Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This morning at the Tommyknocker compound...

I just made a $959.00 payment to Avon. How? I have no clue. I thought I entered $27.41. But when the order went through I looked at the screen and saw a message thanking me for my $959.00 payment. I spent fifteen minutes on the phone with a bright, cheery fellow from India who eventually provided me with an 800 number to call. The 800 number asked for my number and said it would call me back in 5-7 minutes. A recording called me back to say, "What's the matter with you, idiot? Nobody's open until 7 am. Go back to sleep you freak, and call us back then."

I have to sit here for two hours wallowing in the stink of my mistake, hoping and praying I don't accidentally set off "the bomb" or make any more similar bumbles, until the correction can be made.

What if I blow this deal? What if I become so distracted by NaNoWriMo and the Lolcats that I forget?


My poor husband is likely to need gas on his way to work. I'm picturing him standing at the counter of the 7-AM/PM-11 with muffin and Diet Coke in hand, being turned away by a cranky clerk who's been up all night due to our card being locked up. What will happen at that point? Will I get another "Luuuuuuuuucy" phone call?

In my defense, I was roused at 4:11 this morning. One word: Joe. He had turned on the hall light, and was lying dramatically across the threshold of our door sighing and tapping his foot on the wall.

Me: Go back to sleep, sweetheart. It's the middle of the freaking stinking blasted night.

Joe: *pitiful sigh*

Me: Joe, go back to your bed, sweetie, it's too early, sweetheart, go back to bed, it's night, sweetie.

Joe: *hugs his Blue Dog closer*

Me: *gets up and picks up Joe, brings him into bed*

Joe never sleeps in our bed. And this time was no exception. I tried to fall back to sleep, but somehow I knew that wouldn't be happening. I lifted my head to see if Joe had his eyes closed. He didn't. They were as wide as dual moons and were starting straight at me.

I stroked his cheek. He smiled. I tweaked his nose. He giggled and touched mine.

No hope for sleep here. The best I could hope for was a successful relocation of the two of us to the living room, qualified by not awakening my husband Dennis. Unfortunately, my bladder was screaming.

Me: Wait right here, schnicklefritz, I'll be right back.

Joe: *smiles*

I entered the powder room and eased my butt into "go" position. I snatched the recent issue of Country Living off of the cabinet and opened it to a random page and began to concentrate. Then I heard Joe breathing under the bathroom door. *exhale...inhale, exhaleinhale, exhale....inhale*

I squeaked out my #1, put the Country Living back on the cabinet, and opened the door and patted my son on the head. He'd turned on both of the bathroom overhead lights. It was then that I heard a startled yelp and witnessed my husband rocketing into a sitting position whilst yanking the covers to him asthough Joe and I were The Tommyknockers coming to get him.

I turned out the lights and grabbed for Joe's hand. The thought occurred to me that I should have grabbed Joe's hand and then turned out the lights. We made our way to the living room.

A Flintstone vitamin was tossed into a bowl, grapes were dumped on said vitamin in said bowl, milk was poured into a sippy cup, Blues Clues was flicked on, a blanket was pulled over a sweet, chilly little body, a head was patted, and a butt plunked itself in front of a computer. A well-intentioned Avon payment was made.

Y'all know how that went.

Then the urge to go #2, prompted by a quick blast of iced coffee, hit me with the force of 1,000 bad hot dogs. I sprinted to the bathroom, rounding the corner just in the nick of time without a second to waste, and gasped at the vision of my husband sitting on the john in the dark, screeching to a halt at his, "What the He...?!?"

Turning on my heels I sprinted towards the hall bathroom. It was locked! I somehow buried a scream so as not to wake the baby, and ran into the kitchen for a screwdriver. As luck would have it, all I could find was a phillips head, so I grabbed a butter knife out of the silverware drawer and ran back into the hallway towards the bathroom.

Blessedly, I made it in time. Good morning. :)

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  1. phew! good morning indeed! :D
    what a GREAT way to start your day - i mean the part where you didn't have to do #2 out in the hall.

    .-= reyjr´s last blog ..Singing with Sarah Geronimo (plus tips on how to use a microphone) =-.

  2. That's what sinks are for, silly! :-P

    By the way, I'm so happy to be able to comment on your blog with ease these days!

  3. SORRY about the broken links to those "fabulous hats" on my current post -- I have fixed them!

    I will be back to read this post later

    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..10 Things I Could Do (But Probably Won’t) Tomorrow =-.

