Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Mischief

cymbal_monkeyAre you feeling tired and defeated this very fine Monday morning? Perhaps you find yourself slumping over your desk, dripping crumbs from your burnt toast out of the corner of your mouth into the guts of your fifteen year old Dell keyboard and wondering...
"Hey! Why am I ploitering at this smelly old desk at this stupid job in my faux-leather Payless Shoe Source footwear next to a mouth-breathing, back-stabbing fussock, when other people who are no smarter than me perch smugly in their fancy schmancy corner offices and fondle their bacculas and stare at their really hot assistants who happily bring them muffins and coffee and don't complain about the fact that indentured servitude is well beneath them?"

It's not just you. You really did get a raw deal. And those other people really are looking down on you. But that doesn't mean you have to bend over and take it like a perma-grinning cymbal monkey. You can fight back in subtle ways.

One way to battle El Jefe is to stuff his in-box with links that, once clicked, will serve the dual purpose of both irritating the crap out of him and annoying the other pent-up puckerbutts in his vicinity. This will effectively red-headed-stepchildify him, dropping him a wee bit closer to your own level of the social stratosphere (rock bottom). You'll probably be fired faster than you can say "case of the Mondays", but it will be well worth it!thumbs_up

Here are some links that will get the job done:


Most Annoying Noise Ever

Disney Don't Change

Cat on a Keyboard in Space

Elecktronik Supersonik

The Most Annoying Sounds All In One

How IRRITATING! (Do NOT Watch this!)

And an oldie but goodie...  It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!

You will thank me later. Oh and hey - can you bring me a muffin?


  1. Why not add a sound clip of my kids right now jumping on the sofa, while screaming at the top of their lungs?? That could be just a little annoying...just a tiny bit.

    This was such a funny post...I loved the reference "redheaded stepchildify"!!! That's the best line I've ever heard!!!

    The annoying sounds were definitely annoying...and then they blended them all in together. Ugh!

  2. Ahahaaaaaa!!! If I could, I would! Maybe throwing the devil snowman at you as well? I kind of liked the cat in space, hate to admit it.

    Thanks. :) Have a good day, Helene.

  3. Sometimes it helps to switch it up by wishing people a TGIF. Some people wonder where their week went before they realize it's still Monday.
    .-= J.D. Meier´s last blog ..What 16 Movies Can Teach Us About Life and Leadership =-.

  4. I like Walama ~ I giggled & may go back. :o Now if I only had a job so I could annoy my boss. heehee
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Shopping ~ Graduating ~ Writing ~ Chickens & Eggs [shells are optional] ~ & Finally, A Little ‘Clean’ Humor =-.

  5. This is what you get, Heather, for not including my latest video in your annoying list. I realize you're too young to remember this one, but no such list is complete without it. I like to imagine that this is you, when you were little. Does the expression on this dog's face remind you of anyone? (Is it my imagination, or is he rolling his eyes?) I can't help but include this classic (call me when you can keep up) even though I see nothing particularly annoying about it. Unlike this...or this.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Balut (Rhymes with “Foot”) =-.

  6. P.S. You look so cute in that little purple wig! Who knew your husband could fake such a cheesy Russian accent?
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Balut (Rhymes with “Foot”) =-.

  7. I know, right? I think I'll post Walama on my old boss' wall on Facebook. Hee hee

  8. Your video isn't annoying. It's in a category all by itself. I kind of like all that Irish music! And that poor dog is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! Hey, what video editing software do you use? The little note on the dog video reminded me of the ones you put on yours.

  9. Thanks! And actually, that's pretty well-known. Back in the day we created and ran a message board together called "The Cheese Factory". Ah, memories. :)

  10. "How IRRITATING! (Do NOT Watch this!)" freaked my dog out. lol
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..Bizarre – Ugly Shoes =-.

  11. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOO SORRY!!!!! AhahaAAAAAAA!

  12. I have come to your blog after reading your interview on famousblogger club, really your blog is very nice, I will keep visiting your blog.
    .-= chandan´s last blog ..Sponsored tweets- great work at home opportunity =-.

  13. [...] warned: Heather Kephart is up to Monday Mischief! If you are not amused at being annoyed in the most infantile ways, steer clear. On the other hand, [...]

  14. Wow, I like the new look of your blogs...Beautiful Heather!
    .-= elmot´s last blog ..When Farming Uproots You From Your Blogging Chores =-.

  15. Corn muffin on your way Heather :D
    .-= madz´s last blog ..You are the Greatest Gift =-.

  16. Will have to watch the links first. What flavor do you like , my friend?
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Crafting Poetry =-.

  17. These are de-stressors, Heather. Thanks for sharing.
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..Crafting Poetry =-.

  18. Hello Chandan, I'm so glad you found me! Thanks for the compliment. Your blog is nice as well, I visited this morning.

  19. Corn muffin, thank you! It worked, it worked!

  20. Thank you, Elmot!

    P.S. You are chicken for not clicking on Walama lol

  21. I'm glad you had fun with then, Jena! My pleasure!

  22. You know, I kind of like the cat in space one for real lol

  23. You so funnily rock!! Yessssss. A big bran muffin with raisins. Slightly crispy on the top but oh so very very tender and moist underneath. Please and thanks, to make up for all those annoying links. Come to think of it -- bring me 2 please and a half-caff latte, whole milk.


    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..10 Top Blogging Addiction Signs + Recommended Treatments =-.


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