Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Cyber Cabin in the Woods

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Image via Wikipedia

I've been spending way too much time online lately. I always do that when things in my personal life get nutty, as with our impending move to Dallas. I use the internet as a refuge.

Can't find a house? No problem. Go into your Wordpress dashboard and play house there. Tweak Thesis to within one inch of its life.

A garage filled with crap to be sorted through? Time to take a hard look at your Twitter followers and weed out some of the people who are no longer participating.

Aware that you will need to discard baby items that have sentimental value because you can't keep them all? Make a post about your children, or upload photos to Facebook.

The internet is hardly a world over which we have total control, but it does allow us to hide and dream and think that perhaps we are connecting with others and improving our personal organizational situations. Yet, I have two crochet projects that sit on my shelves, unfinished. I should be packing. Christmas shopping. Scrubbing the bathroom floor. Walking. Interacting with my children as often as possible.

So why do I find myself here with increasing frequency? In my mind, while everything around me is swept up in toddler tornadoes and cross-country move panic, I can come in here and build upon something concrete. Slowly and surely, brick by hard-won brick, I will have carved out a little place for myself in the midst of the deluge—my own little cyber cabin in the woods.

As is the way of the internet, my little cabin is hardly safe, and might even slide down a hill if the rain gets too heavy. I think that, perhaps, instead of spending too much time on the drapery and pillow covers, I should also work on its foundations. It's not nearly as fun, but ten times as necessary. What are some things I should be doing?

  • Learning about security and safety, but not overdoing it. There is always something to fear, but the thing we must fear the most, you may have heard, is fear itself.

  • Determining my goal. If I don't know what I'm aiming for I will surely never achieve it.

  • Mastering SEO techniques. If I didn't want people to visit my cabin I would be posting offline.

  • Seeking out and supporting a list of like-minded bloggers. Taking a hard look at my current list of contacts.

  • Setting up a daily routine with a time limit. (Oh, how I hate time limits and routines!) Something like, reading and commenting on blogs, one hour, posting, half an hour, etc. I might even want to expand this into a weekly schedule so everything gets covered.

  • Perhaps expand the schedule to include a blog posting schedule. This way I could include a mix of diary posts for my own sanity, and potentially entertaining and helpful posts.

  • After the move, make time for daily writing exercises. This is really where my blogging heart is, and learning to be a better writer can only have a positive impact on not only this blog, but on all of my communication attempts.

I'm in my personal comfort zone when winging it. But, as I recall, when I worked in an office I liked to have strict control over my activities to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks. What was absolutely imperative was done first thing in the morning so that when urgent and unexpected situations presented themselves I was still firmly on track. If I were to approach my blogging activities through the eyes of a professional rather than those of a dabbler, I just might be able to manifest a highly satisfying experience for myself and my readers. Should I discover this to be impossible, at least I will know I did everything possible to make it happen, instead of waiting for it to happen to me.

Oh, and I should probably pack, too. :o


  1. Because you my lady are a class act and always PRO-ACT rather than REACT. Good luck on the move...moves are painful, stressful, and around the holidays...forget it. I can only imagine how your stress and tolerance is on overload!
    .-= Karie´s last blog ..Gifts for Her or Him: CSN Stores =-.

  2. SERIOUSLY!?!? You guys are moving to Dallas?? Wow. When? You'll be just 3 hours away from us, give or take.

    You have the WP SEO plug-in, right? That works pretty darn well.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Soul Impressions Of Dr. Liara M. Covert’s “Self Disclosure — Changes From Within” =-.

  3. I like the foundations of blogging that you have set to fulfill. I could apply it also to mine. What about this : "setting one hour for money-making ventures"...he he he.

    Good luck with your plans,. Heather. All the best.
    .-= Jena Isle´s last blog ..An Immortal Relationship : Friendship =-.

  4. This is an excellent post Heather, I see that you are going to inspire us after moving to Dallas because maybe you are saving something for that time!

    Your post remind me with those days, when I used to be far a way from people, looking for a place to be my private world, maybe the internet was the best place for me, it helped me to get over being lonely!