  4. Is it wrong that I can envision a butt being eased onto the toilet seat? lol Then I thought you poured milked over the grapes, only then to realize you must have poured that into a glass. {wipes tears from eyes from hysterical laughter} Thank you for this! My day is now complete. ;)

  5. Hey, schniclefritz (did you make that word up???)

    It's 2:00 and I only peed my pants once so far today so it's looking up as far as days go.

    A Flintstone vitamin was tossed into a bowl...
    why do I love that line so??
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..10 Things I Could Do (But Probably Won’t) Tomorrow =-.

  6. And so the lesson learned here that you must always have a good knife handy, otherwise, lol.. Phew, this almost sounds like a morning "gymnastics" than anything else. Anyway, I am glad that things eventually worked out:) And Ohh! Can't say Good Morning anymore, but I'm sure Good Day, will suffice (hopefully)
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..DiTesco's Weekly Echo #8 =-.

  7. My goodness, it doesn't take much to remind me how grateful I am that I'm single, and childless. (smile) Please keep sharing these stories because they're better than birth control (and cheaper, too!).
    .-= Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord´s last blog ..$1 Therapy (Awesome Free e-Book) =-.

  8. Okay, good. Don't you love Wordpress link stuff? Agh!

    Re: you being back, oh suuuure. That's what you said that night in Atlanta. Left me there on the roof of that Victorian with that weird jazz flautist. I'll never forgive you for that.

  9. LOL! Now I'm getting the butt/seat image as well. Thanks for the milk thing, I threw a "sippy cup" in there. See? You're hel-ping! xo

  10. You're right! I should get one of those swiss knife things that's a combo nail trimmer/scissors/screwdriver.

    Good day or evening or whatever it is!

  11. Oops, you did come back. Ignore the comment above. :-D

    And thanks!

  12. Good morning Heather! What a way to start the day with all those stuffs that could have me me easily lost my temper, ehehe!
    .-= elmot´s last blog ..Having Faith with Fate =-.

  13. Schnicklefritz??? I love that!!

    You are a way better mom than me!! There's no freakin way I would've gotten up with my kids at 4:00 in the morning.

    I've learned the hard way to keep those little unlockie thingies above the doors of each bathroom for the exact same reason you experienced. The kids have this thing with locking the bathroom doors and then shutting them.
    .-= Helene´s last blog ..What's your preference.... =-.

  14. ha ha ha...okay, okay....I should not laugh at what's considered as embarrassing?

    Seriously. Heather, I marvel at how you took all these morning activities with such a gay disposition. I mean, I'm smiling while reading this post.

    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..My Painful Past =-.

  15. Such a...?

    @#$%! Jen, is it a conspiracy with you and Doc to see who can clear Holly's sinuses first with a blast of coffee-scented snot? Thanks. (I haven't seen "gay" used in its proper context since I was about seven. Right around the time my mom proclaimed one of my little classmates "queer." But I'm with ya, sister - let's reclaim the language!)

    A butter knife, Heather? Seriously, how did THAT work? Did you actually take the door handle off the door? I need a picture - I'm having trouble visualizing this part of the story (though, darn you, none at all picturing you lowering your nether regions to the porcelain throne in the dark - after all, BTDT). I have some thin kebab skewers that work even better than the unlock thingamabobs (and they're much easier to find in the dark).

    I used to shut myself into the bathroom for a few moments of blessed peace and solitude. My daughter would toddle up to the door and say, in plaintive tones, "Don't you WANT my company?" In the ensuing years, I've just about stopped closing the door altogether. One day, I'll have my peace and solitude...and I'll miss NOT having it.

    When W was born, though, I reminded her that he would probably follow her everywhere, like a little duckling. She expressed the notion that she would hide out in the bathroom, with the door locked. "Oh?" I asked. "What are you going to do when he sniffles and cries, 'Don't you WANT my company?'

    "Oh, FINE. I'll let him in."

    Revenge is sweet.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Pre-order A Puppy, Not a Guppy =-.

  16. Elmot, I just can't picture you losing your temper. (LOL!!!)

  17. Helene, I was clearly out of my mind. Part of me was thinking that he'd just fall back to sleep, but I knew he wouldn't. This time change - agh! I didn't know what alternative I had but to get up with him. If I leave him to his own devices he just walks around the house taking pictures and getting into trouble. Is it okay to lock him in the bathroom? (Just kidding!)

