Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Neurotic Confessional

[caption id="attachment_1812" align="alignleft" width="235" caption="Edvard Munch - "The Scream""]Van Gogh's "The Scream"[/caption]

Are you a flaming neurotic? Well, you're not alone. In fact, if you head over to i am neurotic and read through other peoples' neuroses you may even start to feel "normal". You can submit your own neuroses to unburden yourself from the weight of non-disclosure.

I did. I entered a rant about how my skin starts to crawl when people forget to capitalize the letter I when appropriate. I'm totally freaking out just thinking about it. Seriously. And I know it's wrong. It's not you, it's me.

I'm also a wee bit obsessive-compulsive. For example, if I step on a crack in the sidewalk with my left foot I am compelled to step on a crack with my right foot in just the same spot to even things out. I'm lucky in that I can resist these impulses, as I understand many are not able to.

There's more, but I don't want to expose my freakazoidalism more than is required for this post to function properly. Do you suffer from any neuroses?


  1. Hi, my name is Anne, and I am Neurotic. I have this compulsion to put two spaces after every period, but WP comments keeps removing them. {Arg!} I have to correct people when they say things like 'funner' and use double negatives. {rubs temples} And I tend to relive the most embarrassing moments of my life, in full color, slo-mo style. I may need medication! :wink:
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Black Friday Starts Today on Amazon.com =-.

  2. Not quite sure if you will call this a neuroses, but when I crack one of my fingers accidentally or in purpose:), I have to crack all ten fingers and believe it or not, I also have to crack my toes. This is the reason why I refrain from doing so when I am not at home, lol
    .-= DiTesco´s last blog ..DiTesco's Weekly Echo #11 =-.

  3. Thanks goodness I'm not the only one that cracks my fingers, not my toes though, but I do have a habit of straightening my arms and cracking my elbows :?
    .-= Karen @ Blazing Minds´s last blog ..More Blogger and Who’s The Band Interviews Wanted =-.

  4. I find myself counting when I'm doing a mindless task such as raking leaves or pouring milk. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5; OK, that cup is a 5." Sheesh, what's with that?

  5. I count stairs, any stairs I go up or down must be counted. I can tell you how many stairs are to my basement, my grandparents' house, my old houses that I haven't lived in in years etc.

    I also HAVE to pee directly before going to bed. It doesn't matter if 5 min before I went if I decide to go to bed I HAVE to go again or I'll lay there and think "I didn't pee I'll have to get up and do it soon."
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..When you think of something write it down... =-.

  6. P.S. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog :)
    .-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog ..10 Reasons I Stop Reading Blogs =-.

  7. I think I do have a neurosis. I hate it (such a strong word) when people can't show up on time for anything. It gets to me so bad that I am notoriously early by about 30 minutes to an hour for most of my appointments. Tardiness drives me nuts, to the point I want to scream but I don't I simply suppress the anger and keep it moving.

    That’s all I want to share for now after all it’s my first visit and we just met. ;)
    .-= Ms. Freeman ´s last blog ..10 Reasons I Stop Reading Blogs =-.

  8. I can't eat a pea that is even a bit shriveled.

    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..10 Top Blogging Addiction Signs + Recommended Treatments =-.

  9. I sing while doing tasks. When I was, uh, hosing off a comforter my son had, um, vomited on [eggs, yeah] I kept singing - over and over again - ♫ the incredible edible egg ♫ I couldn't help myself. :?
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Great Deals for the [Audio]Book Lover on Your List =-.

  10. I must always put my left shoe on first, compulsive hand-washing, and a need to find words, phrases, sentences, titles, anything equaling 12 letters. I find it comforting to be able to divide it into multiples of 3's. Freaky huh? I must have a need for balance.

    Sandra Bullock has a new movie coming out called The/Bli/nds/ide

  11. Baby! I had no idea! I never notice you washing your hands. Ever. And I didn't know about the 12 thing. I wonder what that means?

    I have a feeling Holly's going to agree with you on the balance issue. Funny, my compulsive stepping thing to even out the sensations on both sides of my body (not so much now as when I was a kid) is about balance. Hmm..

    Verdict: You're nutter than me. :P

  12. Oh, that's most definitely a neuroses, DiTesco.

    Diagnosis: Super Freak, the kind you don't take home to Mother.

  13. You sound freakishly normal to me, Anne. Given that...

    Diagnosis: You must be a nut, then.

  14. Now that's just cute. :) The singing, not the vomiting. I think your spirit is glowing most of the time.

  15. @Rosemary, It could be three things. 1) anxiety 2) an attempt to stay in the moment, or 3) contradictory to number two, an attempt to distance yourself from the moment

    Diagnosis: Too early to tell. Need more information.