    The internet & blogging is great gift, but it's like any other gifts in our life, depends on the way we use it, this could change our lives!

    I hope your blog will give your life the pleasure!
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..How Famous Bloggers Sewed a new Dress using Thesis theme? =-.

  5. Hi Heather,

    I remember one of my moves, I think it was when I got to Illinois, I didn't actually get all my stuff unpacked and put away until one night when the power went out ... which denied me the opportunity to hop online "for just a couple of minutes" :-)

    Seriously, sometimes I love my laptop ... but sometimes I wish it didn't possess such power over me.

    Of all your goals, this one sounds like it would be the hardest:
    "Setting up a daily routine with a time limit. (Oh, how I hate time limits and routines!) Something like, reading and commenting on blogs, one hour, posting, half an hour, etc. I might even want to expand this into a weekly schedule so everything gets covered."

    ... for me anyway.

  6. Ahh, the foundation or pillars as I call it is probably one of the most important aspects in blogging. You are right about the point of your cabin not being found so you might want to boost your CEO (Cabin Engine Optimization), in the near future, lol

    As for you move, I wish you all the best, and I'm sure that everything will just be fine. The stress and the fear of it is what makes us strong. Take your time, priorities first, I'm convinced that there are people out there who will help you along the way:)
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..Google Wave - How To Get Invited =-.

  7. OH I just love the title instantly! I can totally understand the need to get the writings done and connect with a well-engaged support group. So far I've tasted some fine results out of mutual supports from bloggers and it's superb! Love the friendship and connections! SEO and security are equally important, I'm glad you squeeze those in too! You obviously know exactly what to do, kudos to you, Heather. ^^ Stumbled and RTed.

    Best wishes on the move. Wow, 3 hours from Jannie! You gals should meet up. Perhaps one day I get to meet you guys there after all.

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..Tweetsgiving: Spend Thanksgiving Differently On Social Media =-.

  8. Reading about your experience in crafting your outpost in the digital universe reminds me a lot of my own journey. I hope your analog move goes well too. It's really great to have an outlet of stability when other things in life are a bit chaotic. No doubt everything will reach its level in due course.
    .-= Jay Zuck´s last blog ..Jack and The Spirits =-.

  9. Hi Karie, and thank you! I've never moved during this time of year before, and it's presenting special challenges. Plus, the kiddos really want to knock down every pile I make!

  10. Tess! Hi! It's so good to see you again. Thanks. :)

  11. Hi correct Jannie! lol I hate it when I do that. I'm so excited at the prospect of being three hours away from you. HehHehHeh. I go use a SEO plugin, but I feel like it might be redundant with regards to the Thesis SEO features. Have a relaxing and musical Sunday!

  12. Oh yeah Jena, that! lol Well, we'll just have to see which ones pan out. Good thing we're experimenting at the same time so we can help each other and hopefully shave some time off of our search. I'm thinking that DiTesco was right, and Mahalo is a good one for us!

  13. Hi Hesham and thanks! I'm not so much as saving something as holding back a little until all this nuttiness is over. I'm hoping to get back to writing lessons once the dust settles, to get my other blogs going, and to have a better grip on optimal ad placement and where to concentrate my money-making efforts.

    You are so right about how this can change our lives! Take care. :)

  14. Thanks, DiTesco! You had me rolling with CEO, very clever. :D

  15. Todd, it's amazing how much we are able to accomplish once we finally pull ourselves away from our computers. That's why I'd like to rein myself in a little and make my time in here really matter.

    Your post got me thinking again about establishing a daily routine. Your articles are so helpful, I'm thrilled to have you as a new resource!

  16. Hi Ching Ya, and WOW, thanks for the stumble and tweet! I am thrilled to be in a position to gain knowledge from you. Your articles are always concise and thorough, with specific examples that show the technically-challenged reader exactly what to do.

    Can you believe three hours from Jannie? We'll definitely have to get together someday. Hopefully I can see one of her shows, too.