    Thanks for the tip on the bathroom lock thing. I don't know why he (and apparently they) love that so much.

  18. Thanks, Jena! I am very lucky and I know it. Plus, I had extra sleep the night before so it was okay. Otherwise I may not have remembered how lucky I am lol

  19. Revenge, indeed! Someday it will come.

    Holly, there are no locks on the kids' bedroom doors here, thankfully. And the locks on the bathroom doors have little slots on the outside to unlock them. Had I realized how simple they turned I probably would have attempted it with my fingernail!

  20. Holly, he he he, you know how this innocent, pure mind of mine works - malice is always absent.(saying this with a touch of sarcasm).

    Naive of me? I didn't realize it until you've pointed it out. But THAT is the genuine use of the word...GAY...he he he...
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Memoir About Genuine Friendship =-.

  21. And I say we need to stand up for the clear and plain use of words that others would co-opt as euphemisms, lest all words end up meaning something completely other than what they set out to mean! Not that I'm totally opposed to evolution of language - but could we just make up some NEW words, like, say, "schnicklefritz" - instead of wringing all original meaning out of old ones and twisting them around to mean something completely different? When "bad" and "sick" mean "good," my old brain just gets confused.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Pre-order A Puppy, Not a Guppy =-.

  22. Two words: morning blast. hehehe
    .-= Charles Bjørnsen Ravndal´s last blog ..An Afternoon With T Michael =-.

  23. You crack me up!! I always read your FB posts and now I have found your blog. Oh dear... I am not going to get any work done today.

  24. Perfect! Incedentally, that would also work for my NaNoWriMo romance novel. ;-)

  25. Amber!!! You're that girl! You, know the one... THAT one! So glad to see you here! Love your comments, you crack me up too.

    Work is for people who can't stomach what it takes to do absolutely nothing productive and dammit, that's not US! lol

  26. Boo :( I wrote a bunch of stuff and it deleted me. Anyway.. I like you. And I have a Joe that wakes me up too. Yay.

  27. I HATE that!! I'm so sorry. I'm so paranoid about losing text that I try to always copy and paste before hitting send on anything, but I always forget that one time it doesn't work.
    Thanks, I like you too. And I'm glad you have a Joe that wakes you up too. I mean, I'm not glad that he wakes you up, I mean EARLY. :P

  28. Thanks for sharing!

    I'm sure it was the full moon that was f'in up everybody's sleep. Just happy its waning and we can all get some rest.
    .-= Jillian´s last blog ..Am I a Goddess? =-.

  29. Oh good heavens, I'm giggling 'til the tears come! Thank you so very much for sharing the details of this morning's elimination... too funny! My little one is currently making a daily mistake of coming to rouse us in the wee hours... I need to buy her a clock and teach her how to wait for seven bells! And yes, it's impossible to get back to sleep, though I always try, with pillow over head.

    I think what sent me over the edge was the coffee artwork at the end: "You can sleep when you're dead!" Kills me. Where did you find it? I love twisted-vintage stuff like that.

    Thanks for the giggle!
    .-= Lea´s last blog ..“Fireflies” Obsession: Art & Life Intermingled. =-.

  30. I agree Holly, AMEN to that...bow...Where is your placard now? Let's go!
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..My Painful Past =-.

  31. $959.00? That's a lot of mascara. I can just picture you running down the hall holding your butt. lol Glad you made it.
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..Sesame Street Trivia- Sesame Street 40th anniversary =-.

  32. You're deep into your novel writing and yet you've written a wonderful blog post! Isn't NaNoWriMo supposed to leave you feeling enervated?

    This is so unfair!

    Next time Holly recommends a friend I'd grill her so I'd be prepared for what's to come. You're so wickedly funny I thought I was reading a sitcom screenplay. :)
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Read My Lips: Twitter Lists Are Meant to be Exclusionary =-.

  33. How could I ever ignore ANYTHING about you??

    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Mystery Blogger “Over The Top” Meme` =-.

  34. Yes, at least we'll always have Atlanta.

    And talking pig puppets.

    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Mystery Blogger “Over The Top” Meme` =-.

  35. I think my mental state is waning as well. Back end Wordpress stuff does me in! Thanks for coming by. P.S. Yes, you are a Goddess.

  36. Thanks, Lea! You are so sweet! And oops, I was so tired I forgot the image source. Corrected. :) You can find different versions of this coffee poster in Google Image search under, "Coffee you can sleep when you're dead"."


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