  16. The counting stairs thing is a self-protective mechanism borne out of fear that you don't have complete control over your life, and/or the need to protect yourself and others. You count the stairs so you won't trip and break your neck if you suddenly lose your sight, or are carrying a child or package of groceries that blocks your vision.

    I'm the same way about peeing before bed. I pee, then get into bed, then I need to pee again! This started after pregnancy.

    Diagnosis: Normal

  17. :o

    Diagnosis: You are deathly afraid of "shrinkage".

  18. You adjust your behavior far to the other side to make up for the bad behavior of others? That seems unfair somehow. I hope I wasn't late in replying to your comment, or you'll kicka me bootay.

    Diagnosis: Obsessive, perfectionist people-pleaser with a good sense of humor. Love your blog by the way.

  19. Andy, you're one of the funniest & most neurotic people I know lol

    It would be easier for you to list things you're NOT neurotic about!

  20. That bothers me, too. Two spaces after each sentence is mandatory if you ask me. Sometimes, I delay hitting the publish button just to obsess about these things. And you say all that work was for nothing? Darn WordPress. Ahehehe
    .-= jan geronimo´s last blog ..Anatomy of My FarmVille Addiction =-.

  21. Oh, I've no quirks in me. Everything is in their dreary, usual places... Wait, when I go to work and on the road I usually go back to double check if I have locked the door. Of course, I've never failed to lock it. Just making sure, the law of averages doesn't catch up with me.

  22. Well, I suffer from anxiety, which is a very common neuroses. I took the test at neuroses.org and these are my results "You are definitely neurotic, but there is still hope for you."
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..http://rosedesrochers.todays-woman.net/2009/11/25/decorative-planters-for-my-kitchen/ =-.

  23. Oh that's not normal?! :p Two spaces after a period. One after a colon: see?

    I give myself a headache when I read words in all CAPS and with EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!! I just can't help but read them as they are written - with full emotion. :P

    And when I hear a word pronounced incorrectly, I whisper to myself the correct way to pronounce it, just to assure myself that things will be OK... LOL!
    .-= reyjr´s last blog .."Can't you just cut me some slacks?!" and other hilarious one liners =-.

  24. We all suffer from neurosis, although we are not aware of it. The truth of the matter is we suffer from the neurosis of our minds. Think about it. This world we are living is full of conflicts; isn't this the product of neurotic mind? You are blessed because your neurosis is not destructive, unlike so many in this world. :-)
    .-= Walter´s last blog ..Nobody wants to listen =-.

  25. I think the two spaces after a period thing was normal, but changing. I always did it too, but people got on me about it all the time so I finally acquiesced and started doing one. It took me FOREVER to accomplish that. HI!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  26. Diagnosis: Too much Farmville has eaten away at you. ;-)

  27. I suffer from that as well, it ebbs and flows. I'll have to head over to neuroses.org. Kind of afraid to do it, but it's better to know what I'm dealing with - we usually imagine things as so much worse than they actually are.

  28. I agree that I am blessed, and thank you Walter. I was very self-destructive for a long time, a product of losing faith in the rightness of the universe and taking my anger out on myself. I'm working my way out of that. There are so many things in this world that we can not change, and unspeakable evil does in fact exist, but we can do our best to see things in a helpful way.

    I think one of the most important things we can do to free up our souls is to brush small injustices and bad feelings off of ourselves as with metal shavings to a magnet. When I think ugly thoughts I often literally brush them off of myself until I feel lighter and freer again, and then I am able to minimize the collateral damage of my feelings on the world. (Not always, though! lol And it is hard. The process needs constant reinforcement.) It would be much harder if I had to face a personal tragedy. I often wonder how people who have had certain things happen to themselves or family members are able to press on with hearts filled with love. They are to be admired and supported.

  29. I love my new title "perfectionist people-pleaser" and that's Ms. PPP to the rest of the folks ;)
    .-= Ms. Freeman´s last blog ..10 Quick Alexa Reviews for my Blog Buddies =-.

  30. I only recently started putting one space after the period. This was after my sister so kindly told me I was out-dated and showing my age. {sigh} Then when I try to snub my nose at the one space in a comment WP takes it all away. Oh, WP, how thee mock me! :o
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..~ Global Influence Holiday Guide ~ =-.

  31. Most definitely! I told my kids it's hereditary. We get nuttier with each generation. By the time they have kids they will be wearing these pretty white jackets and spend their days in rooms covered with much padding. :wink:
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..~ Global Influence Holiday Guide ~ =-.

  32. Tell me about it! It's a b*tch trying to type with one of those things on! Plus, a fly always lands on your nose.


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