  17. Well if it isn't one of my favorite artists. :D Hello Jay, good to see you. Love your mention of my "analog" move. We really are in the matrix, aren't we? Slow and steady is going to get it done, methinks. I need to learn patience and not try to make it all happen overnight.

  18. This is probably one of the most insightful posts on why anyone would blog or spend time on the Internet that there is.

    Beware, though - when you need to escape from your escape (because, maybe, it becomes too serious and too much like "real" work), where do you turn, then? BTDT...don't recommend it.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  19. Hey, you're only 4 hours from me, after the move. 43 mins. by plane (and there are some great fares - often as low as $50 - come in through IAH, and I'll pick you up).
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  20. Buy a kitchen timer. Seriously. Time gets away from some of us when we're reading and commenting. Like it's getting away from me, now - my guys want to take me OUT to lunch. OUT? OMG, there's a whole world out there, and they have FOOD? ;)

    Schedules and routines, though? Some of us have those in every other aspect of our lives. We come here for a little unstructured play time. Don't throw your life away, but don't kill the joy, either.
    .-= Holly Jahangiri´s last blog ..Monday News & Views =-.

  21. Well shucks, Holly. That's high praise coming from you as I know you aren't in the habit of slopping your praise to the pigs. (I'm the pig in this scenario.) How insightful of you to answer a niggling and elusive worry rattling around in my brain and remind me that this is primarily an escape rather than a money-making venture. I think that perhaps I should make a list of things I want to accomplish, and peck at them when I have time and am in the mood rather than setting strict schedule. Lemon timer next to me of course. Holly, you really hit this nail on the head.

  22. I think that sometime we will all have to get together for a really rockin' New Year's Eve adventure! No balut, though. Oh, and only after I start to lose weight because I know you'd crop all my fat pictures and blow up and highlight all my jiggly bits.

  23. Thank god for the net. My cybercabin has been the ultimate source of refuge and sanity on more than one occasion.
    .-= Jack´s last blog ..A Different Sort of Children's Book =-.

  24. Ryhen I'm sorry to have to tell you this, because I'm thrilled to see you, but I'm obligated to nullify this comment because you saw fit to comment on an older post. What were you thinking? It could have been the start of a beautiful blogging relationship. Oh, the angst!

    By the way, love your last post. Commented. And no, that wasn't a dig at the fact that I was able to determine which was your last post. Mox Nixon.

  25. For you or for all your freeloading cyber friends? Thanks for coming by! Don't be a stranger!

  26. Heather,

    I like what you've done with Thesis, well done. As for the post, two things: I'm still trying to get that blog posting schedule in order :) and I need to setup daily writing exercises. Thanks for sharing. I've got a few treasures/takeaways after reading this post. Cheers!

    .-= Miguel Wickert´s last blog ..Why I Use Wordpress? =-.

  27. [...] Kephart wrote My Cyber Cabin in the Woods, one of the most insightful posts ever on why she (and, I suspect, many of us) spend so much time [...]

  28. I think I'm the only one these days, that isn't using Thesis, well not exactly the only person, there are loads that aren't, but maybe I should, use it, oo my fingers have gone mad on this keyboard I can't stop typing ......
    .-= Karen @ Blazing Minds´s last blog ..Who’s the Band – Lethality Scale =-.

  29. So you are a writer? I'm a wannabe writer. Someday! Thanks so much for coming by. :)

  30. Don't do it! lol I only broke down and bought it because it was supposed to be simpler to edit. That isn't necessarily so! Besides, your blog looks great. Wait, you're still typing aren't you?

  31. If I lived closer I'd help you pack. Oh well! Have fun. hehe
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..Top 10 Christmas gifts =-.

  32. I can relate to your experience - putting things on hold for a few more hours on the net. Every blogger has that guilt complex, don't you think so? Might be old already, but there's this cartoon I saw the other day. Wife is pissed off, asking the husband to come to bed already. And the husband is still plugging away at the computer, "Somebody is wrong in the internet!"

    To lay the blame squarely on blogging door is unfair though. I've put off of lots of stuff for blogging. Then there's that experience with Facebook game! So now I'm using farming to escape from blogging?!

