the border down in his room and eat it. That's what I get for placing border around the middle of the wall.
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..How to make Snowmen Soup- Christmas Crafts =-.

  5. Playing with poop is nasty. Ugh.

    Better to sit in mud puddles than poop puddles. :p :?
    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Pacquiao defeats Cotto! =-.

  6. I cannot stop laughing at the shorts pattern in the playdough!

    It's no wonder that you talk about poop, it is more a part of your life than it ever was mine.

    Your children are adorable by the way!
    .-= Jillian´s last blog ..Critiquing My Writing =-.

  7. Thank you! I just discovered three minutes ago that Joe's so happy that he locked us out of my bedroom! The door has a key lock on it, and now I can't get in. We'll probably have to call a locksmith. Yes, I know it's my fault for not seeing this coming and taking replacing the doorknob or something, but still. It's that time of the month and my TAMPONS are in there! AAAAAAghhh!!!

    I need a Scrunchie alternative. It's so hot here 4 months out of the year that I can't wear my hair down. I put it up into a clip, but then I can't lie back on the floor and let my kids crawl over my belly. Now I see why Moms cut their hair off! lol

  8. LOL Megan, my husband and I refer to our single days as "The good old days" in jest. I'm actually much happier now and wouldn't go back for the world (I was not a good single person - I was prone to excess and bad decisions) but life sure was simpler back then. There are good things about both sides of the fence.

    I love this sentence, "there are mornings when I don’t even come close to resembling the worst looking version of myself". Hilarious!

  9. Jena, you are so gosh dang kind! Your family is truly blessed to have you around them in person.

  10. Oh no! That is funny! (now) I hope he didn't get all loopy from the glue!

  11. Thanks, Jillian. Let's just say I never saw it coming. It's like poop in, poop out.

  12. I have no idea where this comes from. She's our delicate flower.

  13. At last, I got to see a pic of Lily having fun. Must be because of that very liberating poop flinging episode she's had... Two adorable children, one novel in progress, a husband somewhere. I hope you write something about your blogging zen and let us lesser mortals in on your writing secret(s)!
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Read My Lips: Twitter Lists Are Meant to be Exclusionary =-.

  14. Dear Heather,
    These experiences you share with us all, feel irreplaceable and a treasure.
    Thank you. :)
    .-= Ana´s last blog ..Human Reminder =-.

  15. Hello Heather! You're children are soooo adorable. I really the picture of your two children raiding the pantry. So cute!
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..Got The Swine Flu =-.


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