    Maybe I should move to Texas, too, to have some sense drilled into my noggin. :)

    Almost forgot. Awesome, awesome blog post title. Love it!
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Anatomy of My FarmVille Addiction =-.

  33. I love the idea of a little "cyber cabin in the woods." No matter what's going on "out there," my cabin is always waiting for me. Sometimes it's welcoming; other times, not. But it's nice to know it's there.

  34. I can so relate - we are moving countries in 3 weeks - just before Xmas - and unlike the US the entire country shuts down for 2 weeks+ where I come from. Getting an Internet connection 2 days before the 25th is going to be fun - NOT.
    I find it very distracting because I am the one doing all the running around such as sellilng the car (gone yesterday - but 3 hours wasted) and not getting any work done!

  35. Hi, Heather,
    I love your post, your commitment to do "everything possible to make it happen, instead of waiting for it to happen to me"...
    But do you know what I love the most from this blog? The feeling of community that your comments and replies express!
    All the best!

  36. I've only ever had one major move and that was 22 years ago when my newly wed wife and I moved to our new home. Although she would like to move again I am happy to stay where we are. Besides any move now would force me to look for my own cyber cabin.
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Giving Your Blog That Christmas Feel =-.

  37. Wow, it's like you read my mind and then blogged about it! Well put, and you have me thinking now that I need to (perhaps) take a more serious, professional, "this is my job" approach to blogging. I'm much more lax now that I'm not working in the corporate world than I ever used to be... But I'm not as stressed, either. Stuff seems to get done. Hmm, well, I like mulling these things over, so thank you!
    By the way, nice cabin!
    .-= Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord´s last blog ..7 Steps for Climbing the Staircase to Joy =-.

  38. I hear you, girl! Don't ever stop doing things so we don't have to, though. I'm way too curious and I've got way too much on my plate already.

  39. It's not just blogging, that's for sure. And it's certainly not the amount of time it takes to craft a post. Figuring out how to seo-itize my blog and monetize it effectively has been a time-consuming, but entertaining quest. One thing always seems to lead to another thing that needs to be investigated and explored. I never get the sense of being "done", where I can shut down my computer and move on with my day. I'm sure it's like that for all of us.

    Hey, what would you say if I told you Farmville was in Texas? And thanks re: the post title!

  40. Hi, Lis! WOW, I don't even want to think about what moving to a different country might entail! You sound like a pro, though. Ugh, car selling - isn't that the worst? I feel like I'm not getting much done either. Sigh. Oh well, let's keep on keepin' on!

  41. Boris, thank you so much! It's what I love the most about it, too. Just look at the wide range of spectacular people who commented on this post, including yourself. I should quit now while I'm ahead! :D

  42. LOL! And wow, I can't imagine being in the same place for 22 years. It would be nice in so many ways, to have roots and a strong sense of home and community. Hopefully we'll be able to build upon that in Texas. :)

  43. Oh, I hear you Megan! I am super stressed now with the move, but all things considered I was much more of a stress case when working full time outside of my home. I'm busier now, and have more responsibilities, but the rewards are greater. Being able to hug my kids when I want to, and just holding them on my lap, is the biggest stress reducer in the world. Plus, it's been nice to be able to "find myself" again! And thank you!

  44. Yeah and if your lucky you may strike oil when doing the gardening. Say do you still have to watch out for steers over there, and do they hang car thieves? ;)
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Moneybackco Has Potential Cashback Deals =-.

  45. I plan on putting bull horns on the front of my minivan. That should scare them steer awayyy! Uh, and yes, probably. They don't throw them on the barbie like they do down under. :whistle:

  46. No, we wouldn't waste them on the barbie. We just feed em to the roos. :angel:
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Moneybackco Has Potential Cashback Deals =-.

  47. @Sire Those roos are cute, but mean! I'm always seeing them punching out newscasters on video. Hopefully armadillos are a kinder sort.

  48. Ahhhh, Thesis has its own SEO thingy. Will I ever know all there is to know? Um -- no!!

    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Getting To Know Him… Getting To Know All About A Wonderful Blogger. =-.


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